30 minutes about nothing
$ whoami
Erik Wallin
Full Stack Developer
Consultant / Consultant Manager @ DevCode
This talk is about clean code from a different view
Tabs vs Spaces
- Use the same everywhere
- Doesn't matter which you choose
- Only slide on tabs vs spaces!
Purpose of talk
- Show similarites
- Business Documents vs Source Code
- User Experience vs Source Code
- We read code much more often then we write
- 90% vs 10%?
- Be more productive / cheaper maintenance
- Less WTF / day. Be kind to your colleagues and have fun at work
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Physiological needs
- Code hygiene (Syntax, formatting, basic rules)
Safety needs
Understand code
Deliver business value
Belonginess and love needs
Collective ownership
Collaboration and continuous improvement
Learn from each other
Esteem needs
Be proud of your work
Affect technology choise
- Create a new cool product
- Total Freedom
Business documents
Source Code
- Source code is worth a lot of money, why not reflect that by writing proper code?
- Economists and jurists are more strict than software developers when writing documents. We should learn from them.
Capital letter starts a sentence
Classes are substantives that starts with a capital letter
One and only one space between sentences
Use one(1) strategy for spacing
val i = 0 / val i=0
No misspelled words
No misspelled variable/function/class names
Invalid parts of texts are removed (strike through)
Remove unused variables and other dead code
No grammatical errors
No warnings
Result of bad business documents
- Author considered careless
- A consultant with bad written language in the CV will not produce good code quality
Result of bad code hygiene
- Slower to read - how much?
- Harder to read
- Some colleagues become annoyed
- Broken window
Tools/methods to improve code hygiene
Static code analyses
- Lint, PMD
- SonarCobe
- Use as build step
- Discuss rules to spread philosophy
Use a proper IDE
- Built in support for rules
- Clear warnings
- Checkin actions
- It is not cool to use vi/emacs
User Experience
Source Code
- Pedagogic
- Efficient
- Pleasant
Characteristics of good UX
Code is not a puzzle
return entityServiceRegistry.getEntityService(type)
.flatMap(entityService -> entityService.getEntity(Long.parseLong(id))
.flatMap(entity -> entityServiceRegistry.getEntityService(sourceType)
.flatMap(sourceEntityService -> {
Pedagogic text/code
- Use clear and vocabulary
- Reformulate sentences until text is pedagogic correct
- Exactly the same as with code
- Structure the text/code.
- One chapter is about one thing
- Group together code with the same functionality
- I prefer a structure with domain focus instead of technical focus
- Levels of structures
- Projects -> Folders -> Files
Example of no structure
Groups of code blocks inside a file
- Classes/functions -> methods -> lines of code
Inside a file, the tool is blank lines (0, 1, 2) to visually separate blocks
2 > 1 > 0
Never blank lines inside a function. Text without blank rows is only hard to read if it is too long
Python/C#/Scala/JavaScript support more classes / functions in a file - consider 2 blank lines.
All source code is whitespace significant!
Keep abstraction level
- Red thread
- Hide details (appendix, footnotes, separate pages, functions, libraries).
- Compare
- User manual or advertisements
- Meetings where you go into too much details
- It should be possible to find details. Avoid generic functional programming magic code before entering details
- Highlighting on web page
- Fewer words -> Bigger font
- Slogans (Don't be evil)
- Class names
- Method names/implementation
- Footnote/appendix
Result of bad user experience
- Less efficient users
- Loss of customers
Result of code that is not easily understandable
- Slower to read - how much?
- Harder to read
- Some colleagues become annoyed
Tools/methods to make code more understandable
Tech meetings
Shared code philosophy / Collective ownership
Exercise: What is important in code for each team member?
- Expectations on each other
- Group dynamics change when members join/leave the group
- Increased knowledge of architecture
- Create motivation and responsibility
Pair/mob programming / Code reviews
- Continuation/implementation of tech meeting results
- Great exercise in understanding code written by others
- Teaching is the best way of learning
- Part of 'Definition of Done'
Shared code
- Single developers are generally more lazy, although some takes even more responsibility
- Rotate developers in the system
Refactoring / Scout rule
Don't even ask for time to do it!
Documentation / Intro
- Broad knowledge about domain / architecture is important for developer to be pedagogic in the code
Static code analyses
Cyclomatic complexity
Tests / TDD(?)
Too much mocking is a sign of code smell
- Would you recommend a developer with good technical knowledge to your team that writes unclean code?
Thank you!
30 minutes about nothing
By Erik Wallin
30 minutes about nothing
Clean code
- 914