The challenge of storytelling with data 

Eva Domínguez (@edominguez)

"If the emphasis is placed on the relationship of the report to the event, we speak of an informational model of journalism. If the emphasis is placed on the report to the reader, we speak of a story model of journalism"

David L. Eason
 "Telling stories and making sense"

"Storytelling and information
are not contradictory"

Kobach & Rosenstiel
The elements of journalism: what newspeople should know and the public should expect


Working with data involves different steps:

  • Finding data
  • Interrogating data
  • Visualizing and/or storytelling with data

 "Webdocs are new informational art forms"

"Los webdocs son nuevas formas de arte informativas"

P. Wintonick. "Webdocs, Docsmedia and Docstopia. En: Web-docs, a survival guide for online filmakers. 2011

Libertad de exploración de los datos 

Interpretación y resumen


Narración visual

Combinación con historias humanas

Integración en grandes reportajes 



Eva Domínguez

The data storytelling challenge

By Eva Dominguez