Vegetable Oil Wastes

1-Soap-Stock: It originates from vegetable oil refining industry.

1-Soap-Stock: It originates from vegetable oil refining industry.

2-Tank Bottom Sediments: Vegetable oil originates from tank systems.

3-Oily Soils: It originates from vegetable oil refining industry.

Vegetable Oil Wastes

4-Oils from Oil Traps: It is caused by oil separators of various plants, especially purification systems.

5-Used Frying Oils and Expired Oils: It originates from hotels, motels, restaurants, food factories, fast food, residential, etc.

How Much Vegetable Waste Oil Is Generated in Our Country?

1.5 million tons per year in Turkey with vegetable oil is used for food purposes. This oil consists of approximately 350,000 tons of waste oil.

What are the Damages of Vegetable Waste Oils?

In recent years, there have been significant increases in the use of fried potatoes and other foods in our country. As a result of this increase, used vegetable oil wastes also increased. Vegetable waste oils have very high calories. These waste oils cover the water surface when poured into water, sewage, damage the water system, prevent oxygen transfer from air to water, degrade over time and accelerate the depletion of oxygen in the water. Increases the operating cost of the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater adheres to the duct pipes, causing the pipe section to narrow and become clogged. Used vegetable oils constitute 25% of waste water pollution. Vegetable waste oils reaching the sea, stream and lake damage birds, fish and other species. It is forbidden to pour vegetable oils used in developed countries and our country into sewage and surface waters due to the above-mentioned problems. This type of pollution load of waste water in developed countries because of the oil spill prevention channel is lower than the domestic wastewater in Turkey.

Oils spilled into the sewer will damage wastewater treatment plants and increase operating costs. Domestic wastewater is generally biologically treated. It is not possible to biologically remove the oils contained in domestic wastewater. In addition, bacteria operating in biological treatment are coated with oil and grease to prevent their activity. It causes serious increases in wastewater KOI and BOI. Vegetable and animal waste oils in wastewater that do not end with purification; when poured into seas, lakes and streams, as a result of pollution of that water and reduction of oxygen in water; It causes great destruction on the environment, especially fish, and other creatures. It is forbidden to throw or spill vegetable oil wastes into garbage. Waste oils spilled in garbage frequently cause fire in the landfill. Garbage storage operators want the frying oils to not mix with the garbage. Used oils can cause groundwater contamination. It is very expensive and difficult to clean contaminated groundwater. Groundwater is an important source of drinking water for every country. Dogs, bears and some species of birds (such as seagulls) love vegetable and animal oil waste. This causes animals to come to this storage area.


Industrial Waste Oils Only category I industrial waste oils and chlorides can be recovered by refining and regeneration through category 2 industrial waste oils whose total halogen and PCB parameters are not exceeded. For this application, the facilities that meet the conditions stated in the 20th article of the Regulation are required to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.


Regeneration of Waste Oils: With this process, all kinds of pollutants, oxidant products and particles are removed from the waste oils and original oil suitable for use with national or international standards and specifications.


Waste Oil Refining: In this process, waste oil is recovered by distillation or acid-clay refining. The distillation process includes settling, heating, vacuum, filtration and centrifugation stages. Waste oil is removed by settling large particles in the settling tank. The oil is then heated and water, volatile hydrocarbons and suspended solids are removed with a vacuum filter. The waste oil is heated at 150 ° C after neutralization and demulfisation. The particles passing through the filtration are centrifuged and 90% product is obtained. In acid-clay refinery process, concentrated sulfuric acid is mixed to remove contaminants and decomposition materials from the oil. As a result of this process, insoluble sulfur containing compounds are formed and precipitate at the bottom of the reactor. The product is then neutralized with lime or caustic soda. The clay is filtered to bleach its color and the refining of the waste oil is completed by final vacuum distillation.

1- In Cement Plants

2- In Gypsum Plants

3- Lime Factories

4- In clay drying ovens

5- In Iron-Steel Blast Furnaces

6- In Power Plants

I. and II. Category Waste Oils


By fen lisesi


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