Sustainable Energy: Spring 2013
Data Representation+Phys. Comp.
Erika Maher
DATA SET: ARctic Sea Ice Extent 1980-2012
Concept and INspiration:
Data Representational Lighting Installation with Solar Power
1. Looked for working solar kit
- Thought I found the one working battery in the ER, but the panel gathered light for over 3 days and the battery never charged
2. Built circuit
- Decided to use different grades of resistors to control light brightness
3. Gathered fabrication materials
- All except electronic components and paint were used/junk items
4. Investigated energy alternative
- Experimented with using only the solar panel from the SunTransfer2 (solar lantern) kits and a Lowel Tota lamp. Connected the 9V output solar panel directly to Arduino and was able to power circuit.
5. Renamed project:
- "Photovoltaic" in place of "Solar"
Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday
Turn electricity into light and turn it back into electricity!
Project Sketch
9V Output SunTransfer Solar Panel (2W crystalline silicon)
800W / 6.3 A Lowel Toto Lamp
Old Glass Jars
Six (6) 3.2V 20mA Bright White LEDs
Scrap wood, fabric, cardboard, foam board
Hot glue, staples
system input/consumption
Lowel light: requires 120 V/6.3A / outputs 830 W
For 5 minutes operation: 240,000 J
Solar panel: outputs 9V, 2W
For 5 minutes operation: 600 J
Arduino: requires 5 V and ~ 240 mA (40 mA/I-O pin x 6 pins)
For 5 minutes operation: peak energy = 1.65 J
Conclusion: system loses a lot of energy through heat
Energy Converter: 4.75" x 5.5" pure silicon solar panel
Open Circuit Voltage
Brightest: Bulb 1) 1.1V
Bulb 2) 0.5V
Medium: Bulb 1) 1.8V
Bulb 2) 1.3V
Dimmest Bulb 1) 1.9V
Bulb 2) 1.9V
Short Circuit Current
Brightest: Bulb 1) 0.6 mA
Bulb 2) 1.3 mA
Medium: Bulb 1) .52 mA
Bulb 2) .73 mA
Dimmest: Bulb 1) .11 mA
Bulb 2) .10 mA
By erikahan
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