Emergent design

Who ?


What ?





Why ?

Translation cost


How ?

hands on!


Write a story

Feature: A basket

    In order to ease buying of products
    As a visitor
    I can add products in my basket

    Scenario: Adding products to my basket
        Given a product named "White Marker" and priced €5 was added to the catalog
        When I add the "White Marker" product from the catalog to the picked up basket
        Then the overall basket price should be €9

    Scenario: Failing to add out-of-stock products
        Given an out-of-stock product
        When I try to add it to my cart
        Then the basket should not be modified

    Scenario: Getting the delivery cost for a single product
        Given a product named "White Marker" and priced €5 was added to the catalog
        When I add the "White Marker" product from the catalog to the picked up basket
        Then the overall basket price should be €9

Write expectations



Hey, but it's TDD

Or is it DDD ?

Or BDD ?

it's all of them

Design First

Connect later

The FW is a detail

FW: calls you

Library: you call it

Dependency Inversion

Don't depend on low-level

summercamp 2016 workshop

By Florian Klein

summercamp 2016 workshop

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