Visual studio


Vlad Stirbu

Principal Software Engineer

Nokia Technologies


a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.



Visual Studio Code

VSCode is not alone...

  • Vi, Emacs

  • Text Mate, Sublime Text

  • Brakets, Atom

The surface

  • Electron Application
    • Node
    • Chromium
  • Developed using TypeScript

Under the hood


  • Extensions
    • Activations: file types, file exists, commands
    • Editor: read and manipulate text, selections
    • Workspace: editors, status bar, info messages
    • Eventing: editor life-cycle
    • Evolved editing: IntelliSense, Peek, Hover, Diagnostics
  • Language servers
  • Debuggers


  • Extension development languages
    • Typescript
    • Javascript


  • It's really fast.
  • Basic, clean, great extensions
  • A modern code editor with support for a bunch of language 
  • File & folder based
  • Cross-Platform
  • Keyboard centered, heavy use of command line.
  • It's FREE!

Why Use VSCode over VS

What is VS Code not?

As it's not an IDE like Visual Studio, it wont do:

  • Integrated builds.
  • "File > New" wizards.
  • Make use of a designers and button to achieve things.
  • Deep Debugging. Load Testing, Multiple Threads

vscode tips and tricks





Create project

  • npm install -g yo generator-code
  • yo code


  • npm install -g vsce
  • vsce create-publisher jifang
  • vsce login jifang
  • vsce publish
  • vsce unpublish jifang.dupchecker
  • delete-publisher jifang


Copy of Make VSCode Your Own

By Jesse Fang

Copy of Make VSCode Your Own

  • 340