Mary Mackillop 


When was she born?

Mary Mackillop was born in  January 15th 1842 in Australia. Mary Mackillop’s full name is Mary Helen Mackillop. Mary Mackillop had 7 siblings who were Margaret Mackillop (Sister), Alick Mackillop (Brother), Donald Mackillop (Brother), Alexandrina Mackillop (Sister), John Mackillop (Brother), Peter Mackillop(Brother) and last but not least Annie Mackillop (Sister). Her parents were Alexander Mackillop (Father) and the Mother was Flora Macdonald. Her uncle is Donald Macdonald. Her grandparent is Catherine Macdonald.


What are some facts about her jobs?


Mary Mackillop’s Father was just about to be ordained but then he moved to Australia. Mary Mackillop has declared to be a nun since the 1920’s. When Mary used to go to school she went to only private schools and was educated by her father too. Mary Mackillop started working at the age of 14 as a clerk in a store with stationary in melbourne. To provide her family in 1860 she then worked as an instructor/tutor.


How was her trip to Rome?

This lady (Mary Mackillop) also visited a village in the 1870’s which was near a local catholic church. Mary mackillop made plans to leave rome and make the “Rule of Life” of the Joseph sisters.  Once her plans were done it was officially accepted. Mary Mackillop then journeyed to Rome in 1873. Once she left she stayed in rome for 2 years, and then returned back home.


What happened with her Drinking problem?

Mackillop and her 2 sisters were invited to go to Penola to  help open a catholic school in 1866. Many people were told that Mary Mackillop was an alcoholic and drank brandy to help ease her “Severe menstrual pain”. Many people believed this story about Mary Mackillop.


Her Death?

Sadly Mary Mackillop died on August 8th 1909. She was buried  in the Sydney Historic Gore Hill Cemetery. When she died 5 years after that her body was then moved to a newly built Mary Mackillop Chapel. This day is a day of where a kind and generous young lady has marked a spot for anyone to come and visit her.


Thanks For Watching!


By faithl0507


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