CSS Magic 🧙‍♂️



Javascript 🤖




  • An implementation of the specification
  • Reading its docs teaches you how to write code with that language
  • Think: A physical Keyboard
  • A Crowd-Sourced Specification
  • Reading its docs teaches you how to write a language
  • Think: The QWERTY standard

ECMAScript is...

  • Implemented in multiple languages (Javascript is the BIG one)
  • Open to proposals from the community
  • On an annual release cycle since 2015

Adding Features to ES

TC39 👩‍⚖️👨‍⚖️

People Like Us 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

In Spec 🖥

Stage 0    Strawman

Stage 1     Proposal

Stage 2    Draft

Stage 3    Candidate

Stage 4    Finished


Some Proposal Metrics

Most Least
Time (Years) Async Await (4+) Dot-All flag for Regexps (1.5)
Commits Shared Memory & Atomics (364) Lifting Template Literal Restriction (19)

Time from Stage 0 to Stage 4

(as of 4/10/2018)

Some Proposals of Interest

A Quick Survey 🚌 🐯🦁🐼

Stage 4: Finished

Number in Stage: 8 (as of 4/6/18)

Indicate[s] that the addition is ready for inclusion in the formal ECMAScript standard.

Async Iteration

by Domenic Denicola

Allows one to sequentially map over an array of resolved asynchronous actions

* Can only be used inside an async body

const endpoints =
    ["/api/a", "/api/b", "/api/c"];

const fetches = endpoints.map(url =>

for await (const data of fetches) {
  // Access each asynchronous object
  // one at a time, in sequence.

Stage 4 | Docs


by Jordan Harband


Execute a callback at the end of a promise chain, no matter what


Similar to try...catch...finally

    .then(() => doTheGood())
    .catch(() => handleTheBad())
    // Executed no matter what
    .finally(() => cleanup());

Stage 4 | Docs

Stage 3: Candidate

Number in Stage: 14 (as of 4/6/18)

The proposal is mostly finished and now needs feedback from implementations and users to progress further.


by Domenic Denicola


Allows javascript to not be loaded until you need it


Some Benefits:

  • Faster app startup e.g. defer loading of non-essential modules
  • Load only if needed
  • Robustness e.g. app survives even if non-critical module fails to load
if (absolutelyNecessary) {

Stage 3 | Docs


by Jordan Harband


Allows code accessing the global object to be portable across runtime environments e.g. browsers, node, shell, etc.

// Current Way (doesn't work in all cases)
const getGlobal = () => {
    if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
        return self;
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
        return window;
    if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
        return global;
    throw new Error(
        'unable to locate global object'

const global = getGlobal();

// New Way (Intended to work in all cases)
// Note: May not end up being called
// 'global' in the official spec
const global = global;

Stage 3 | Docs

Private Fields

by Daniel Ehrenberg & Kevin Gibbons


Private member variables & methods for Javascript classes (prefixed with a '#')

class Fetcher {
    // PUBLIC
    fetchAll = user =>
            ? this.#fetchAll()
            : this.#fetchFiltered()

    // PRIVATE
    #serviceUrl =
    #filteredServiceUrl =
    #fetchAll = () => 

    #fetchFiltered = () =>

Stage 3 | Docs #1, #2

Stage 2: Draft

Number in Stage: 8 (as of 4/6/18)

A first version of what will be in the specification. At this point, an eventual inclusion of the feature in the standard is likely.


by Daniel Ehrenberg


"...[lets] frameworks and libraries implement part of the behavior of classes..."


Similar space as Spring Boot Annotations

class Thing {
    @notnull id;
    @size('100') name;
    constructor(id, name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

Stage 2 | Docs

Stage 1: Proposal

Number in Stage: 41 (as of 4/6/18)

TC39 [is willing] to examine, discuss and contribute to the proposal. Going forward, major changes to the proposal are expected.

Optional Chaining

by Gabriel Isenberg & Claude Pache


Simplified null checking during object traversal

// Something like this...

const name = users
    ? users[id]
        ? users[id].names
            ? users[id].names.givenName
            : undefined
        : undefined
    : undefined;

// Can become this...

const names = users?.[id]?.names?.givenName;

// The optional chaining
// operator '?.' is key.

// Can even be used for
// optional function calls...

myFunction?.(arg1, arg2);

Stage 1 | Docs


by Caridy Patiño & Jean-Francois Paradis


Isolated Javascript environments with their own copies of the global object, standard library, and the intrinsics


Some Benefits:

  • Security isolation e.g. in-browser code editors
  • Testing/mocking

Stage 1 | Docs


by Maggie Pint & Matt Johnson


A better date and time standard for ES


Some Benefits:

  • Support for non-local time zones
  • More reliable parsing
  • More intuitive computation APIs
// Civil Time Objects
// (no time zones)
new CivilDate();
new CivilTime();
new CivilDateTime();

// Construction
new CivilDate(year, month, day);

// Accessing the parts
let year = civilDate.year;
let month = civilDate.month;
let day = civilDate.day;

// Computations
myDate.add({ years: 1, months: 2 });

// Absolute Time Objects
// (includes time zones)
new Instant();
new ZonedInstant();

Stage 1 | Docs

Pipeline Operator

by Daniel Ehrenberg


"...a useful syntactic sugar on a function call with a single argument."

// Some Functions
const doubleSay => str => {
  return str + ", " + str;
const capitalize = str => {
  return str[0].toUpperCase()
    + str.substring(1);
const exclaim = str => {
  return str + '!';

// Traditional Way

let result =
// result === "Hello, hello!"

// Using Pipeline Operator

let result = "hello"
  |> doubleSay
  |> capitalize
  |> exclaim;
// result === "Hello, hello!"

Stage 1 | Docs


Javascript Only? 🧐

No! 🎊😆🎊




💡  ➡  (🕵️‍♂️</>)*↺  ➡  🏅🖥  =  😆

CSS Houdini

What Is Houdini

The Extensible Web Manifesto

We—the undersigned—want to change how web standards committees create and prioritize new features. We believe that this is critical to the long-term health of the web.

We aim to tighten the feedback loop between the editors of web standards and web developers.

Today, most new features require months or years of standardization, followed by careful implementation by browser vendors, only then followed by developer feedback and iteration. We prefer to enable feature development and iteration in JavaScript, followed by implementation in browsers and standardization.

To enable libraries to do more, browser vendors should provide new low-level capabilities that expose the possibilities of the underlying platform as closely as possible.

Houdini... gives developers direct access to the browser’s CSS engine. This gives developers the power to create their own custom CSS features that run efficiently within the browser’s native rendering pipeline.


Who Is Behind Houdini?


Outsourced Innovation

Speed up Innovation in the CSS space 🔥🚀🔥

CSS Polyfills

Allow cool features to be used before they're officially implemented in the browser 😍


normalize cross-browser differences 

Basic Mechanics

Current Access to The Rendering Pipeline

* As of 4/10/2018, there is now an AnimationWorklet W3C proposal and implementation in Chrome Canary


Access to The Rendering Pipeline With Houdini


class PlaceholderBoxPainter {
  paint(ctx, size) {
    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
    ctx.strokeStyle = '#666';

    // draw line from top left to bottom right
    ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
    ctx.lineTo(size.width, size.height);
registerPaint('placeholder-box', PlaceholderBoxPainter);


  • Cached by browser
  • Run by CSS engine, independent of main thread
  • No access to DOM and many globals
if ('registerProperty' in CSS) {
    // Properties and Values API
    // is supported
        name: '--tooth-width',
        syntax: '<length>',
        initialValue: '40px'

Custom Property

  • Typed
  • Supports `calc()` expressions
  • Useable by worklets
  • Animatable by keyframes


Paint API: Placeholder Background

Paint API + Properties & Values API:

Toothed Border

Houdini + React 🎨


(The End)


  • https://tc39.github.io/process-document/
  • https://github.com/tc39/proposals
  • https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-stage-3/
  • https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-stage-2/
  • https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/preset-stage-1/
  • https://medium.freecodecamp.org/whats-the-difference-between-javascript-and-ecmascript-cba48c73a2b5
  • https://commons.wikimedia.org/


References Cont.

  • https://extensiblewebmanifesto.org/
  • https://ishoudinireadyyet.com/
  • https://codersblock.com/blog/say-hello-to-houdini-and-the-css-paint-api/
  • https://commons.wikimedia.org/
  • https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/03/houdini-maybe-the-most-exciting-development-in-css-youve-never-heard-of/
  • https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-properties-values-api/#supported-syntax-strings
  • http://slides.com/malyw/houdini-codemotion#/

CSS Houdini:

CSS Magic & Futuristic Javascript

By Evan Peterson

CSS Magic & Futuristic Javascript

There are some exciting up and coming features in Javascript and CSS in the next couple years, including CSS Houdini.

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