Hi, we're VaffelNinja
Espen Hovlandsdal
Kristoffer Brabrand
- Mainly "full-stack" web developers
- Some experience with Android apps
- Big React fans
Our background
- The festival 🍺
- The app 📱
- The tech 🤓
- The development process
- getting started 🚀
- initial reactions 😱 ✨
- awesomeness 🙌 🥓
- big problems 🔥
- Things we wish we knew 🤔
- Conclusion 🏁
98 breweries
715 brews
4 sessions
2 days
- Unofficial app
- Android only
- Native
- Fully offline
This year
- Official app
- Mikkeller-branded
- More functionality
- Cross-platform
- Fully offline
- Beer list
- Rating, comment, favorites
- Search
- Updates over-the-air
- News w/ push notifications
- Map of locations (bars etc)
- Mikkeller Beer Week schedule
- General festival information
Let's talk about React Native.
- You'll still need a mac for iOS
- Android is still a pain to setup
(unless you've done it before)- Studio, SDKs, emulator
- Env vars, udev rules (Linux)
- Apart from that? Breeze.
Getting started
Initial thoughts?
To timer arbeid... 9:34 PM
Wat? Du har kommet dit på to timer? I alle dager. Jeg spilte fotball i to timer og du lagde en app. 10:33 PM
🥓 ✨ 🏅
The [many] awesome bits
It really feels native
Async JS is awesome
Styling with flexbox is great
- Status bar hidden on iOS
- Map marker bug on iOS
- Rippling touchables on Android
- Back-button handling on Android
Platform switches/differences
😨 😓
The less
awesome bits
Lets talk about lists.
Core component
(only one when we started)
- iOS: Pretty smooth, high memory usage
- Android: Lazy rendering rows too slow, reached end of list before new render
ListView: performance
- Kind of clunky to use
- DataSource
- rowHasChanged
- cloneWithRows
- initialListSize / pageSize/ onEndReachedThreshold
- We built a wrapper, SimpleListView
- willReceiveProps: build new DataSource if needed
- Assume immutable data
- Does not solve the main pain point:
- Performance
Lists: view complexity
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
- Full width
- One view
Lists: view complexity
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
- Full width
- One view
- Session indicator
- Row touchable
- 2x text views
- Fav. touchable
- Favorite image
- Checkmark image
Brewery - Beer name
Beer description
Lists: view complexity
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
Brewery - Beer name
- Full width
- One view
- with rating view:
- 6 more views
- Total ~16 views
Brewery - Beer name
Beer description
...user comment...
- Reduce view complexity
- Single, static view for session indicator
- Try to minimize containers
- Set static height on rows if possible
- Be sure to test it on release build
- Really does matter. A lot.
ListView: speeding up
- Keeps limited number of rows
- Fixes data passing (no more DataSource)
- Few caveats:
- State not maintained, pass to parents
- Replaces "end-of-list"-problem with "blank screen"-problem if rendering is slow
FlatList to the rescue?
- Yay, less memory usage!
- Ouch, rendering still slow
- Blank screen less sexy than end-of-list
- So... we stuck with ListView
- Possible fixes?
- Hunt down "worst offenders" in views - style props that are slow to render
- Go full native. But...
FlatList: our experience
Apple certificates.. 😔
Certificates in the apple developer world is there for a reason, obviously, but it's not one bit intuitive..
- No namespace prompt - "MyProject" becomes "com.myproject". Not great when publishing
- Default Android permissions a bit greedy, documentation on what permissions are used for and how to remove them not documented
A few snags
- Documentation quality varies greatly. Android docs usually lacking in depth
- Feels kinda beta. Minor release upgraded to React Fiber, introduced a range of bugs
- Clicking on a text view that contained a number crashed the app
More snags
- Building release build; PITA (Android).
- No concept of unsigned release.
- No automatic setup of keystore/credentials
- Documentation:
Release build
react-native run-android --variant=release
- Result:
Task 'installRelease' not found in root project
- Output destination:
The things we wish someone told us
- certificate management
- application screenshoting and uploading
- building and submission
- +++
Really awesome open-source suite of tooling for app development workflows.
"Knowing what performance bottlenecks you encounter is hard. Test early"
- VaffelNinja employee of the year 2017
The good
- Super fast iteration
- Cross-platform, for real
- Good iOS dev experience
- App does feel native
- Reuse your JS-fu
- NPM modules
- JS parts are pretty fast
- Rock-solid in production (our experience)
The bad
- Certain parts still slow (view complexity)
- Tooling could be better
- Documentation is lacking
- A little unstable in development
So... building our next app with RN?
Thanks 🎩
Real-World React Native
By Espen Hovlandsdal
Real-World React Native
- 1,132