i am thankful for


Pass around bag with fruit inside (banana?)

Have the children guess what they think it is.

After opening talk about the fruit and its usefulness


things made of wood

wheat kernels and bread cut into small squares for snack

empty eggs, grass seed, soil, water bottle

banana in bag

God made the trees, plants, and flowers to make the Earth beautiful, and for us to enjoy. On the third day of creation, Jesus created trees, plants, and flowers (see Genesis 1:11–13). Explain that Heavenly Father and Jesus wanted to make the earth beautiful with trees, plants, and flowers.


Kelly has a favorite tree to play under. One morning her mother wakes her and says that she has a surprise for Kelly to see. Kelly’s favorite tree is covered with beautiful white blossoms that look like popcorn. Kelly asks how popcorn got on her favorite tree, and her mother explains the importance of blossoms.

show picture on next slide

sing Popcorn Popping

plants and trees have many uses

  • birds use the tree for their home: When the baby birds hatch from the eggs, the tree provides a good home for them. It protects them from the hot sun, from the rain, and from animals on the ground that would harm them.
  • sing In the Leafy Tree Tops

tree provides fruit

tree provides a place to play

tree provides wood

show things made out of wood


Talk with the children about the grains, fruits, and vegetables grown locally. Explain that grains are often made into bread and cereal. Ask each child to name his or her favorite food that comes from a plant.

show a wheat kernel, then flour, then bread

egg grass

make the egg grass with soil and seeds and water-each with a holder

other activities

  • Have the children repeat after you the words to the song “Little Seeds Lie Fast Asleep” (Children’s Songbook, p. 243). Then have the children pretend to be the little seeds waking up and stretching while you sing or say the words again.
  • I dig and dig and dig (make digging motions),
    And then I plant some seeds (bend over and pretend to plant seeds).
    I rake and rake and rake (make raking motions with long strokes),
    And then I pull some weeds (bend low and make pulling motions).
    The sun shines bright and warm (make arms form a circle),
    The rain comes down, and so (bring arms down, wiggling fingers)
    Right there before my eyes,
    My seeds begin to grow (push fingers of left hand between fingers of right hand).


Share your testimony of the love Heavenly Father and Jesus have for each of us. Remind the children to remember that love every day when they see beautiful trees, plants, and flowers.

I am Thankful for Trees, Plants, and Flowers

By fonz23

I am Thankful for Trees, Plants, and Flowers

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