Django Friends Meetup, 2014-06-03 


you missed it!

Florian Demmer (@fdemmer)

what's a djangoisland?

day 1

Leonardo Giordani

Django class-based views

Better docs, overview

Marc Tamlyn

The future of PostgreSQL in Django

£14k kickstarter: datatypes (array, hstore, enum, uuid, ...),
lookup & transform, Indexes, Views (!), ...

Mathieu Leplatre

Pair up Django and Web mapping 

GIS, OSM, django-leaflet

Xavier Dutreilh

Web components in Django 

an overview

bootstrap, handlebars, nodejs, angularjs, emberjs, backbonejs, jquery, underscore, d3, bower, component, jam, volo, browserify, coffeescript, sass, less, stylus, grunt, yeoman, jshint, csslint, karma, jasmine, mocha, sinonjs, zombiejs, protractor, wai, aria

Benoit Bryon

Healthchecks for Django 

service health checks written like tests

hospital.assert_http_response(url, status_code=200)

Bruno Renié 

Visibility for web developers   

errors, events, metrics

pip install structlog

David Winterbottom

An introduction to django-oscar

e-commerce with django

maybe don't reinvent the wheel next time...?

Frank Wiles 

Frequently Missed Performance Gains     

slides & video

DEBUG = False, template caching, session in memcached/redis,
db connection pooling, combine css and js

Aymeric Augustin 

The Story of App-Loading

app loading in django 1.7

it's better!

lightning talks

@xavierfernandez wheel package format (PEP 427)

 @gasmanic wagtail, cms with no flexibility on purpose 

@erikpub about the "network link conditioner"

 @USATODAY about adaptive delivery for mobile devices

day 2

TDD for the Web, with Python, Selenium, Django, JavaScript and pals...

 Ilja Bauer 

 The Power of Natural Language -
From ATDD to Lean Modeling 

requirements -> acceptance tests -> modeling

Jacob Burch and Jacob Kaplan-Moss
@jacobian and @jacobburch

Django minus Django

django is actually pretty modular

... sort of.

templates: yes, views: maybe, auth/models: eeh

Honza Kral 

From __icontains to search


    Christophe Pettus 

    Really, Really Fast Django  

... a lot. no slides :(

Idan Gazit 

Web Typography: State of the Art     
Sketching in 5 min 

do you know what a "fout" is?

flash of unstyled text

Kevin Van Wilder 

Your Product is more than the Application!  

devops is a movement
CLAMS (culture, lean, automation, measure, sharing)

lightning talks

@natim "Loads is a tool to load test your HTTP services, including web sockets."  

@vdboor model translation

@amjithr bpython  






day 3

Andrew Godwin

Good Schema Design and Why It Matters

it matters. slides full of good tips!

Amjith Ramanujam 

Introduction to Docker  

1.0 is out!

Jacob Rief 

Make AngularJS play nice together with Django 

makes forms/form errors much nicer

Kevin Stone (@kevinastone)

Sneha Priscilla Makini 

The Whys and Hows of using Django Formsets  

an intro.

Yann Malet

Challenges when building High profile Editorial Sites


use varnish, cache like hell

Andreas Pelme 

Py.test: helps you write better Django apps


 plugins, less code, reuse-db, parallel testing

Daniele Procida 

Keynote: The programmer's body  

worth watching...


i wanna go too!

2015 DjangoCon EU will be in...

Cardiff, Wales, UK

#djangocastle ...? -- Daniele Procida (@evildmp)

all the things

5th Django Friends Meetup, 2014-07-03

By Florian Demmer

5th Django Friends Meetup, 2014-07-03

  • 2,476