
OpenDreamKit kickoff meeting


1- An easily accessible cloud computation platform

From Python

1- An easily accessible cloud computation platform

Using a Web browser

Batch style (~ queueing system)

1- An easily accessible cloud computation platform

Using a Web browser


1- An easily accessible cloud computation platform

This is an asset that Logilab brings to OpenDreamKit

  • you can use it free of charge for reasonnable computation loads (contact me)
  • we will create VMs with the software you need
  • we can improve the platform itself

2- A reproducible

computation platform

Virtual machines are well described and stored

  • Debian-based
  • Packaging effort (beneficial to the OS community)
  • Built and configured with Saltstack
    • version controlled textual description

2- A reproducible

computation platform

Computation input, code, output, VM
are stored in a database

  • Computations can be queried
  • The results are traceable

2- A reproducible

computation platform

You can run a clone of a computation

  • same vitual machine, same code, same input files and parameters
  • a reviewer can inspect then inspect the input data and software that really yielded the results

3- A collaborative

computation platform

  • users can grant read permissions to other users
  • users can clone a study then modify and share it

OpenDreamKit Kickoff - 20150903

By Florent Cayré

OpenDreamKit Kickoff - 20150903

Brief description of Simulagora

  • 954