Working in

    Open Source

Joel Maher

what is open source?


1953 - UNIVAC A-2 system released source code

1983 - Free Software Movement / GNU

1991 - Linux

1998 - Netscape - "Open Source" became a keyword

    How it worked in the past

Discussions took place in newsgroups and bbs

Code was distributed via ftp

Source control wasn't common

Always build your own code

Why would I spend my time on this?

  • Opportunity to learn
  • Build your resume
  • Meet new people
  • Create a project you will use
  • Get your name recognized
  • Contribute to alternatives
  • Trust the code that you run
  • many other reasons
   Does Open Source pay the bills?

Open Source is not always about financial profit

Many business work in an open source environment providing support or tools for a price

Companies are becoming more comfortable making open source code as they depend on open source projects to make a profit
        Who uses open source

Mozilla, RedHat, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, Wikipedia, N[A]SA,  just about any company.

Millions of end users use open source software daily.

Thousands of people actively contribute to projects

   Common Open Source Projects 

Firefox / Chromium (web browsers)
Apache (Web server for many websites)
Linux (Operating System behind many servers, routers)
Django, Drupal, Joomla (CMS systems)
Python, GNU, Ruby (Programming tools)
LibreOffice (Replace Microsoft Office)
  Wordpress (most popular blogging platform)

Facebook, Twitter, and Google all depend heavily on OSS and do their part to contribute many resources towards OSS.

Be prepared for criticism, NOT always constructive.

Don't expect help and patience from all owners of projects or contributors to your projects.

Don't expect your contributions to be accepted or valued.

Your projects will be copied and changed, don't take it personal.

         How to get started

find a project (github, bitbucket, openhatch)

get the source code (clone, download)

fix a bug, add a feature

write tests and documentation


           Final Thought


"Being open encourages access to raw data, less short cuts, and higher quality work.  Use your strengths to make a difference and the community to grow your weaknesses."

Contributing to open source projects

By Joel Maher

Contributing to open source projects

How to contribute to open source projects and some of the not so obvious things.

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