search trails|


Body of content

A specific search query would be performed in the Internet Archive. The intention was to record all the fluctuations that one topic would produce during one single search session. The various instants would be recorded as Screen Shots to form themselves a comprehensive library of the search trail.
search trails|

search trails are a series of web pages starting with a search query and terminating with an event such as session inactivity

The idea of visualizing a user’s journey through the web is by no means a new one. The goal in this project is to construct not only a window into digitally archived content but a narrative of the user's activity inside a digital archive. Collect, organize and present information in the form of an annotated narrative that can be consumed both online and offline. Both digital and printed results intend to highlight the quantity and complexity of information attached to one specific topic, underline where each exploration diverges.
Edited and designed by Francisca Monteiro
Published: 2017
Print on Demand

     at 14:39:20   Internet Archive‭/‬ Digital Library of Free Books‭, ‬Movies‭, ‬Music‭ ‬&‭ ‬Wayback Machine


<search= “exploring the illusion of free will” >
   <filter by=
   “collection” >
       <open in
       another tab=
       “first entry” >

     at 14:40:12   Internet Archive Search‭/‬ Exploring the illusion of free will


     at 14:40:52   Internet Archive Search‭/‬ Exploring the illusion of free will


     at 14:41:02   Exploring The Illusion Of Free Will


     at 14:41:44   1. How I Came to See My Casual Will / George Ortega

<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>

     at 14:43:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “determinism”

    at 14:43:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “causality”

     at 14:43:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “free will”

<!-- search page --> 
<!-- filter by the first 3 media --> 
<filter by= “audio” >
<open in another tab= “first three entries” >
   <filter by= “text” >
   <open in another
   tab= “first 
   three entries” >
       <filter by=
       “movies” > <open
       in another tab= 
       “first three 
       entries” >

     at 14:43:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “determinism”

    at 14:43:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “causality”

     at 14:44:04   Internet Archive Search/ subject/  “free will”

<!-- search page --> 
<!-- filter by the first 3 media --> 
<filter by= “audio” >
<open in another tab= “first three entries” >
   <filter by= “text” >
   <open in another
   tab= “first 
   three entries” >
       <filter by=
       “movies” > <open
       in another tab= 
       “first three 
       entries” >
<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>

     at 14:44:55   Where does consistent Calvinism lead?

    at 14:44:55   Freewill

     at 14:44:55   #11 – Ethics And an Update on Free Will

     at 14:45:32   Internet Archive Search/ ‬subject‭/‬  “free will”

     at 14:46:05   MNN Promo for television series NO FREE WILL

    at 14:46:05   Al-Qadaa wa’l-Qadar

     at 14:46:05   #11 – Ethics And an Update on Free Will

     at 14:46:05   #11 – Ethics And an Update on Free Will

<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>


     at 14:46:27   MNN Promo for television series NO FREE WILL

    at 14:46:05   Al-Qadaa wa’l-Qadar

<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>


    at 14:46:05   Al-Qadaa wa’l-Qadar

<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>


                        at 14:47:31   Where does consistent Calvinism lead?

    at 14:44:45   Freewill

<!-- content page --> 
<open in another tab= “first three topic tags”>

search trails|

By Francisca Monteiro

search trails|

Every new piece of information gives us new ideas and directions to follow — "Exploring the Illusion of Free Will" through the Internet Archive

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