My 5 Facts on The Civil Rights Movement and My 5 Facts on the Civil War

by Ace Pollard (Breindel Cadja)

My 5 facts on the Civil War begin here

Fact One: The Civil War began at 4:30 AM when the Confederates fire 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter, in Charleston, South Carolina. 

Fact Two: The Union Army, under General Irvin McDowell get defeated at the Bull Run 25 miles southwest of Washington. The Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname "Stonewall".

Fact Three: The Civil War was fought between the Confederates (Southern States) and the Union (Northern States). The Union won and the USA was kept together instead of being separated.

Fact Four: On February 6th,  General Ulysses  S. Grant in Tennessee, capturing Fort Henry, and 10 days later, capturing Fort Donelson, to get the nickname "Unconditional Surrender". 

Fact Five: On April 9th, 1865, General Robert E. Lee surrenders his army (the Confederates) to Ulysses S. Grant. This took place in the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia. This ends the Civil War.

My facts on the Civil Rights Movement begin here:

Fact One: Even after the Civil War, Southern states treated African Americans like they were nothing.

Fact Two: In the early 1900s, blacks protested the Jim Crow laws.

Fact Three: In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus to a white man. This started the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Fact Four: The Civil Rights Act was proposed by John F. Kennedy.

Fact Five: Today, African Americans have appointed to the highest positions in the US, like Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell) and POTUS (Barack Obama).


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5 facts about the Civil Rights Movement, and 5 facts about the Civil War

By flappypenguincentral

5 facts about the Civil Rights Movement, and 5 facts about the Civil War

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