The DevOps handbook

What is devops ?

DevOps is Just "Infrastructure as Code" or Automation.



DevOps isn't about automation, just as astronomy isn't about telescopes

Christopher Little

DevOps is incompatible with Information Security & Compliance


DevOps means Eliminating IT Operations, or "NoOps"


What is devops then ?

The problem

The wall of Confusion - Andrew Clay Shafer

The problems




then retry

The problems

High time to market

Deployment Rare & Risky

Increased Complexity & technical dept

More firefighting

The problems

Deployment Rare & Risky

Bad customer service

The problems

Technical dept

More failure


Less time for initial project

The downward spiral

For who ?

Every Company is a technological company, regardless of what business they think they are. A bank is just an IT Company with a banking license

Christopher Little

For who ?

In 2013, HSBC had more software developers than Google

For who ?

Dr Vernon Richardson

184 Companies

/w material weakness linked to IT

/w material weakness without link to IT

"Clean firms"



For who ?

It is virtually impossible to make any business decision that doesn't result in at least one IT change


Technical dept

More failure


Less time for initial project

The downward spiral


Ship quickly & securly in production like environment

Fast feedback loop

Continual assurance

Discover issues early on (less technical dept)

Every person involved at each step of the development


Monitor everything


Unitary changes

Easier to find & fix issues

Release controlled, predictable & low stress


Keep teams intact instead of changing at each feature

Improve work togerther

More productive


Less waiting time

Feeling more productive

Frequent value delivering to customers

Buisness value of devops

  • 30 times more deployments
  • Less deployment lead time (200 times faster)
  • More reliability
  • 60 times higer chance of success rate for a production deployment
  • 168 times faster to restore services
  • Better organisation performance
  • 2 times more likelly to exeed productivity, market share & profitability goals
  • Better security outcomes

Puppet lalabs

State of devops report

(25 000 technology profesionals)

Buisness value of devops

  • Higer employee job satisfaction
  • Lower burnout rate
  • 22 times more likely to recommend their company as great place to work

Puppet lalabs

State of devops report

(25 000 technology profesionals)

Buisness value of devops


2011 - 7 000 deployments / day

2015 - 130 000 deployments / day

The three ways

First Way: The principle of Flow

The three ways

Second Way: The principle of Feedback

The three ways

Third Way: The principle of Continual learning and experimentation

The first way

The principle of flow

The first way

Typical manifacturing value stream :

Order received

Raw materials are released



The first way

Typical IT value stream :

Business hypothesis

Accept work

Development process



The first way

The first way


Percent complete and accurate

The first way

The first way

  • Make work visible
  • Reduce batch size
  • Increase qualituy defects beeing passed downstream

The first way

Increase flow

Reduce lead time for customer & internal requests

increase quality

More agile & able to out-experiment the competition

The first way

Work in progress is visible

Movement is visible

Work in Progress is invisible

Movement is done by a click

1. Make work visible

The first way

1. Make work visible

The first way

1. Make work visible

Work is not done when development completes the implementation of a feature, rather it is done when our application is running successfully on production, deliering value to the customer

The first way

2. Limit work in progress

Daily work is dictated by a production schedule

Disruption is highly visible & expensive

Work is dynamic

Disruption is frequent

The first way

2. Limit work in progress

The first way

2. Limit work in progress

All work must be visible!

The first way

2. Limit work in progress

Controlling queue size (WIP) is an extremly powerful managment tool, as it is one of the few leading indicators of lead time - with most work item, we don't know how long it will take until it is actually completed

Dominic DeGondis

The first way

2. Limit work in progress

Stop starting. Start finishing

David J. Anderson

The first way

3. Reduce batch size

The first way

4. Reduce the number of handsoff

The first way

4. Reduce the number of handsoff

The goal is to eliminate the maximum handsoff by automation or reorganization to allow teams to deliver value themselves which reduce wait time, thus improve flow

The first way

5. Continually identify and elevate our constraint

The first way

5. Continually identify and elevate our constraint

In any value stream, there is always a direction of flow, and there is always one and only one constraint. Any improvement not made at that constraint is an illusion

Dr Goldratt - Beyond the Goal

The first way

5. Continually identify and elevate our constraint

Five Focus Steps:

  1. Identify the system's constraint
  2. Decide how to exploit the constraint
  3. Subordinate everything else to the above decision
  4. Elevate the system's constraint
  5. If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, go back to step 1, but do not allow inertia to cause a system constraint

The first way

5. Continually identify and elevate our constraint

Usuall devops transformation :

  1. Environment creation
  2. Code deployment
  3. Test and setup run
  4. Overly thight architecture

The first way

6. Elimitate hardship and waste in the value stream

The first way

6. Elimitate hardship and waste in the value stream

  • Partially done work
  • Extra process
  • Extra feature
  • Task Switching
  • Waiting
  • Motion
  • Defects
  • Non standard manual work
  • Heroics 
  • ...

The second way

The principle of feedback

The second way

The second way

  • Create fast, frequent, high-quality information flow throughout our value stream and organisation
  • Create feedback & feedforward loops
  • Learn from failure instead of punishment and blame

The second way

What is a complex system ?

The second way

Conditions to make a safer work system:


  • Complexe work is managed so that problems in design and operations are revealed
  • Problems are swarmed and solved, resulting in quick construction of knowledge
  • New local knowledge is exploited globally throughout the organization
  • Leaders create other leaders who continually grow theses types of capabilities

The second way

1. see problems as they occur

The second way

1. see problems as they occur

The second way

2. swarm and solve problems to build new knowledge

In doing so, we build ever-deeper knowledge about how to manage the system for doing our work, converting inevitable up-front ignorance into knowledge

Dr Spear

The second way

2. swarm and solve problems to build new knowledge

The second way

3. Keep pushing quality closer to the source

The second way

3. Keep pushing quality closer to the source

  • Require another team to complete tedious, error-prone and manual tasks that could be easily automated
  • Require approval from busy people who are distant from the work (make descision without adequate knowledge of the work and its implications)
  • Create large volume of documentation with questionable details that become obsolete shortly after they are written
  • Pushing large batch of work to teams and special committees for approval and processing and then waiting for responses

The second way

3. Keep pushing quality closer to the source

It is impossible for a developper to learn anything when someone yells at them for something they broke six months ago - that's why we need to provide feedback to everyone as quickly as possible, in minutes, not months

Gary Gruver

The second way

4. Enable optimizing foir downstream work center

The second way

4. Enable optimizing foir downstream work center

The second way

The principle of feedback

The third way

The principle of continual learning and experimentation

The third way

The third way

1.enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

Incidents will happen. How should we handle them ?

The third way

1.enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

Responses to incidents and accidents that are seen as unjust can impede safety investigation, promote fear rather than mindfulness in people who do safety-critical work, make organizations more bureaucratic rather than more careful, and cultivate professional secrecy, evasion, and self-protection

Dr Sydney Dekker

The third way

1.enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

  • Pathological organization
  • Bureaucratic organizations
  • Generative organizations

The third way

1.enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

The third way

1.enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

By removing blame, you remove fear; by removing fear, you enable honesty; and honesty enables prevention

Bethany Marcri

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

In the absence of improvement, processes don't stay the same - due to chaos and entropy, processes actually degrade over time

Mike Rother - Toyota Kata

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

Even more than daily work is the improvement of daily work

Mike Orzen - Lean IT

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

Paul O'Neill

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work


lower injury rate over ten years

The third way

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work

Alcoa gradually stopped working around the difficulties, inconveniences, and impediments they experienced. Coping, fire fighting, and making do were gradually throughout the organization by a dynamic of identifying opportunities for process and product improvement. As those opportunities were identified and the problems were investigated, the pockets of ignorance that they reflected were converted into nuggets of knowledge

Dr Spear

The third way

3. Transform local discoveries into global improvements

The third way

3. Transform local discoveries into global improvements

The third way

3. Transform local discoveries into global improvements

The third way

4. Inject resilience patterns into our daily work

The third way

4. Inject resilience patterns into our daily work

The third way

4. Inject resilience patterns into our daily work

The third way

4. Inject resilience patterns into our daily work

The third way

5. Leaders reinforce a learning culture

Leaders lead by "making all the right decisions"

The third way

5. Leaders reinforce a learning culture

Creating greatness requires both leaders and workers, each of whom are mutually dependent on each other

The third way

5. Leaders reinforce a learning culture

Coaching Kata

Mike Rotcher

The third way

5. Leaders reinforce a learning culture

  • What was your last step and what happend?
  • What did you lean?
  • What is your condition now?
  • What is your next target condition?
  • What obstacle are your working on now?
  • What is your next step?
  • What is your expected outcome?
  • When can we check?

The third way

The principle of continual learning and experimentation

and That's just the BEGINING!

and That's just the BEGINING!

The DevOps Handbook

By foret_a

The DevOps Handbook

  • 300