Call to Action

Proposta Única de Valor

Qual é o valor entregue por eles?

Proposta ÚNICA de Valor (PUV)

"Unique Value Proposition: Why you are different and worth buying getting attention."

Proposta ÚNICA de Valor (PUV)

  1. Be different, but make sure your difference matters.
  2. Target early adopters.
  3. Focus on finished story benefits.
  4. Pick your words carefully and own them.
  5. Answer: what, who, and why.
  6. Study other good UVPs.
  7. Create a high-concept pitch.


Exercício - Proposta de Valor

"Desenvolvemos cenários inovadores de aprendizagem baseados em gamificação e jogos digitais que aumentam o engajamento e melhoram o desempenho dos aprendizes e educadores."

  1. Be different, but make sure your difference matters.
  2. Target early adopters.
  3. Focus on finished story benefits.
  4. Pick your words carefully and own them.
  5. Answer: what, who, and why.
  6. Study other good UVPs.
  7. Create a high-concept pitch.

Outras formas de passar a mensagem...



Agora é com vocês!

Call to Action - PUV

By Fernando Sales

Call to Action - PUV

Call to Action sobre Proposta Única de Valor da disciplina "Projetão", 2019.1 da UFPE.

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