a tale of three categories

Fosco Loregian

  • Ph.D. at SISSA - Trieste (IT)
    Stable homotopy theory,
    ∞-categories, derived AG
  • University of Western Ontario (CA)
    ∞-categories, derivators
  • Masaryk University (CZ)
    Accessible categories, derivators, 2-categories
  • Max Planck Inst. für Math. (DE)
    2-categories, derivators, applied category theory
  • CMUC (PT)
    who knows? Wait and see...

me, in a nutshell

stable ∞-categories

A n-simplex is a polytope with n vertices and a single arrow forall i  j


There is a category Δ modeling simplices: 

finite nonempty totally ordered sets + monotone maps



Every category is a suitable presheaf on Δ ([Δ°, Set] = simplicial sets):

More formally, there is a functor i : Δ Cat

  • i is dense, thus
  • the left ext. of Yoneda along i is a fully faithful embedding
N : {\bf Cat} \to [\boldsymbol{\Delta}^\text{op}, {\bf Set}]

sending a category to its nerve.

General result: Cat is an orthogonal class in simplicial sets

Every n-tuple of arrows eager to be composed has indeed a unique composite.

An ∞-category : an object injective wrt the same class of maps

Every n-tuple of arrows eager to be composed has a composite, unique up to a contractible space of choices.

Boom! you can redo category theory from scratch

  • limits, colimits
  • the Grothendieck construction
  • Kan extensions
  • adjunctions and monads
  • accessible categories
  • topos theory
  • you-name-it

Turns out some parts of Mathematics are easier if stated in these terms:

  • homological algebra : the scary part of algebraic topology 
  • higher algebra : the commutative algebra of ∞-categories
  • 1-topos theory : a synthetic type theory,
  • ∞-topos theory: a synthetic homotopy theory of homotopy types
  • Applications in, like, everywhere.

Some conjectures proved with ∞-categories

  • 2009 - [L] Proof of Baez-Dolan conjecture
    Every FQFT (= a monoidal functor from an (∞,n)-category of cobordisms) is determined by its value on the point
  • 2014 - [LG] Proof of Weil's conjecture on Tamagawa numbers
    Some weird formula full of ζ(n/2) is the measure of a geometric object
  • ??? - [HoTT] Foundation for Martin-Löf intuitionistic type teory with univalence
    I heard you like type theories; what if they allowed you to do algebraic topology?

Wanna know more? Check kerodon.net!

stable  ∞-categories

A stable ∞-category is an ∞-category

  • with all finite limits and colimits
  • such that a square is cartesian iff cocartesian

The homotopy category of a stable ∞-cat is always triangulated

The correspondence sending an abelian A into its derived category has a nice and clear universal property

Stable, rational, p-adic, ...  homotopy theory are pieces of commutative algebra of  ∞-categories

A t-structure on D triangulated is a pair of triangulated subcategories of D such that every object X lies in a sequence

X_{\le} \to X \to X_{\ge} \to \Sigma X_{\le}

("the part w/ negative homotopy groups",                                                            "the part w/ positive homotopy groups")

[FL14] : On stable ∞-cats a t-structure is a factorization system (E,M)

  • such that E and M are 3-for-2 classes
  • thus the category of E-cofibrant objects is coreflective
  • and the category of M-fibrant objects is reflective
  • cof/fib replacement are neg/pos truncation

(Algebraic) geometry has been reduced to (categorical) algebra (once again). Yay!

plan: redo theory of t-structures

  • [FL15] On the set of t-structures there is a natural choice of Z-action (Z = the integers); study Z-equivariant monotone maps from a poset J to TS(C).
    Bridgeland stability manifolds, Postnikov towers on ∞-toposes
  • [FL15b] Every stratified manifold (X,s) generates a pair of t-structure that can be glued together
    recollements, stratified schemes, representation of algebras
  • Project: algebraic geometry is easier, with factorization systems.
    Rational and p-adic homotopy ~ rational and p-adic geometry ~ number-theoretic factorization systems

Check. Done in my Ph.D.

Conjecture 1

is an interesting set [FL-PhD]*

every prime p defines

Blakers-Massey in char p is a thm about factorization systems

Real numbers? Eeew. go p-adic!

has an interest in chromatic homotopy

*Still unpublished!

\tiny \{ J \colon \mathbb R \to TS(\mathcal C) \mid J \text{ is Sorgenfrey continuous} \}
\tiny \{ J \colon \text{Spec}(\mathbb Z) \to TS(\mathcal C) \mid J \text{ is Zariski continuous} \}

conjecture 2

Fact: Bord(n) is the free (∞,n)-symmoncat on the point 

monoidal functors Z : Bord(n) → Vect are completely classified and used in QFT

Morse theory is the theory of suitable factorization systems on Bord(n)

{critical points of a Morse function}

 {critical values of a certain "slicing" J : R → FS(Bord(n))}


Too much ∞-categories make us dull boys.

                                  Let's stop to dimension two.

A derivator is a strict 2-functor

\mathbb{D} : {\bf Cat}^\text{op} \to {\bf CAT}

satisfying sheafy conditions. They form the 2-category Der.

They subsume most of ∞-category theory (in a suitable sense, they are more general)

[LV17] : A t-structure on a stable derivator is still a certain kind of factorization system*

*And FS are still algebras for the "squaring" 2-monad ( _ )² : A ↦ A² (see [KT93])

[Lor18] : reflective subderivators correspond to reflective factorization systems, and to algebras for idempotent monads*
*(the "formal theory of monads" still holds in Der, a monad T : D
 D is just defined objectwise)

To what extent category theory exports to the 2-category Der?




Uncle Ross to the rescue!

So: we have adjunctions, monads, factorization systems...

  • Formal category theory attempts to outline axioms on a 2-category K such that you can "do category theory" in K
  • A Yoneda structure gives enough structure to K in order to state the Yoneda lemma; provides K with a calculus of Kan extensions
  • A proarrow equipment gives K enough structure to concoct a calculus of profunctors; it is engineered to build a calculus of weighted co/limits

    [DLL19]: Suitable assumptions on K and on the presheaf construction P( _ ) entail that these two frameworks are equivalent.

conjecture 3

There is a Yoneda structure on the 2-category of derivators

If this is true

  • comprehensive account of various notions of accessible and locally presentable derivator using [DLL18]; categorical logic for derivators; derivator toposes?
  • a convincing form of adjoint functor theorem for derivators: useful, innit?
  • profunctors between derivators; fibered derivators; operads in derivator theory; applications in representation theory, stable homotopy, ...
  • cat = small categories;
  • y is the Yoneda embedding;
  • Ho(sPSh(A)) is always a derivator

Preparatory conjecture: there is a pseudo-YS on Der (all universal properties are pseudo-ified)

Fernando, are you here?

Applied category theory

Problem: It's all fun(ctors) and games until your grant finishes...

Solution: do applied mathematics. Make good money.

Save the world from climate change.

Avoid (or catalyze) next financial crisis.

functional programming

put the mo-ney in mo-nads

I've always wondered, how would a machine do mathematics?

For category theory, I think the answer is in a functional language with dependent types.

  • Types form a (2?-)category Type of algebraic types
  • I/O is modeled by a bunch of monads on Type
  • parsing is made with monads on (readable) objects of Type
class Profunctor p where
  dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
  dimap f g = lmap f . rmap g

* :: Profunctor b c -> Profunctor a b -> Profunctor a c
(p * q) = \x z -> exist y . ( p x y , q y z )

Open Haskell's Data.Profunctor library

Welp, that's exactly profunctor composition!

\footnotesize \displaystyle P \star Q(X,Z) = \int^Y P(X,Y) \times Q(Y,Z)

A suitable kind of lens (a datatype to access nested records in a datatype) is described as a Tambara module

(profunctors on a monoidal domain A, compatible with an action of A on Prof(A,A))

Changing the action you obtain a whole lot of different lenses, to the point that there is a conjectural bijection between the two classes


But we want more: generalize to other kinds of profunctors

A Petri net is a certain kind of multidigraph.

  • Let Rep(P) be the category of graph morphisms P → Set
  • it has a certain interest when P is regarded as a model of computation: F : PSet describes "P-shaped" algorithms
  • Change Set with Cat, get a fibration over P; give internal semantics to P-shaped algorithms
  • Go one step further: consider displayed categories

    Conjecture: they are a model for concurrent computation
  • Go one step further: what if in one of the nodes of a Petri net there's a nested Petri net?
    these gadgets can be grafted like operads! Conjecture: they model recursive/sequential computation
\footnotesize F : P \to {\bf Prof}

In conclusion

A few things done better with category theory

  • Algebraic geometry and homotopy theory
    yeah, we know the drill
  • Logic, constructive mathematics
    uh uh, go on...
  • Quantum mechanics [ZX, ACR], especially string theory [DCCT]
  • The study of natural language processes [Lam, Jag, Coe,...]
  • Designing a programming language [Bra]
  • Proof-check the security of a web UI [Sta]
  • Dynamical systems [Sp, Gog]
  • Computability theory [CH, CHH]
    aha, now we're talking!

Thanks for your attention!

A tale of three categories

By Fouche Ehcuof

A tale of three categories

  • 698