Is registration of births/deaths mandatory?
- Registration of Deaths and Still births in India is mandatory as per Registration of Births and Death Act (RBD Act), 1969
- It is done as per place of occurrence of the event
Responsible person for informing the fact of “death” to the designated Registrars
Place of death | Informant |
1)Hospital, nursing home, etc. | Medical Officer in-charge (M.O. I/c) or any person authorized by the M.O. I/c |
2)Other institutions |
a)Hotel, hostel, dharamshala, etc. | Person in-charge |
b)Jail | Jailor in-charge |
3)Home |
a)In village | Head of the household or other relative to ANM/ASHA/AWW* |
b)In town, city, etc. | Head of the household or other relative to Municipal Health Officer/ Registrar in-charge |
Responsible person for informing the fact of “death” to the designated Registrars
Place of death | Informant |
4)Moving vehicle |
a)Ambulance | Driver |
b)Other vehicle (airplane, ship, tonga, etc.) | Person in-charge of the moving vehicle |
5)Plantation | Superintendent/ Manager |
6)Public place (eg road, bus-stand, etc.) | Head of the household or other relative to ANM/ASHA/AWW* |
a)In village | Panchayat (village) head |
b)In town, city, etc. | Officer-in-charge of local police station |
* ANM = Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife; ASHA = Accredited Social Health Activist; AWW = Anganwadi worker (all three are village level government workers) |
Additional information
Prescribed period for notification of death/still-birth to Registrar of Births/Deaths |
21 Days |
Official document that will be handed over to the family by the Registrar |
the 'Death Certificate’ (this will state the date and place of death but not the cause-of-death) (FORM 6) |
Fee to be charged by the Registrar for issuing the official government 'Death Certificate' |
Nil (=zero) |
Can late registration be done beyond 21 days after death? And if so, how? |
21 to 30 days --> on payment of Rs. 2/- fine 31 days to 1 year --> on approval by Officer on payment of Rs. 5/- fine After 1 year --> on approval by a First Class Magistrate and on payment of Rs. 10/- fine |
Form 6 - Government issued death certificate
When to fill the MCCD form?
From the previous slides, it is now clear that when the death occurs in the hospital, the Superintendent or Medical Officer in-charge is bound to notify the Government registrar about the fact of death. In addition, the cause-of-death must also be intimated. This depends on whether it is a natural death or a medico-legal case, as determined below from the manner of death
Manner of death |
Natural (=biomedical) |
Accident/ suicide / homicide /undetermined intent (=medico-legal) |
When to fill the MCCD form?
If it is a medico-legal case, the final cause-of-death form can be submitted after the enquiry is over; but if it is a natural cause of death, then the cause-of-death form (Form 4 or 4A) must also be submitted to the government registrar by the hospital superintendent along with the notification of the fact of death
Hence the attending physician must certify the Cause-of-death soon after death
Who should fill the MCCD form - ordinary cases?
Death in Hospital | Who is to certify? |
1. Ward, OPD, ICU, Operating theatre, etc | - attending physician of the hospital |
2.Emergency Room (ER) | - attending physician in E.R. (based on whatever information is available; can fill MCCD form immediately if natural death and can fill later if medico-legal case) |
Who should fill the MCCD form - ordinary cases?
Death outside hospital and brought dead | Who is to certify? |
For eg Death in ambulance or at home or on the way |
1)If medico-legal case – wait for final autopsy/enquiry report 2)If natural death – a)If patient of the hospital discharged/taken discharge due to poor prognosis or while referring out to another hospital, then ER physician can fill Form 4A in consultation with the attending physician b)If brought dead as a fresh case, Form 4A needs to be filled by the usual family physician or physician assigned by the Civil registrar |
What is to be handed over to the relatives?
Only this bottom tear-off portion of the MCCD Form 4 (for hospital death)
What is to be handed over to the relatives?
Only this bottom tear-off portion of the MCCD Form 4A (for out-of-hospital death)
What will the relative do with the tear-off portion? And what is its use?
2)Show at government registrar office to get the Govt death certificate (form 6)
The relative will use the tear-off portion for 2 main uses:
1)Produce at cemetery/ crematorium for burial/ cremation
What will the relative do with the tear-off portion? And what is its use?
Government Death Certificate (Form 6) by the Government office is issued to the relative only when Form 4 or 4A tear-off portion and Form 2 is submitted together by the relative to the Government office
Form 6
What to do for Home Deaths
For event notification according to time period | <30 days | 31 days to 1 year | > 1 year |
1)For fact of death | ≤21 days free 22-30 on payment of Rs. 2/- fine |
- with affidavit by notary public or other authorized officer (eg revenue officer) & - payment of Rs. 5/- fine |
- By magistrate of 1st class after verification & - Payment of Rs. 10/- fine |
What to do for Home Deaths
For event notification according to time period | <30 days | 31 days to 1 year | > 1 year |
2)For cause-of-death | Form 4A by medical officer from PHC (or) family physician (or) medical officer authorized by the municipality/corporation (or) from hospital (where patient was last being seen for terminal illness) |
Probable medico-legal cases…
• any suicide
• any accident
• any death by drowning
• any death by burning, scalding, fire or explosion
• certain deaths of children - any sudden death in
infancy, any death due to suffocation, any death of a foster child
Probable medico-legal cases…
• death arising out of the use of a vehicle including a bus, lorry, train, aircraft. etc
• death involving fault or neglect on the part of another
• any death due to violent, suspicious or unexplained cause
• any death due to poisoning or suspected poisoning, including by prescription or non- prescription drugs, other substances, gas or solvent fumes
Probable medico-legal cases…
• any death as a result of medical mishap
• any death in legal custody
e-MCCD M3U2S1 final
By drkavya1
e-MCCD M3U2S1 final
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