Eric Lewis
🗽 Lives in NYC
📰 Web Developer @ NYTimes
👣 WordPress Core Committer
🚫⚖ Not a lawyer
A Brief History of Ownership in Software*
*in the United States
🚫⚖ Not a lawyer??
🚫⚖ Not a lawyer??
You don't need a law degree to understand software ownership
Ownership (Intellectual Property)
Trade Secret
Ownership (Intellectual Property)
Trade Secret
How a thing works
Company secret
Stamp of authenticity
Making knowledge is expensive,
using knowledge is cheap.Â
The pitch for software ownership
Maya is inventing a new bike. She invests time and money into research and prices the bike accordingly. Probably change this to a drawing, no need for tons of text.
Research | $1,000 |
Cost to build one | $20 |
Sales price | $150 |
Maya makes a bike
Research | $0 |
Cost to build one | $20 |
Sales price | $75 |
Drawing of the Copyright and Patent acts, which are what the pitch is for
What is a Patent?
Public disclosure of a "process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter"
20 years of exclusive ownership over implementations
What is a Patent?
Dissect a patent, draw out a sample one
What is a Patent?
"System for converting television commercials into interactive networked video games "
Patent grants allow you to use a patent someone else owns
Maya's bike
show that the other dude can't sell his bike because maya applied for a patent
Google PageRank
drawing of pagerank paper by larry and sergey
Google PageRank
drawing of how pagerank works
1-click Patent
The GIF Patent
The GIF Patent
The GIF Patent
GIF Patent?
"The patent system is broken" — EFF
patent trolls?
patent arms race?
Patent grants?
What is a copyright?
Ownership of the use and reproduction of an expression for 75+ years
What is a copyright?
Code is a "non-dramatic literary work"
maybe mention how you don't own copyright at work
Software licenses let you use someone else's copyrighted code
What is a trade secret?
Protected information that gives a company economic advantage
What is a trademark?
An icon that proves the thing came from a specific organization
What is a trademark?
An icon that proves the thing came from a specific organization
Who "owns" code?
The author?
The company the author works for?
Someone else?
Software licenses grant the right to software you don't own
Software licenses grant specific rights:
Run the program
Modify code
Patent grant
Movable Type 2.6
Movable Type 2.6 license disallowed redistribution
Movable Type 3.0 license charges $100s per site
[WordPress is] a path forward. Movable Type is a dead end. In the long run, the utility of all non-Free software approaches zero.
Mark Pilgrim
Drawing of Richard Stallman's idea of users
users think that they are in control of what happens on their computer
when in fact the software is in control
you are controlled by your software
By Eric Lewis
- 1,948