I am thankful for my ears

Attention Activity

whisper directions to touch your head, hold up two fingers, raise their hands, stand up, sit down

What part of your body did you use to hear the instructions?


With the children, sing or say the words to verses 1 and 2 of “Thanks to Our Father” (Children’s Songbook, p. 20).

Thanks to our Father we will bring,
For he gives us everything.
Eyes and ears and hands and feet,
Clothes to wear, and food to eat.
  • What does this song say Heavenly Father has given us?
  • Which of these things help us to hear? (Our ears.)

Carefully touch ears

we need to be careful with our ears

the outside is not what we hear with, inside there are special parts

Sometimes peoples can't hear very well for some reason. Sometimes it can make them harder to understand also.


Sign language

People who can't hear or talk well can use their hands to talk

Last week we learned "I love you" "Mother" and "Father"

Or they can write or read lips.

jesus healed a deaf man

listen to sounds activity

close your eyes and listen to these sounds (use sounds app on phone)

a bird chirping

dog barking

water running

wind blowing

We can listen to the teachings of jesus

What sounds do we hear at church?

What do our teachers teach us?

Listen to music

have children lay on floor and listen to music from music book

make maracas

beans, tape, dixie cups, stickers

dance with maracas

I Have a Wonderful Body

I have a wonderful body (touch hands to chest)
That Heavenly Father planned for me.
He gave me ears so I might hear (cup hand around ear)
And eyes that I might see (point to eyes).
I have two hands that I can clap (clap hands),
Two feet that turn around (turn around).
When I want to, I can touch
My toes down on the ground (bend over and touch toes).
When I think about my body (put finger to head),
The best part of it is (sit down quietly)
That Heavenly Father planned it
To look very much like his.



I am thankful for my ears

By fonz23

I am thankful for my ears

  • 1,417