Jupyter, IPython and Pandas

Interactive data analysis and visualization

Hello alamo city python group

Today's topics:

  • Jupyter and IPython
  • Data analysis with pandas
  • Data visualization


These slides are just a convenient way to get links for the materials in this presentation.

Want to Follow along?

# get the source files
git clone git@github.com:epequeno/acpg-may2015.git

# create a venv
cd acpg-may2015
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 .acpg
source .acpg/bin/activate

# for Data Analysis (IPython and pandas)
pip install -r requirements.txt

# for Data Visualization (Seaborn, ggplot, bokeh)
pip install -r requirements-extra.txt

# start Jupyter
ipython notebook --port=9999

Jupyter, IPython and pandas

By Estevan Pequeno

Jupyter, IPython and pandas

Interactive data analysis and visualization

  • 1,375