Nix random

How to learn Nix language

Nix manual

Nixpkgs helper functions (read comments)

Nix by example

Nix pills

berlinjs meetup Feb 2015

How switch to NixOS

Install NixOS in VM (VMWare, VirtualBox)
get to know NixOS without compromising your machine


reuse the same configuration you've created for your VM
only provide needed drivers for your leptop

Configure your VIM

vim_configurable.customize {
  name = "vim-garbas";
  vimrcConfig = {
    customRC = ''
      set hidden
    vam.knownPlugins = pkgs.vimPlugins;
    vam.pluginDictionaries = [
      { names = [

Testing your application other platforms

with import <nixpkgs> { };

map (diskImageName:
  vmTools.runInLinuxImage (
    stdenv.mkDerivation (
      { name = "release-test-${diskImageName}";
        diskImage = (builtins.getAttr diskImageName vmTools.diskImageFuns) {
          extraPackages = [ "python" ];
        installPhase = ''
          python --version
) [ "ubuntu1404i386" "ubuntu1404x86_64" "debian7i386" "debian7x86_64" "fedora20i386"
    "fedora20x86_64" "centos66i386" "centos66x86_64" "opensuse111i386" "opensuse111x86_64" ]

nix random

By Rok Garbas

nix random

  • 2,522