ASOS Technical Assessment

George Kierstein, Diana Kantor
Richard Kauffold, Ryan Berkheimer



  • Technical Assessment
  • Options and Recommendations
  • ASOS Overview
  • Further Information

ASOS Overview 

  • Workflow
  • System Diagram
  • Core Functionality

Core Functionality

Ingests, qc's and formats ASOS/AWOS instrument data incorporating other data sets. 

  • Low-Resolution
  • High-Resolution
  • Types of QC

Core Functionality


ASOS: Automated Surface Observing System

  • At ~960 of the larger airports and some other locations
  • Collects elements that include temperature, precipitation, pressure, winds, visibility, present weather and others
  • Data transmitted hourly via METAR messages and also provided in Summary of Day and Month messages
  • Additional data on higher resolution (1-min/5-min also collected)

Core Functionality


AWOS: Automated Weather Observing System

  • At ~1000 of the smaller airports
  • Typically provide only METAR observations (hourly or 20-minute frequency)
  • Some observe fewer elements than the ASOS stations

Core Functionality

Low-Resolution Data Ingest

  • Transmitted over the GTS [backup through Modem dial-in] and ingested by Data Operations Branch for about 2000 stations
  • METAR (observations reported hourly, on 20-minute timescales, or whenever weather conditions require a Special report)
  • DSM/MSM (Daily and Monthly summary messages)
  • CF6 (Preliminary listing of Summary of Day/Month statistics for the month via NWS WFO AWIPS; may include values corrected by NWS personnel)
  • MAPSO (Observations taken at 6 Pacific Island stations)
  • CRN and Solar Data added before publication

Core Functionality

High-Resolution Data Ingest

  • Collected via modem dial-in to ~960 stations
  • 1-minute/5 minute data
  • Additional source for fill-in of otherwise missing data as described on previous slides
  • System Log information for NWS Diagnostics
  • Provided via ftp and in DSI-640x series

NOTE: This modem dial-in data source is referred to as ‘ASOS Instrument Network’ on subsequent slides.

Core Functionality

Types of QC

Interactive QC on a subset of ~480 ASOS stations
LCD Publications, CD Publications
Flags set in Level 1 are reviewed by Met Tech

Level 1

Automated checks; sets flags for all but CRN and SURFRAD networks

Level 2

ISD Format checking; run in DS and again by DAB All stations receive this level of QC at a minimum

Level 3


3 Stages

Initial Ingest and automated QC

Computer-Aided Manual QC

Final Formatting, publishing and Archival

System Diagram

Stage 1 - Ingest & QC

Stage 2 - Manual QC

Stage 3 - Publishing


Stages over time

System Diagram

Technical Assessment Findings

  • Workflow
  • Production/Maintence
  • "Low-Level"
  • General Observations
  • Code Metrics

 Findings: Low - Level

Codebase Lacks consistency across system.

Missing effective or comprehensive error handling.

Leverages approaches and language features that are no long preferred for system development.

Un-integrated polyglot system.
(FORTRAN, Java, Bash, Cron, etc.)

Findings: Workflow 

No comprehensive logging.

No error resilience and high reliability requirements.

Boundaries between workflow and computational tasks inconsistent.
(i.e. little internal uniformity)

Primarily manual introducing a high risk of un-recoverable human errors.

Findings: Production/Maintenance

Inflexible deployment approach.

Issues require human intervention from a skilled operator familiar with the system architecture, etc.

Single point of failure (IBM Server)

Missing means to monitor status in real-time without understanding the tasks being taken and where to look for intermediate results.

No resilience to intermittent ASOS device availability. 

Findings: General Observations

Nicely de-composable at the task and unit level.

Many tasks are not precision math with high computational cost.

Significant amounts of dead code in current codebase.

Output formats well-defined and slow-changing.

Findings: General Observations

ASOS Instrument Network

Changes very slowly.

Data format extremely stable.

Dial-in tech unchanged for almost a decade.

Upcoming improvements include direct networking access.

MADIS already provides almost all data we obtain via dial-up.

Findings: Code Metrics

Phase 1 (Ingest)

Each functional unit (i.e. CF6 ingest) is broken down separately followed by the total for the ingest phase:



              METAR:                   2037
              DSM/MSM:             2146
              CF6:                           878
              ASOS Network:      2488
              MAPSO:                   3130

 Total LOC:   10,679

Findings: Code Metrics

NOTE : Phase 2 - Manual QC with a GUI isn't commenserable with the LOC metric

The codebase totals approximately 75k lines of executable code. Most of this is generated. Approximately 50% is business logic.

Findings: Code Metrics

This section is monolithic being a number of complex BASH scripts that are hard-coded into one piece of application logic.





    Scripts:                12,605
    Ish_drvr.f:                370  
    Blddfty.f:                  267
    Mk3505name.f:        53
    Fixpacisd.f:              146

Total LOC:                13,441

Phase 3 (Publishing)


  • Refactor
  • Re-architect
  • Minimum Effort

Option 1: Minimum Effort

  • Migrate off IBM Server



  • Initial cost is minimal
  •  Increases resilience to hardware failures.
  • Deployed to modern 3-tier server environment.
  • Continue to maintain a high-risk system.
  • Leaves dependencies to key

Estimate: 6-12 FTE months 

  • Upgrade 'High-Res' ASOS Ingest

Option 2: Refactor

  • Migrate off IBM Server

  • Refactor FORTRAN code

  • Refactor Java code

  • Re-write BASH in modern language



  • Produces a sustainable, well understood system.
  • Remains an isolated stove pipe system.
  • Does not address workflow issues.

Estimate:  20 - 33 FTE months

"Mission critical re-engineering, no re-architecture."

  • Upgrade 'High-Res' ASOS ingest

Refactor: Sample of Java Details

  • Delete commented-out or otherwise dead code.
  • Eliminate hard-coded paths, emails, etc., which are pervasive
    throughout most of the files.
  • Separate monolithic methods into separate functions for API integration.
  • Reorganize files according to related functionality.
  • Reorganize project file structure.

Refactor: Sample of FORTRAN Details

  • Reformat for consistency and readability.

  • Delete commented-out code.

  • Add or enhance top-level documentation for each file.

  • Eliminate hard-coded paths, emails, etc., which are pervasive throughout most of the files.

  • Replace ‘include’ directives with ‘use’ statements pointing to well-organized modules.

  • Merge files containing only very small subroutines or variable declarations into larger files to eliminate the need for 80 separate Fortran files.

  • Reorganize files according to related functionality, rather than keeping all Fortran files together in a single directory.

  • Very minimal GOTO removal only where obvious and easy.

Refactor: Global Concerns

  • Remove dead code.
  • Move hard-coded paths, deployment/runtime configuration options into a system-global set of properties that can be set during deployment or at runtime.
  • Build a comprehensive and well-structured code repository.
  • Add automated build and deployment tools.

Option 3: Re-Architect



  • Greatly enhanced logging and error handling.
  • Improved workflow.
  • Incrementally re-factor data-driven system flaws as discovered during production. (i.e. Continuous integration)
  • Common Ingest not completed introducing planning uncertainty.

Estimate:  16 - 29 FTE months


  • Migrate off IBM Server

  • Address global concerns/minimal refactoring

  • Implement Unit API

  • Integrate API with FORTRAN code

  • Integrate API with Java code

  • Upgrade 'High-Res' ASOS ingest

  • Re-write Bash in modern language

  • (Optional) Integrate with Common Ingest under development.


  • Modules
  • Units
  • Terminology
  • Workflow


Workflow Stages




A module comprises a single computational task communicating results via a plugin-api.

  • Java/FORTRAN interop (JMA/JNI)
  • Logging
  • Error Handling
  • Event messaging

Error Handling



Module API


A unit is a conceptually grouped set of tasks comprised of modules and workflow.

  • Manages execution and monitoring of each module that is part of its internal workflow
  • Responds to errors or events that alter ​the internal workflow reported by modules.



Unit API

Ex: Unit Completed Action

Ex: Recoverable Module error

Workflow Pipeline

Encapsulates and executes business logic of set of functional units.

  • Responds to errors or events that alter the overall workflow reported by units.
  • Provides status updates, reporting and opportunity for immediate error recovery.
  • Handles external events from users who play a role in the workflow.




Enforces Business Logic

Handles Errors

Ingest System


Downstream Processing

User Activity



The approach we believe that is most likely to succeed in addressing both short-term concerns and longer-term organizational goals is an incremental approach that advances a mature architecture and is compatible with the common ingest system under development for future deployment on the 3-tier production environment.


  • Guidance is required to set the scope of the development roadmap. 
  • Once scope is provided a formal project plan with estimates can be created.

Many Thanks!

Further Information

  • API's and Development flexibility
  • Workflow Advantages
  • MADIS Details

Development Flexibility

API's allow targeted re-design that can be pushed to production.


Unit API

Unit API

Data Retrieval

Parsing and formatting


Workflow Advantages

Workflow Engine designed to integrate into Ingest System

Station Unreachable

Dial-Out Functional Unit

Put Station back on processing list

Modems Down

Unrecoverable Error

Process Station List

Log Event

Escalate Failure/Retry Unit

Halt Processing

MADIS Details

Data Retrieval

Parsing and formatting


Functional Unit API

Collects and distributes "High-Res" data. (1,5 Minute)

  • MADIS data widely distributed and used external to NCEI. We already ingest and archive MADIS data.
  • Dial-out system reliability risks externalized.
  • Short-term: Still require modem system to retrieve 1 file. (device syslog)
  • Simplifies development reducing development and maintenance costs.

ASOS Ingest Upgrade

  • Reduces/Eliminates "near-realtime" requirements.

Re-Orged Copy

By gatewayspectacle

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  • 286