Why and how to become a speaker
Who am I?
3 years as speaker
Who am I?
- Devoxx France
- Devoxx Belgium
- Devoxx UK
- Devoxx Morocco
- Voxxed Days Singapore
- Riviera Dev
- Mixit
- BDX.io
- Devfest Nantes
- SnowcampIO
- Breizhcamp
- ...
Who are you?
But... Why?
Presenting a subject will help you master it
You get to assist to other talks
You will meet people
Travel opportunities
You will gain exposure
Okay you got me at "travel"...
How do I do that?
Call For Paper
Propose a talk
The jury deliberates
- Lightning talks (5 to 15 min)
- Quickies (≈ 30 min)
- Tools in Action (≈ 30 min)
- Conference (45 to 55 min)
- Universities (2h to 3h)
- Codelabs (2h to 3h)
- Lightning talks (5 to 15 min)
- Quickies (≈ 30 min)
- Tools in Action (≈ 30 min)
- Conference (45 to 55 min)
- Universities (2h to 3h)
- Codelabs (2h to 3h)
- Category
- Title
- Abstract for participants
- Speaker qualifications
- Free text for the jury
Not too much proposals!
Your talk don't need to be ready
Where to find CFP?
- Twitter / Mailing List of conferences
- IT CFP List (calendar) ou @ItCfpList
- CFP Land (site web) ou @cfp_land
- @TechDailyCFP
You've made it! Congrats! 🥳
Check back with Viseo then confirm to the conference
What should I talk about?
general overview
Advanced subjects, focus
Experience feedback
Start from the problem
Tell your audience a story
And don't spend too much time introducing the character (you)...
And what about my slides?
- Display
- Step
- By
- Step
import {Code} from 'code-slides';
import {compile} from 'whatever';
const result = Code.dontNeedTo(compile());
const result = Code.dontNeedTo(compile());
// And it's better with bright themes
- Bright theme
- An image is worth thousand words
- Link to your slides in the first and last slides
- No bullet points
Preparation Time!
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse...
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse...
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!
Rehearse in the same conditions as your talk
- Slides first vs Plan first
- By heart vs Improvisation
- Months before vs day before
It's D-day!
- Prepare your environment (IDE, slides, size)
- Have all connectors (HDMI, VGA)
- Remote controller loaded
- Plan a backup / offline first
- Take off conference badge
- Tweet your slides
- Start with a few questions
- Take your time
- Know how to finish
- Watch for time
But... I'm afraid 😱
What I know
Imposter Syndrom
What others know
Small steps to fight your glossophobia
- BBLs
- Meetup
- Big / Small conferences
- Toastmaster
Believe it or not...
People are kind
Questions are optional
You can have a cospeaker
Remember this?
- Devoxx France
- Devoxx Belgium
- Devoxx UK
- Devoxx Morocco
- Voxxed Days Singapore
- Riviera Dev
- Mixit
- BDX.io
- Devfest Nantes
- SnowcampIO
- Breizhcamp
- ...
Where I've been refused
- Devoxx Belgium
- Devoxx UK
- Devoxx Morocco
- Voxxed Days Singapore
- Voxxed Days Frontend
- Voxxed Days Milano
- Riviera Dev
- Devfest Paris
- Devfest du Bout du Monde
- Devfest Lille
- Devfest Toulouse
- SnowcampIO
- Breizhcamp
- Zurich Frontend
- BlendWebMix
- Web Summer Camp
- JS Conf US
- Oracle Code One
- BDX.io
- Sunnytech
- Mixit
- ...
I'm interested!
Let's stay in touch!
Become a speaker
By ereold
Become a speaker
- 1,168