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Why FP Matters
Eli Jordan
Game Plan
- What is functional programming
- Human problem solving
- Compositionality
- Modularity / Maintainability / Testability
What Is Functional Programming?
- Programming with pure functions
What Is Functional Programming?
- A pure function is a total mapping between two sets
- The output is determined entirely by its input.
- They are mathematical functions.
- Evaluating an expression always results in the same answer.
- We can always inline or factor out a sub expression. Since it will yield the same result.
- This property is called referential transparency
Referential Transparency
val x = ${expr}
(x, x)
(${expr}, ${expr})
are these programs the same..?
It depends on ${expr}
Referential Transparency
val x = "hello"
(x, x)
("hello", "hello")
are these programs the same..?
Referential Transparency
val x = println("hello")
(x, x)
(println("hello"), println("hello"))
are these programs the same..?
Referential Transparency
- Every expression is either referentially transparent or it's not.
- If its not, its a side effect
- If it is, its a pure expression
Functional Programs
- Are built using pure expressions.
- Can be reasoned about using substitution.
- Are composed of smaller programs.
Human Problem Solving
Human Problem Solving
- Programs are executed on a computers CPU
- However, programming languages are for humans!
- So, programming languages and paradigms should
be optimised for the human factor
Miller's Law
"the number of objects an average human can hold in short-term memory is 7 ± 2"
- Wikipedia
Miller's Law
- This inherent limitation, is reflected in the way we solve problems.
- We decompose into smaller and smaller sub-problems, until there are 7 ± 2 objects required in the
- The solutions are then composed, to solve the larger problem.
Miller's Law
- For this to be effective in reducing our cognitive burden..
- We need to be able to predict the result of composition, based on only:
- The solutions that are being composed
- The semantics of the composition
- Otherwise, there can be emergent behaviour.
- Reason locally about the composition
This is
"the meaning of a complex expression is determined by the meanings of its constituent expressions and the rules used to combine them."
- Wikipedia
- If we have the pieces of the program that can be individually understood and we know how to glue them together then we understand the whole program.
- If we can solve problems with A, B and C individually, we can solve any problem that is any combination of A, B, C.
val reader = new BufferedReader(
new FileReader("my-file.txt")
var line = reader.readLine()
var count = 0
while(line != null) {
val words = line.split("\\s")
words.foreach { w =>
count += 1
line = reader.readLine()
val path = Paths.get("my-file.txt")
readAll[IO](path, blockingEc, 4096)
.flatMap(s => Stream.emits(s.split("\\s")))
.map(_ => 1)
.fold(0)(_ + _)
.evalMap(c => IO(println(c)))
val path = Paths.get("my-file.txt")
val bytes = readAll[IO](path, blockingEc, 4096)
type Transform[-A, +B] = Pipe[IO, A, B]
val words: Transform[String, String] =
_.flatMap(s => Stream.emits(s.split("\\s")))
val ones: Transform[String, Int] = => 1)
val sum: Transform[Int, Int] =
_.fold(0)(_ + _)
val print: Transform[Int, Unit] =
_.evalMap(x => IO(println(x)))
val transforms: Transform[Byte, Unit] =
text.utf8Decode[IO] andThen
text.lines andThen
words andThen
ones andThen
sum andThen
Functional Programming
- Pure, mathematical functions like those used in functional programming, are compositional.
- So, functional programming is really the study of compositional software.
- Compositionality has massive benefits for our ability to reason about the systems we are building.
- Compositional programs are easily composed, and recomposed.
- When requirements change and the software needs to be adpated, the compositonality makes this very easy.
- In imperative systems, there are often hidden dependencies and emergent properties that require non-local reasoning to understand. This makes changes harder.
- Compositional programs are easier to reason about, since they can be understood in small chunks.
- When a change is required in an unfamiliar area, you can be confident that your change will only have a local impact.
- A new team member can reason about a small part of the application, without needing a global understanding.
- The meaning of our programs are defined by the meanings of the components and the meaning of the composition.
- So to be confident that our software is working as expected
- Test each of the components in isolation
- Test that the components are assembled in the correct manner.
- Thats it!
- Functional programming is programming with referentially transparent functions.
- Functions that are not referentially transparent, are side effects.
- Referentially transparent functions are compositional
Compositionality makes it much easier for people to reason about complex programs.
- Therefore, FP matters 😃
- Composing Programs -
- FP with effects -
- Category Theory Motivations -
- Miller's Law -,_Plus_or_Minus_Two
Why FP Matters
By Eli Jordan
Why FP Matters
- 942