The Sabbath Day is a holy day
Review of Creation
Day 1: Night and Day-sing you are my sunshine
Day 2: sky
Day 3: plants (pick a flower)
Day 4: sun, moon, and stars
Day 5: birds and fish
Day 6: animals and Adam and Eve
Day 7: rest, called the Sabbath
Count to 7 with fingers-6 days we work, 7th day we rest and worship Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Gathering Manna
Tell story of Israelites gathering manna. Gathered 6 days just what they needed that day. On day 6, gathered enough for two days. Day 7 they rested.
Read Exodus 16:26-Sabbath is a day of worship
Sabbath day is a day of worship
one thing we do to worship Heavenly Father on the sabbath is partake the sacrament
I am glad I came to church today
We also show Heavenly Father and Jesus that we love them by being neat and clean when we come to church. We should clean our faces and hair and wear our best clothes.
Good things to do on the sabbath
we should not spend money or shop on the Sabbath. We should not go to sporting or entertainment activities on the Sabbath. We should not work in our yards or gardens or go fishing or hunting on the Sabbath.
We can play quiet games with family members, have scripture stories read to us, make family albums, visit relatives or those who are sick, draw pictures of things for which we are thankful, go on a walk with a member of the family, pray, sing songs, and listen to good music.
act out things we can do on the sabbath
Because Today Is Sunday
The Sabbath Day is a holy day
By fonz23
The Sabbath Day is a holy day
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