What I learned at the

2018 Fall CNI Meeting


Emily Singley

December, 2018

Key Takeaways:


Scholarly Communication is shifting away from the library


Need for more collaboration between IT and libraries



"Repository systems that are central and disciplinary are gaining ground"



"We haven't yet moved past the PDF"


  • Digital format is still a print representation
  • pubpub
  • Fulcrum
  • Proliferation of formats is not scalable

"Technology expertise at institutions has become very diffuse"

  • Central IT not engaged in academic needs
  • Academic technology supported in many different areas (library, ed tech, grants)
  • Generational shift in leadership
  • CNI holding a series of conversations



"Researchers shouldn't have to

navigate our IT silos"


  • How do you offer holistically organized research services?
  • Calls for a different organizational model





Big Picture:

"We are in a period of "technology hype" ...and are losing track of what problems we are trying to solve."

--Clifford Lynch, CNI

Watch the video

2018 Fall CNI Meeting

By Emily Singley

2018 Fall CNI Meeting

What I learned from the 2018 CNI Fall meeting - a presentation at Tech Playground, Boston College Libraries. December, 2018

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