I am thankful for animals
Plastic animals. Let each child choose an animal and tell the class what it is.
old macdonald had a farm book
waddle book
plastic animals (borrow the ark from Mom O.?)
memorize Noah's ark poem
Heavenly Father Had Jesus Christ create the Earth
Night and day, oceans and land, plants and trees.
We learn about this in the BIBLE.
Picture on next page...
Who created all of these?
What animals do you see?
Jesus created all kinds of animals
Some animals live on farms and around our homes. Some animals live in the forest, some in the mountains, and some in the desert. Some animals live in the cold parts of the world and other animals live in the warm places.
- What animals live on a farm?
- Old MacDonald had a farm book
- Waddle book
- What animals live in the forest, mountains, or desert?
- What is your favorite animal?
Animals help us
Explain that Heavenly Father had Jesus put animals on the earth to help us. We use some animals for food, some work for us, and some are interesting to look at or play with.
- How do animals help us?
- From which animals do we get food, such as milk, eggs, or meat?
- From which animals do we get material for clothing?
- Which animals are fun to have as pets?
- Which animals can we ride?
Snack and Story
Noah's Ark
pictures on next slides
I am thankful for animals
By fonz23
I am thankful for animals
- 1,274