What will life be like in 2090?

Agrupamento de Escolas D.Dinis
Escola Secundária D.Dinis, Lisboa
Curso Profissional de Técnico  de  Multimédia

Disciplina  de  Inglês
Professora Teresa  Moita

What will life be like in 2090?

Life in the year 2090 will be very tecnologic and very developed in terms of communication and technological gadgets.  

There are going to be flying cars and cures for deceases that didn't exist before.

Life will be more easy and fast.

Will our life at home be more comfortable?

Life at home will be more easy and full of devices that will do our tasks, machines that will cook for us, clean our bedroom, do our homeworks while we are at the computer in many social networks and watching tv.

Will our jobs have become easier?

Our jobs, in the future, will be replaced by robots and we will no longer work. We won't receive a salary at the end of the month.  The number of poor people will increase while the rich people will get richer and the poor will get even poorer.  We will spend the whole day at home without doing anything.

Will our health have become better because of new technology?

Yes, new cures will be found for uncurable deseases like AIDS . People will live longer because our lifetime will be bigger and with new cures, our world population will raise and earth will be overpopulated. There is going to be no space in this earth for more people.

Will there be schools as we know them today?

With the evolution of technology comes great advantages like talking with people from the four corners of the world, therefore, students can have classes from anywhere, because with a computer you can travel, and there are going to be internet schools for internet students.

How will teens spend their freetime?...

Teens will spend their freetime in front of computer, playing the most outraged games ever known in history.  If not, then most of teens will become very depended of our social devices and are going to forget about their friends and family. A normal family, after a short period of time, will become a bunch of strangers living in a house.


Life in the year 2090 is going to be different. People will learn different lifestyles and will be very depended of technology to do their affairs. Life is going to be a rolercoaster, full of new devices that make people get addicted with their devices and with the things that that devices bring.


This presentation was constructed and presented by:
Edite Fernandes, n.º 14, 10.ºM
Mónica Branco, n.º25, 10.ºM


By Edite Fernandes


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