Angular 2


Emmanuel DEMEY

Consultant & Formateur Web

Zenika Nord


Web / Domotique / Histoire / Biérologie

Préparer votre application à Angular2

John Papa's styleguide

Autres Règles

  • 1 composant AngularJS par fichier
  • ECMAScript 2015
  • Syntaxe Component As 
  • bindToController dans l'API des directives
  • Component-First Approach
  • Utilise le nouveau Router
  • Création de service via la méthode service

Mise en pratique


npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-angular
  • Implémente le guideline de John Papa
  • Rules :
    • Component-First Approach : ng_no_controller
    • controllerAs : ng_controller_as_*

Les choses que nous n'aimons pas...

Architecture AngularJS

DI (provider, service, factory...)





API des Directives

app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
    return  {       
       restrict: 'AE',
       require: '?^^ngModel',
       scope: { variable: '@' },  
       compile: function(...) {
           return {
               pre: function(...) { ... },
               post: function(...) { ... }
       link: function(...) { ... }       

API des Directives

app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
    return  {
       restrict: 'AE', 
       require: '?^^ngModel',
       scope: { variable: '@' },  
       compile: function(...) {
           return {
               pre: function(...) { ... },
               post: function(...) { ... }
       link: function(...) { ... }

API des Directives

app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
    return  {
       restrict: 'AE', 
       require: '?^^ngModel',
       scope: { variable: '@' },  
       compile: function(...) {
           return {
               pre: function(...) { ... },
               post: function(...) { ... }
       link: function(...) { ... }

API des Directives

app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
    return  {
       restrict: 'AE', 
       require: '?^^ngModel',
       scope: { variable: '@' },  
       compile: function(...) {
           return {
               pre: function(...) { ... },
               post: function(...) { ... }
       link: function(...) { ... }
<input ng-model="firstName">

   {{firstName }}

2-way data-binding

2-way data-binding

<input ng-model="firstName"

   {{firstName }}

2-way data-binding

<input ng-model="firstName">

   {{::firstName }}

Et ce n'est pas fini...

Mais aussi...

  • Pas de Server-Side Rendering
  • Gestion des événements (ngClick, ...)
  • Gestion des attributs HTML (ngSrc, ...)

La solution... Angular 2

Attention !

Version Alpha

P(eu|as) de Doc

  • Architecture
  • Composants
  • Injection de Dépendance
  • Pipes

Architecture Angular 2





(classes ES6 ou TypeScript)

(classes ES6 ou TypeScript)

La Famille JavaScript




  • Classe
  • Modules
  • ...
  • Type Annotation
  • Meta Annotation
  • ...

Les Web Components

Custom Elements



Shadow DOM

Les composants

Composants Angular 2

  • Ressources de base en Angular 2
  • Tout est composant
  • Application représentée par un arbre de composants
  • Utilisation de métadonnées pour configurer un composant
function MyAppComponent() {


MyAppComponent.annotations = [
    new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
        selector: 'my-app'
    new angular.ViewAnnotation({
        template: "<main>" + 
                       "<h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>" +

Composant version ES5

import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>
class MyAppComponent {


Composant version TypeScript

import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>
class MyAppComponent {


Bootstrap de l'Application


Root Cpt

Child1 Cpt

Child2 Cpt



Property Binding

<input [attr]="expression" />
  • Accès à toutes les propriétés des éléments HTML
  • Possibilité de définir de nouvelles propriétés
  • Compatibilité avec d'autres spécifications

Property Binding

    <h1>My First Angular2 app</h1>

Property Binding

    <h1 [textContent]="'My First Angular2 app'">

Property Binding

    <h1>{{'My First Angular2 app'}}

Property Binding

//<beerItem [beer]="'Maredsous'"></beerItem>
  selector: 'beerItem',
  inputs: ['beer']
  template: `<section>
                <button>Je veux celle-ci !</button>
class BeerItem {
    beer: String;

Event Binding

<input (event)="expression" />
  • Accès à tous les événements des éléments HTML
  • Possibilité de définir de nouveaux événements

Event Bindings

//<beerItem [beer]="'Maredsous'" (selectBeer)="sendToBeerTap()"></beerItem>
  selector: 'beerItem',
  inputs: ['beer'],
  outputs: ['selectBeer']
  template: `<section>
                <button (click)="selectItem()">Je veux celle-ci !</button>
class BeerItem {
  beer: String;
  selectBeer: EventEmitter;
  selectItem() {;
Attribute names must consist of one or more characters other than the space characters, U+0000 NULL, """, "'", ">", "/", "=", the control characters, and any characters that are not defined by Unicode.

Syntaxe valide ?

Syntaxe valide ?

Component Dependency

  • Nécessité d'importer les composants nécessaires à votre application
  • Propriété directives de @View
  • Erreur si composants non utilisés

Component Dependency

import {Component, View, bootstrap, NgFor} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {BeerItem} from 'BeerItem';

@Component({ selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main class="mdl-layout__content">
                    <ul class="googleapp-card-list">
                        <li *ng-for="#beer of beers">
                            <beerItem [beer]="beer"></beerItem>
    directives: [NgFor, BeerItem]
class MyAppComponent {
    public beers: String[] = [];
    constructor() { ... }

Support des WebComponents


@Component({ })
  template: string,
  templateUrl: string,
  encapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation,
  directives?: List<any>,
  styles?: List<string>,
  styleUrls?: List<string>,
class BeerItem { }


//From modules/angular2/src/core/render/api.ts

 * How the template and styles of a view should be encapsulated.
export enum ViewEncapsulation {
   * Emulate scoping of styles by preprocessing the style rules
   * and adding additional attributes to elements. This is the default.
   * Uses the native mechanism of the renderer. For the DOM this means creating a 
   * ShadowRoot.
   * Don't scope the template nor the styles.

Injection de Dépendance

Injection de Dépendances

  • Code métier dans des services
  • Chaque Service est un singleton
  • Principe d'Hollywood
  • Multiples implémentations en NG1 !

DI version Angular2

  • 1 Injecteur principal + 1 Injecteur par composant
    • Hérite de l'injecteur parent
    • Possibilité de redéfinir le Service à injecter
  • Utilisation d'annotations en ES6 et des types en TypeScript
  • Services disponibles via le constructeur du composant

Injecteur Principal - toValue

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
    constructor(private breweryName:String) { ... }

bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(String).toValue('Zenika Brewery')]);

Injecteur Principal - toClass

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
    constructor(private breweryService:BreweryServiceI) { 
        this.breweryName = this.breweryService.getBreweryName();

bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(BreweryServiceI).toClass(BreweryService)]);

Injecteur Principal - toClass

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
    constructor(private breweryService:BreweryService) { 
        this.breweryName = this.breweryService.getBreweryName();

bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [BreweryService]);

Injecteur Principal - toFactory

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
                 <h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
    constructor(public breweryName:String) { ... }

            .toFactory((BreweryService) => {
                return BreweryService.getBreweryName();          
            }, [BreweryService])]);

Child Injector

@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
    template: `<main>
    directives: [WelcomeMessage]
class MyAppComponent {
    constructor(public breweryName:String) { ... }

bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(String).toValue('Zenika Brewery')]);

Child Injector

    selector: 'welcome-message'
    template: `<h1>Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>`
class WelcomeMessage {
    constructor(public breweryName:String) { ... }

Child Injector

    selector: 'welcome-message'
    template: `<h1>Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>`,
    bindings: [
        bind(String).toValue('Awesome Zenika Brewery')
class WelcomeMessage {
    constructor(public breweryName:String){ ... }


Petit Rappel

{{ collectionOfBeers | orderBy:'note' | limitTo:5 }}


  • Identiques aux filtres d'AngularJS 1
  • Permet de manipuler une donnée
  • Utilisation d'une classe annotée @Pipe
  • Pipes disponibles dans le framework : 
    • upperCase, lowerCase, async, number, slice, json et date


import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from 'angular2/angular2';

  name: 'uppercase'
export class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: String, args: any[]) {
    return value.toUpperCase();


import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {UpperCasePipe} from './UpperCasePipe.ts'

  selector: 'widget1'
  template: `<div>{{'Démo utilisant les pipes' | uppercase}}</div>`,
  pipes: [UpperCasePipe]
export class Widget1{}


import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {UpperCasePipe} from './UpperCasePipe.ts'

  selector: 'widget1'
    template: ``,
    bindings: [UpperCasePipe] 
export class Widget1{
    constructor(public upperCasePipe:UpperCasePipe){
      this.upperCasePipe.transform('Un autre exemple...');









































Mixer AngularJS et Angular2


Questions ?


By Emmanuel Demey


  • 1,742