The web, MIDI, and synthesizers

Eric Wood


Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Korg Minilogue

MIDI EXCLUSIVE FORMAT   (R:Receive, T:Transmit)

(1) CURRENT PROGRAM DATA DUMP REQUEST                              R
|     Byte       |             Description                          |
| F0,42,3g,      | EXCLUSIVE HEADER                                 |
|    00,01,2c    |                                                  |
| 0001 0000 (10) | CURRENT PROGRAM DATA DUMP REQUEST      10H       |
| 1111 0111 (F7) | EOX                                              |

 Receive this message, and transmits Func=40 or Func=24 message.


Minilogue Patches

By Eric Wood

Minilogue Patches

  • 605