Espen Henriksen

Front-end team lead

Oslo Market Solutions





Or the story of how the Grinch stole the password

What even is it?

Some facts

  • "Web Authentication API"
  • New browser API
  • Generates asymetric crypto keys stored securely in the browser
  • Uses the browser Credential Management API
  • Integrates with the OS in interesting ways
  • Enables passwordless login

Isn't 2FA good enough?

Isn't 2FA good enough?

Isn't 2FA good enough?

Phishing is a real threat

Passwordless login

  • Better than passwords
  • Cannot be phished
  • Cannot be stolen
  • Cannot be reused
  • Very user friendly
  • Is a strong enough authentication that it can be used as the only factor
  • Can also work as a second factor




  • OS decides which authenticator to use
  • Authenticator be one of:
    • TouchID / Fingerprint
    • Retina scan
    • FaceID
    • Windows Hello
    • U2F / Phone
    • PIN
    • etc.
  • Opens the door for very ergronomic logon experiences

Example: Key generation

// Get server to issue a challenge
const response = await post('/begin-make-credential', { username });
const data = await response.json();

// register / create a new credential
const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey: {
  // Relying Party (a.k.a. - OMS):
  rp: data.rp,

  // User id, name and displayName to identify the key
  user: data.user,

  // List of random bytes from server
  challenge: strToUintArray(data.challenge),

  // Options for key generation
  pubKeyCredParams: [{ type: "public-key", alg: -7 }]

// Send public key and signed data to server
await post('/submit-and-verify-credential', { credential });

Example: Authentication

// Get server to issue a challenge
const response = await post('/begin-authentication', { username });
const data = await response.json();

// Fetch existing credential from user agent
const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: {
  // Relying Party's ID, for example ""
  rpId: data.rpId,

  // List of random bytes from server
  challenge: strToUintArray(data.challenge),

  // Allowed credentials, for example a list of public keys the server knows
  allowCredentials: data.allowCredentials,

  // Require user interation, for example biometric input
  userVerification: 'required',

// Send completed challenge to server for verification
await post('/finish-authentication', { credential });

Prove it!


An example:

Elisa and Tri-bank







Why do I care?


  • Passwords are broken
  • Users forget passwords
  • Users reuse passwords
  • Passwords need to be stored safely
  • Passwords can be phished, keylogged, screen-peeked, lost...
  • 2FA is required for optimal security, WebAuthn has its own second factor
  • SMS 2FA is weak

User friendly

  • Very user friendly
  • Tightly coupled to the OS
  • Automatically accessible
  • Easier register & login flow means higher conversion rate
  • Once implemented can be reused very easily

Use cases

  • The primary login avenue
  • A secondary, more user-friendly login
  • As 2FA after primary login
  • Passwordless re-authentication before sensitive operations
  • A second primary login avenue with reduced rights
    • For example, no trading, only viewing

Is passwordless login 2FA?


  • What factors does WebAuthn provide?
  • First factor: Assymetric key
  • Second factor: Authenticator
  • First factor is something you have
  • Second factor is something you are (biometrics)

Browser support


Questions? Discussion?

Web Authentication

By Eline H

Web Authentication

  • 121