Web Performance

πŸ€” Why do we even care about it?

1. Slow applications kill the conversion and customer satisfaction

AliExpress reduced load time by 36% and saw a 10.5% increase in orders and a 27% increase in conversion for new customers.

WPO (Web Performance Optimization) stats

2. Slow Internet and slow mobiles are stressful

Streaming delays mentally taxing for smartphone users: Ericsson Mobility Report

3. Plenty of people use slow Internet today :(

πŸ€” Why do we even care about performance TODAY?

Addy Osmani

Web Performance is not only about network, but also about CPU

😯 Ok. My app is slooooow. So where to begin?


  • is accessible: PageSpeed Insights, Audits tab in Chrome
  • gives you a lot of metrics, details and reasons of possible issues

Performance points

  • red – all fucked up (it hurts your users)
  • yellow – you can live, but the performance is still worth improving
  • green – you are smart and deserve a candy


πŸ‘†User has come to you either to read something (FMP) or to work on something (TTI)

Issues and opportunities

πŸ‘€ Ok. I have bad FMP. How can I improve it?

🀬 UX researches show that people start loosing patience after 1 sec of waiting

🀀 FMP should be less or equal 1 sec

1 s of FMP β‰ˆ 40-50 kB (slow 3G)

Global optimizations

  • SSR
  • Critical CSS
  • Optimize connection to the server
  • Preloading


SSR tools

  • Next.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • Gatsby
  • Angular Universal

Critical CSS

For static sites:

For applications:

  • styled-components
  • emotion
  • ...

🀯 Myth: Cross-Domain Caching

CDN leads to:

  • additional time is required for establishing the connection
  • loosing HTTP/2 prioritization
  • more fragility for your site

Establishing new connection means:

  • DNS resolution (<link rel="dns-prefetch/preconnect">)
  • TCP handshake
  • TLS handshake

Optimizing connection to the server

  • HTTP/2
  • Compession with gzip/brotli
  • CDN

HTTP/2 Multiplexing

Fetch several resources simultaneously by one connection

HTTP/2 Headers compression

Solid headers can be compressed in times now

HTTP Compression

Zipping the text (HTML/CSS/JS) before sending to client, unzipping after receiving

2kB -> 400-600B

  • gzip – old and popular

  • Brotli – new format, compresses 10-20% better, support is a bit worse


Smart CDN proxies:

  • Cloudflare
  • Fastly
  • KeyCDN
  • StackPath
  • Imgix

πŸ’Š Preloading – improves FMP for future renders

β›‘ Another way – service workers

Instant Page



Break the font down onto unicode ranges / characters

Render-blocking resources

What blocks rendering:

  • any <link rel="stylesheet">
  • any <script> in <head> or in beginning of <body> (except <script async> and <script defer>

Lighthouse audit

πŸ–Ό Images

Choose a proper format:

  • svg – vector images (such as icons and logos)
  • jpg – best for photos
  • png – raster graphics without loosing quality (raster icons, pixel art)
  • webp – best for both
  • gif – DON'T USE IT AT ALL!!! (use <video> instead)

πŸ—œ Images Compress


Responsive loader

If you need high-dimension pictures for HiDPI screens – use <picture> and <img srcset>

Compress your JPG images with the compression level of 70‑80

Use Progressive JPEG / Interlaced PNG

Automated tools:

  • image-webpack-loader
  • ImageOptim
  • Akamai / Cloudinary / imgix

πŸ˜₯ Ok. I have bad TTI. How can it be improved?

To improve TTI:

  • Make code splitting
  • Reduce dependencies

Code splitting

βœ‚οΈ Optimizing dependencies


import _ from 'lodash'
causes including 200 modules of the library


import moment from 'momentjs'
causes including 60kB (min+gzip) of localization files

It's about 1.2s with slow 3G

πŸ‘ "How to optimize" repo

🏁 The end

Web Performance

By Nikita Malik

Web Performance

  • 935