
@JoGrenat #elmlang






Jordane Grenat


Front-end is dominated by

JavaScript is backward compatible

Biggest advantage

Biggest disadvantage

You can't deprecate things !!! 😱

null > 0  // false

null == 0 // false

null >= 0 // ... true

JS syntax size



A LOT to learn!

  • The language is complex
  • Many ways to do the same thing
  • Framework choice / learning
  • Tooling

Hard to optimize

  • Dead code elimination / Tree shaking
  • Assets size
  • Complex build

Low confidence level

  • Null / undefined values
  • Minor IDE assistance
  • Refactoring is painful
  • Slow feedback cycle: runtime
  • Dependencies are risky

By Chris Williams

Elm is a typed functional language to create fast and reliable web applications

Websites and webapps

Domain specific

Statically typed

  • Many bugs don't compile
  • IDE can help you
  • Refactoring is compiler-driven
  • Feedback cycle is really fast


17K+ LoC

200K+ LoC

Functional programming is a way of writing programs by using pure functions and avoiding mutable data and side-effects



function sendEmail(user) {


No unwanted side-effect

function sendEmail(user) {
    if (user.email === null) {
        throw new Error('No email provided for the user');

function sendEmail(user) {
    if (user.email === null) {
        throw new Error('No email provided for the user');

Side-effect = command, explicitely declared


"Elm has a very strong emphasis on simplicity, ease-of-use, and quality tooling."

Simplicity, ease of use

  • Focused on one purpose
  • Syntax removal
  • Well-thought API
  • Explicitness

Quality tooling

  • Compiler
  • Project starter
  • Package manager
  • Dev environment
  • REPL
  • Tests runner
  • Doc tool

Enforced documentation

Enforced versioning


Nothing changed for the outside

Something was added

Something has changed

Great community

See also Building Trust: What Has Worked by Richard Feldman 

and What is success? by Evan Czaplicki

Great community


I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. [...] This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes [...]

– Tony Hoare –


  twentyFour + sixteen
3 * 8 + 4 * 4

  twentyFour =
    3 * 8

  sixteen =
    4 * 4
  twentyFour + sixteen

let ... in

case myNumber of
    0 ->
    1 -> 
    anythingElse -> 
        "Nor 0 nor 1"

case ... of

case myNumber of
    0 ->
    1 -> 
    _ -> 
        "Nor 0 nor 1"
case myStringMaybe of
    Just myString ->
        "myStringMaybe contains: " ++ myString
    Nothing ->
        "myStringMaybe contains nothing"

case ... of

myStringMaybe = Just "Hello"

What we'll build

The Elm Architecture (TEA)

Cmd Msg

Random Generator



Cmd Msg

Generator CoinState

Communication with JS

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
    element { view = view, init = init, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }

-- ...

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    usernameFromLS ReceivedUsernameFromLS

port registerUsernameToLS : String -> Cmd msg

port usernameFromLS : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg

Communication with JS

const app = Elm.Main.init({node: root});

app.ports.registerUsernameToLS.subscribe(username => {
    window.localStorage.setItem('username', username)

if (window.localStorage.getItem('username') !== null) {
    const username = window.localStorage.getItem('username');


module Tests exposing (..)

import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import App exposing (update, Msg(CoinFlipped), CoinState(Heads))

all : Test
all =
    describe "A CoinFlipped should start a new game"
        [ test  <|
            \() ->
                Expect.equal (update (CoinFlipped Heads) NoGame) (Game Heads)



  • Great developer experience
  • No runtime exceptions
  • Great debugger
  • Powerful type system
  • Great performances
  • Great community


  • Opinionated governance model
  • Boilerplate vs Explicitness
  • Asynchronous JS communication

Why use Elm?

  • Complex UI / Model
  • Frequent refactoring
  • You care for bugs
  • Easy introduction to FP
  • Write better code

Slides : bit.ly/elmlang-en

Start today
with my workshop

Highway to Elm!

By ereold

Highway to Elm!

Slides for my presentation Highway to Elm!

  • 2,437