Self-Driving Cars

Everything that moves will go autonomous

Automated driving

Automated driving

Level Zero: Driver Only

Level Two: Partial Automation

Level Three: Conditional Automation

Level One: Assisted

Level Four: High Automation

Level Five: Full Automation

This one is simple, it’s when you completely drive yourself.

Cars that we mostly drive today belong here, so they can take over some non-vital processes involved in driving

When the system can take over control in some specific use cases but driver still has to monitor system

driver doesn’t have to monitor the system but has to be in a position where the control can quickly be resumed

system can cope with all the situations automatically during the whole journey and no driver is required. Which means you have no choice

there is no need for a human operator for a specific use case or a part of a journey

What kind of sensors? LIDAR or not?

What kind of sensors? LIDAR or not?

Companies like Google are relying on LIDAR technology, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging and is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the surrounding environment.

New types of precomputed maps?

How Will Insurance Change

Useful links:

Most the content comes from this video


By Eugene Nemchenko