EOSIO Software Stack

(Building Decentralised Applications)

Gautam ANAND

CTO, TechChoix


Why EOSIO for your dAPP?

Fast - Scalable - Economical

Example: Payment Gateway

Core Features

  • Free Rate Limited Transactions

  • Low Latency Block confirmation (0.5 seconds)

  • Low-overhead Byzantine Fault Tolerant Finality

  • Designed for optional high-overhead, low-latency BFT finality

  • Smart contract platform powered by Web Assembly

  • Designed for Sparse Header Light Client Validation

  • Scheduled Recurring Transactions

  • Time Delay Security

  • Hierarchical Role Based Permissions

  • Support for Biometric Hardware Secured Keys (e.g. Apple Secure Enclave)

  • Designed for Parallel Execution of Context Free Validation Logic

  • Designed for Inter Blockchain Communication

How are Transactions Feeless on EOSIO?

EOS Mainet is Live

"Launched June 2018"


dAPP Ecosystem is growing fast

Update: 10th August 2018



  • Consensus Model 

  • Core components 

  • DApp Architecture

  • Workflow

  • Code Sample (Basic)

  • Code Sample (Advanced)

Consensus Model: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)

Core Components

Source: https://developers.eos.io/

nodeos (node + eos = nodeos) - the core EOSIO node daemon that can be configured with plugins to run a node.

cleos (cli + eos = cleos) - command line interface to interact with the blockchain and to manage wallets

keosd (key + eos = keosd) - component that securely stores EOSIO keys in wallets.

eosio-cpp - compiles C++ into WASM

DApp Architecture





DApp Web Browser


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

DApp Instance 1

Replaces the database/cache and server code





DApp Web Browser


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

DApp Instance 2

Replaces the database/cache and server code


Create a account, Link to keys


Create a wallet, Link to keys


seed data using batch script (simulation)


Key -> Wallet -> Account

Write Smart Contracts


Compile Smart Contracts


Deploy Smart Contracts


Testing Smart Contracts


Build -> Test -> Compile ->Deploy


What is the webassembly?

Code Sample


Setup your development Machine

1. Create Wallet

cleos wallet create --to-console

2. Create Key & Import into wallet

cleos wallet create_key
//Created new private key with a public key of: "EOS8PEJ5FM42xLpHK...X6PymQu97KrGDJQY5Y"

Wallet Options

cleos wallet open
cleos wallet list
cleos wallet unlock
cleos create account eosio hello ${OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY}
cleos create account eosio bob EOS8PEJ5FM42xLpHK...X6PymQu97KrGDJQY5Y 
cleos create account eosio alice EOS8PEJ5FM42xLpHK...X6PymQu97KrGDJQY5Y

4. Create Accounts

3. Important EOS Dev Key

cleos wallet import
(Default value on eosio/eos:1.4.2 is 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3)

5. "hello.cpp" Our basic smart contract

#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/print.hpp>

using namespace eosio;

class hello : public contract {
      using contract::contract;

      void hi( name user ) {
         require_auth( user );
         print( "Hello, ", name{user});
EOSIO_DISPATCH( hello, (hi))
cd contracts
touch hello.cpp

namespace - eosio

eosio.hpp - loads the EOSIO C and C++ API

C++ Class - hello class extends eosio contract

name user - name is type and user is parameter

EOSIO_DISPATCH - handle the dispatch of actions

6. C++  to WASM

eosio-cpp -o hello.wasm hello.cpp --abigen
cleos set contract hello CONTRACTS_DIR/hello -p hello@active

7. Create account for Smart Contract

cleos create account eosio hello EOS8bpGz5aLRYN23JA..........gJGHEnbuFQcF -p eosio@active

8. Broadcast contract on Network

cleos push action hello actionName "${ARRAY_ACTION}" -p ${ACCOUNT}
cleos push action hello hi '["bob"]' -p bob@active

9. Call a defined action

10. Obtain eosio-token

git clone https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.contracts --branch v1.4.0 --single-branch
cd eosio.contracts/eosio.token

11. Create an account for eosio.token (Dev)

cleos create account eosio eosio.token EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7h....VpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV

12. Compile eosio.token (Dev)

eosio-cpp -I include -o eosio.token.wasm src/eosio.token.cpp --abigen

13. Deploy eosio.token (Dev)

cleos set contract eosio.token CONTRACTS_DIR/eosio.contracts/eosio.token --abi eosio.token.abi -p eosio.token@active
cleos push action eosio.token issue '[ "alice", "100.0000 SYS", "memo" ]' -p eosio@active

15. Issue Tokens

cleos push action eosio.token create '{"issuer":"eosio", "maximum_supply":"1000000000.0000 htt"}' -p eosio.token@active
cleos push action eosio.token create '[ "eosio", "1000000000.0000 htt"]' -p eosio.token@active

14. Token generation event

cleos push action eosio.token transfer '[ "alice", "bob", "25.0000 SYS", "m" ]' -p alice@active

16. Transfer Tokens

Setup eosjs (Nodejs Microservice)

Eos = require('eosjs')
keyProvider: '5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3'
eos = Eos({keyProvider})

more eosjs API













#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/asset.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/print.hpp>

#include <string>

using namespace eosio;
using eosio::asset;
using std::string;

class reliefchain: public contract {
  reliefchain(account_name self) : contract (self) {}

  // @abi action addngo
  void addngo (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         ngo_name,
                   uint32_t              totalvolunteers,
                   uint32_t              activevolunteers);

  // @abi action addcitizen
  void addcitizen (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         citizen_name,
                   bool              isvolunteer,
                   const string&         statusLiving,
                   const string&         biometrichash);

  // @abi action adddisaster
  void adddisaster (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         disaster_name,
                   uint32_t              ufood,
                   uint32_t              ucloth,
                   uint32_t              uwater,
                   uint32_t              umed,
                   uint32_t              activevolunteers,
                   uint32_t              reliefedcitizens);
  // @abi action verifycits
  void verifycits (const account_name    citizen_account,
                   const account_name    disaster_account,
                   uint32_t              ufood,
                   uint32_t              ucloth,
                   uint32_t              uwater,
                   uint32_t              umed,
                   const string&        statusLiving);


    // @abi table ngo i64
    struct ngo {
      account_name    account;
      asset           balancev;
      string          ngo_name;
      uint32_t        totalvolunteers;
      uint32_t        activevolunteers;

      account_name primary_key() const { return account; }

      EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(ngo, (account)(balancev)(ngo_name)(totalvolunteers)(activevolunteers))

    typedef eosio::multi_index<N(ngo), ngo> ngo_table;

    // @abi table citizen i64
    struct citizen {
      account_name    account;
      asset           balancev;
      string          citizen_name;
      bool        isvolunteer;
      string        statusLiving;
      string        biometrichash;

      account_name primary_key() const { return account; }

      EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(citizen, (account)(balancev)(citizen_name)(isvolunteer)(statusLiving)(biometrichash))

    typedef eosio::multi_index<N(citizen), citizen> citizen_table;

    // @abi table disaster i64
    struct disaster {
      account_name    account;
      asset           balancev;
      string          disaster_name;
      uint32_t        ufood;
      uint32_t        ucloth;
      uint32_t        uwater;
      uint32_t        umed;
      uint32_t        activevolunteers;
      uint32_t        reliefedcitizens;

      account_name primary_key() const { return account; }

      EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(disaster, (account)(balancev)(disaster_name)(ufood)(ucloth)(uwater)(umed)(activevolunteers)(reliefedcitizens))

    typedef eosio::multi_index<N(disaster), disaster> disaster_table;

EOSIO_ABI(reliefchain, (addngo)(addcitizen)(adddisaster)(verifycits))


#include <reliefchain.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/asset.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/action.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>      /* printf, scanf, puts, NULL */
#include <time.h>       /* time */

using namespace std;
using namespace eosio;
using eosio::permission_level;

/* ADD a NGO */
void reliefchain::addngo (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         ngo_name,
                   uint32_t              totalvolunteers,
                   uint32_t              activevolunteers) {

  require_auth (account);

  ngo_table ngo(_self, account);

  auto itr = ngo.find(account);
  eosio_assert(itr == ngo.end(), "ngo already exists");

  ngo.emplace(account, [&]( auto& t) {
    t.account         = account;
    t.balancev        = balancev;
    t.ngo_name        = ngo_name;
    t.totalvolunteers        = totalvolunteers;
    t.activevolunteers       = activevolunteers;

  print (name{account}, " ngo created.");

void reliefchain::addcitizen (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         citizen_name,
                   bool              isvolunteer,
                   const string&        statusLiving,
                   const string&        biometrichash) {

  require_auth (account);

  citizen_table citizen(_self, account);

  auto itr = citizen.find(account);
  eosio_assert(itr == citizen.end(), "citizen already exists");

  citizen.emplace(account, [&](auto& t) {
    t.account         = account;
    t.balancev        = balancev;
    t.citizen_name        = citizen_name;
    t.isvolunteer        = isvolunteer;
    t.statusLiving        = statusLiving;
    t.biometrichash        = biometrichash;

  print (name{account}, " citizen created.");

void reliefchain::adddisaster (const account_name    account,
                   const asset&         balancev,
                   const string&         disaster_name,
                   uint32_t              ufood,
                   uint32_t              ucloth,
                   uint32_t              uwater,
                   uint32_t              umed,
                   uint32_t              activevolunteers,
                   uint32_t              reliefedcitizens) {

  require_auth (account);

  disaster_table disaster(_self, account);

  auto itr = disaster.find(account);
  eosio_assert(itr == disaster.end(), "disaster event already exists");

  disaster.emplace(account, [&](auto& t) {
    t.account         = account;
    t.balancev        = balancev;
    t.disaster_name        = disaster_name;
    t.ufood        = ufood;
    t.ucloth        = ucloth;
    t.uwater        = uwater;
    t.umed        = umed;
    t.activevolunteers        = activevolunteers;
    t.reliefedcitizens        = reliefedcitizens;

  print (name{account}, " disaster event created.");

/* Verify a citizen */
void reliefchain::verifycits (const account_name    citizen_account,
                   const account_name    disaster_account,
                   uint32_t              ufood,
                   uint32_t              ucloth,
                   uint32_t              uwater,
                   uint32_t              umed,
                   const string&        statusLiving) {

  require_auth (disaster_account);

  //Check if disaster exists
  disaster_table disaster(_self, disaster_account);
  auto itr = disaster.find(disaster_account);
  eosio_assert(itr != disaster.end(), "disaster not found");

  //Check if citizen exists
  citizen_table citizen(_self, citizen_account);
  auto itr2 = citizen.find(citizen_account);
  eosio_assert(itr2 != citizen.end(), "citizen not found");

  disaster.modify(itr, disaster_account, [&](auto& t) {
    t.account         = disaster_account;
    t.ufood        = ufood;
    t.ucloth        = ucloth;
    t.uwater        = uwater;
    t.umed    = umed;

  citizen.modify(itr2, citizen_account, [&](auto& t) {
    t.account         = citizen_account;
    t.statusLiving         = statusLiving;

  print (name{disaster_account}, " disaster updated.");
  print (name{citizen_account}, " citizen status updated.");



0061 736d 0100 0000 0193 0115 6006 7f7e
7f7f 7f7f 0060 0a7f 7e7f 7f7f 7f7f 7f7f
7f00 6008 7f7e 7e7f 7f7f 7f7f 0060 077f
7e7f 7f7f 7f7f 0060 0000 6000 017e 6002
7e7e 0060 027f 7f00 6000 017f 6002 7f7f
017f 6003 7f7f 7f01 7f60 017e 0060 047e
7e7e 7e01 7f60 017f 0060 047f 7e7f 7f00
6006 7e7e 7e7e 7f7f 017f 6003 7e7e 7e00
6004 7f7f 7e7f 0060 017f 017f 6004 7f7f
7f7f 0060 087f 7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 7f00 029e
0210 0365 6e76 0561 626f 7274 0004 0365
6e76 1061 6374 696f 6e5f 6461 7461 5f73
697a 6500 0803 656e 7610 6375 7272 656e
745f 7265 6365 6976 6572 0005 0365 6e76
0c63 7572 7265 6e74 5f74 696d 6500 0503
656e 760b 6462 5f66 696e 645f 6936 3400
0c03 656e 760a 6462 5f67 6574 5f69 3634
000a 0365 6e76 0c64 625f 7374 6f72 655f
6936 3400 0f03 656e 760d 6462 5f75 7064
6174 655f 6936 3400 0e03 656e 760c 656f
7369 6f5f 6173 7365 7274 0007 0365 6e76
066d 656d 6370 7900 0a03 656e 7607 6d65
6d6d 6f76 6500 0a03 656e 7606 7072 696e
746e 000b 0365 6e76 0670 7269 6e74 7300
0d03 656e 7610 7265 6164 5f61 6374 696f
6e5f 6461 7461 0009 0365 6e76 0c72 6571
7569 7265 5f61 7574 6800 0b03 656e 760d
7265 7175 6972 655f 6175 7468 3200 0603
3c3b 0909 0908 0d10 0009 0309 0109 0209
0709 0907 0909 1111 1209 0909 090a 1312
0909 1307 0707 0707 0707 0907 1309 0912
0912 0d12 0d0d 0914 070d 090a 0404 0501
7001 0505 0503 0100 0107 fb04 0e06 6d65
6d6f 7279 0200 165f 5a65 7152 4b31 3163
6865 636b 7375 6d32 3536 5331 5f00 1016
5f5a 6571 524b 3131 6368 6563 6b73 756d
3136 3053 315f 0011 165f 5a6e 6552 4b31
3163 6865 636b 7375 6d31 3630 5331 5f00
1203 6e6f 7700 1330 5f5a 4e35 656f 7369
6f31 3272 6571 7569 7265 5f61 7574 6845
524b 4e53 5f31 3670 6572 6d69 7373 696f
6e5f 6c65 7665 6c45 0014 0561 7070 6c79
0015 6d5f 5a4e 3131 7265 6c69 6566 6368
6169 6e36 6164 646e 676f 4579 524b 4e35
656f 7369 6f35 6173 7365 7445 524b 4e53
7433 5f5f 3131 3262 6173 6963 5f73 7472
696e 6749 634e 5334 5f31 3163 6861 725f
7472 6169 7473 4963 4545 4e53 345f 3961
6c6c 6f63 6174 6f72 4963 4545 4545 6d6d
0016 775f 5a4e 3131 7265 6c69 6566 6368
6169 6e31 3061 6464 6369 7469 7a65 6e45
7952 4b4e 3565 6f73 696f 3561 7373 6574
4552 4b4e 5374 335f 5f31 3132 6261 7369
635f 7374 7269 6e67 4963 4e53 345f 3131
6368 6172 5f74 7261 6974 7349 6345 454e
5334 5f39 616c 6c6f 6361 746f 7249 6345
4545 4562 5343 5f53 435f 0018 775f 5a4e
3131 7265 6c69 6566 6368 6169 6e31 3161
6464 6469 7361 7374 6572 4579 524b 4e35
656f 7369 6f35 6173 7365 7445 524b 4e53
7433 5f5f 3131 3262 6173 6963 5f73 7472
696e 6749 634e 5334 5f31 3163 6861 725f
7472 6169 7473 4963 4545 4e53 345f 3961
6c6c 6f63 6174 6f72 4963 4545 4545 6d6d
6d6d 6d6d 001a 655f 5a4e 3131 7265 6c69
6566 6368 6169 6e31 3076 6572 6966 7963
6974 7345 7979 6d6d 6d6d 524b 4e53 7433
5f5f 3131 3262 6173 6963 5f73 7472 696e
6749 634e 5330 5f31 3163 6861 725f 7472
6169 7473 4963 4545 4e53 305f 3961 6c6c
6f63 6174 6f72 4963 4545 4545 001c 066d
616c 6c6f 6300 3d04 6672 6565 0040 066d
656d 636d 7000 4909 0b01 0041 000b 054a
1816 1c1a 0ae8 9701 3b0b 0020 0020 0141
2010 4945 0b0b 0020 0020 0141 2010 4945
0b0d 0020 0020 0141 2010 4941 0047 0b0a
0010 0342 c084 3d80 a70b 0e00 2000 2903
0020 0029 0308 100f 0bbb 0603 027f 047e
017f 4100 4100 2802 0441 d000 6b22 0936
0204 4200 2106 423b 2105 4110 2104 4200
2107 0340 0240 0240 0240 0240 0240 2006
4206 560d 0020 042c 0000 2203 419f 7f6a
41ff 0171 4119 4b0d 0120 0341 a501 6a21
030c 020b 4200 2108 2006 420b 580d 020c
030b 2003 41d0 016a 4100 2003 414f 6a41
ff01 7141 0549 1b21 030b 2003 ad42 3886
4238 8721 080b 2008 421f 8320 0542 ffff
ffff 0f83 8621 080b 2004 4101 6a21 0420
0642 017c 2106 2008 2007 8421 0720 0542
7b7c 2205 427a 520d 000b 0240 2007 2002
520d 0042 0021 0642 3b21 0541 2021 0442
0021 0703 4002 4002 4002 4002 4002 4020
0642 0456 0d00 2004 2c00 0022 0341 9f7f
6a41 ff01 7141 194b 0d01 2003 41a5 016a
2103 0c02 0b42 0021 0820 0642 0b58 0d02
0c03 0b20 0341 d001 6a41 0020 0341 4f6a
41ff 0171 4105 491b 2103 0b20 03ad 4238
8642 3887 2108 0b20 0842 1f83 2005 42ff
ffff ff0f 8386 2108 0b20 0441 016a 2104
2006 4201 7c21 0620 0820 0784 2107 2005
427b 7c22 0542 7a52 0d00 0b20 0720 0151
4130 1008 0b02 4002 4020 0120 0051 0d00
4200 2106 423b 2105 4110 2104 4200 2107
0340 0240 0240 0240 0240 0240 2006 4206
560d 0020 042c 0000 2203 419f 7f6a 41ff
0171 4119 4b0d 0120 0341 a501 6a21 030c
020b 4200 2108 2006 420b 580d 020c 030b
2003 41d0 016a 4100 2003 414f 6a41 ff01
7141 0549 1b21 030b 2003 ad42 3886 4238
8721 080b 2008 421f 8320 0542 ffff ffff
0f83 8621 080b 2004 4101 6a21 0420 0642
017c 2106 2008 2007 8421 0720 0542 7b7c
2205 427a 520d 000b 2007 2002 520d 010b
2009 2000 3703 4802 4002 4002 4020 0242
ffdb aac6 8dec a5a9 3255 0d00 2002 4280
80b8 f690 bfb9 d75a 510d 0120 0242 8080
d3fa ddec a1a9 3252 0d03 2009 4100 3602
3c20 0941 0136 0238 2009 2009 2903 3837
0210 2009 41c8 006a 2009 4110 6a10 191a
0c03 0b20 0242 80dc aac6 8dec a5a9 3251
0d01 2002 4280 8080 8080 cacd a932 520d
0220 0941 0036 0244 2009 4102 3602 4020
0920 0929 0340 3702 0820 0941 c800 6a20
0941 086a 1017 1a0c 020b 2009 4100 3602
2c20 0941 0336 0228 2009 2009 2903 2837
0220 2009 41c8 006a 2009 4120 6a10 1d1a
0c01 0b20 0941 0036 0234 2009 4104 3602
3020 0920 0929 0330 3702 1820 0941 c800
6a20 0941 186a 101b 1a0b 4100 2009 41d0
006a 3602 040b 8606 0201 7e01 7f41 0041
0028 0204 4180 016b 2207 3602 0420 0720
0137 0350 2007 2004 3602 4c20 0720 0536
0248 2001 100e 4100 2105 2007 41c0 006a
4100 3602 0020 0720 0137 0328 2007 427f
3703 3020 0742 0037 0338 2007 2000 2903
0022 0637 0320 4101 2100 0240 2006 2001
4280 8080 8080 8080 949b 7f20 0110 0422
0441 0048 0d00 2007 4120 6a20 0410 3828
022c 2007 4120 6a46 4190 0110 0820 0729
0350 2101 4100 2100 0b20 0041 8007 1008
2007 2002 3602 0c20 0720 0336 0210 2007
2007 41d0 006a 3602 0820 0720 0741 cc00
6a36 0214 2007 2007 41c8 006a 3602 1820
0720 0137 0378 2007 2903 2010 0251 41e0
0510 0820 0720 0741 086a 3602 6420 0720
0741 206a 3602 6020 0720 0741 f800 6a36
0268 4138 1041 2200 4284 a6e5 9a05 3703
1020 0042 0037 0308 4101 41e0 0410 0842
d3b2 cd02 2101 0240 0240 0340 2001 a741
1874 41ff ffff ff7b 6a41 feff ffd7 014b
0d01 0240 2001 4208 8822 0142 ff01 8342
0052 0d00 0340 2001 4208 8822 0142 ff01
8342 0052 0d03 2005 4101 6a22 0541 0748
0d00 0b0b 4101 2102 2005 4101 6a22 0541
0748 0d00 0c02 0b0b 4100 2102 0b20 0241
a005 1008 2000 4100 3602 2020 0042 0037
0218 2000 2007 4120 6a36 022c 2007 41e0
006a 2000 1039 2007 2000 3602 7020 0720
0029 0300 2201 3703 6020 0720 0028 0230
2202 3602 5c02 4002 4020 0741 3c6a 2203
2802 0022 0520 0741 c000 6a28 0200 4f0d
0020 0520 0137 0308 2005 2002 3602 1020
0741 0036 0270 2005 2000 3602 0020 0320
0541 186a 3602 000c 010b 2007 4138 6a20
0741 f000 6a20 0741 e000 6a20 0741 dc00
6a10 3a0b 2007 2802 7021 0520 0741 0036
0270 0240 2005 450d 0002 4020 052d 0018
4101 7145 0d00 2005 4120 6a28 0200 1042
0b20 0510 420b 2007 2903 5010 0b41 a007
100c 0240 2007 2802 3822 0245 0d00 0240
0240 2007 413c 6a22 0328 0200 2205 2002
460d 0003 4020 0541 686a 2205 2802 0021
0020 0541 0036 0200 0240 2000 450d 0002
4020 002d 0018 4101 7145 0d00 2000 4120
6a28 0200 1042 0b20 0010 420b 2002 2005
470d 000b 2007 4138 6a28 0200 2105 0c01
0b20 0221 050b 2003 2002 3602 0020 0510
420b 4100 2007 4180 016a 3602 040b b804
0303 7f01 7e03 7f41 0028 0204 41e0 006b
2206 2108 4100 2006 3602 0420 0128 0204
2102 2001 2802 0021 0741 0021 0141 0021
0402 4010 0122 0345 0d00 0240 0240 2003
4181 0449 0d00 2003 103d 2104 0c01 0b41
0020 0620 0341 0f6a 4170 716b 2204 3602
040b 2004 2003 100d 1a0b 2008 4110 6a42
84a6 e59a 0537 0300 2008 4200 3703 0820
0842 0037 0300 4101 41e0 0410 0842 d3b2
cd02 2105 0240 0240 0340 2005 a741 1874
41ff ffff ff7b 6a41 feff ffd7 014b 0d01
0240 2005 4208 8822 0542 ff01 8342 0052
0d00 0340 2005 4208 8822 0542 ff01 8342
0052 0d03 2001 4101 6a22 0141 0748 0d00
0b0b 4101 2106 2001 4101 6a22 0141 0748
0d00 0c02 0b0b 4100 2106 0b20 0641 a005
1008 2008 4120 6a42 0037 0300 2008 4200
3703 1820 0841 0036 0228 2008 2004 3602
5420 0820 0436 0250 2008 2004 2003 6a36
0258 2008 2008 41d0 006a 3602 3020 0820
0836 0240 2008 41c0 006a 2008 4130 6a10
3702 4020 0341 8104 490d 0020 0410 400b
2008 41c0 006a 4108 6a22 0120 0841 106a
2903 0037 0300 2008 2903 0021 0520 0820
0829 0308 3703 4020 0841 306a 2008 4118
6a10 481a 2008 4128 6a28 0200 2104 2008
4124 6a28 0200 2106 2008 41d0 006a 4108
6a20 0129 0300 3703 0020 0820 0829 0340
3703 5020 0020 0241 0175 6a21 0102 4020
0241 0171 450d 0020 0128 0200 2007 6a28
0200 2107 0b20 0120 0520 0841 d000 6a20
0841 306a 2006 2004 2007 1100 0002 4020
082d 0030 4101 7145 0d00 2008 2802 3810
420b 0240 2008 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020
0841 206a 2802 0010 420b 4100 2008 41e0
006a 3602 0441 010b e705 0301 7f01 7e01
7f41 0041 0028 0204 4180 016b 2209 3602
0420 0920 0137 0350 2009 2004 3a00 4f20
0110 0e41 0021 0420 0941 c000 6a41 0036
0200 2009 2001 3703 2820 0942 7f37 0330
2009 4200 3703 3820 0920 0029 0300 2208
3703 2041 0121 0002 4020 0820 0142 8080
8080 a6f5 bbd9 c300 2001 1004 2207 4100
480d 0020 0941 206a 2007 1023 2802 4020
0941 206a 4641 9001 1008 2009 2903 5021
0141 0021 000b 2000 41c0 0610 0820 0920
0236 020c 2009 2003 3602 1020 0920 0536
0218 2009 2006 3602 1c20 0920 0941 d000
6a36 0208 2009 2009 41cf 006a 3602 1420
0920 0137 0378 2009 2903 2010 0251 41e0
0510 0820 0920 0941 086a 3602 6420 0920
0941 206a 3602 6020 0920 0941 f800 6a36
0268 41d0 0010 4122 0042 84a6 e59a 0537
0310 2000 4200 3703 0841 0141 e004 1008
42d3 b2cd 0221 0102 4002 4003 4020 01a7
4118 7441 ffff ffff 7b6a 41fe ffff d701
4b0d 0102 4020 0142 0888 2201 42ff 0183
4200 520d 0003 4020 0142 0888 2201 42ff
0183 4200 520d 0320 0441 016a 2204 4107
480d 000b 0b41 0121 0220 0441 016a 2204
4107 480d 000c 020b 0b41 0021 020b 2002
41a0 0510 0820 0041 0036 0220 2000 4200
3702 1820 0041 0036 0228 2000 4100 3602
2c20 0041 0036 0230 2000 4100 3602 3420
0041 0036 0238 2000 4100 3602 3c20 0020
0941 206a 3602 4020 0941 e000 6a20 0010
3620 0920 0036 0270 2009 2000 2903 0022
0137 0360 2009 2000 2802 4422 0236 025c
0240 0240 2009 413c 6a22 0328 0200 2204
2009 41c0 006a 2802 004f 0d00 2004 2001
3703 0820 0420 0236 0210 2009 4100 3602
7020 0420 0036 0200 2003 2004 4118 6a36
0200 0c01 0b20 0941 386a 2009 41f0 006a
2009 41e0 006a 2009 41dc 006a 102c 0b20
0928 0270 2104 2009 4100 3602 7002 4020
0445 0d00 0240 2004 2d00 3441 0171 450d
0020 0441 3c6a 2802 0010 420b 0240 2004
2d00 2841 0171 450d 0020 0441 306a 2802
0010 420b 0240 2004 2d00 1841 0171 450d
0020 0441 206a 2802 0010 420b 2004 1042
0b20 0929 0350 100b 41e0 0610 0c20 0941
386a 1026 1a41 0020 0941 8001 6a36 0204
0b98 0403 017f 017e 027f 4100 4100 2802
0441 f000 6b22 0436 0204 2004 2205 2000
3602 4c20 0520 0128 0200 3602 4020 0520
0128 0204 3602 4441 0021 0141 0021 0002
4010 0122 0245 0d00 0240 0240 2002 4181
0449 0d00 2002 103d 2100 0c01 0b41 0020
0420 0241 0f6a 4170 716b 2200 3602 040b
2000 2002 100d 1a0b 2005 4110 6a42 84a6
e59a 0537 0300 2005 4200 3703 0820 0542
0037 0300 4101 41e0 0410 0842 d3b2 cd02
2103 0240 0240 0340 2003 a741 1874 41ff
ffff ff7b 6a41 feff ffd7 014b 0d01 0240
2003 4208 8822 0342 ff01 8342 0052 0d00
0340 2003 4208 8822 0342 ff01 8342 0052
0d03 2001 4101 6a22 0141 0748 0d00 0b0b
4101 2104 2001 4101 6a22 0141 0748 0d00
0c02 0b0b 4100 2104 0b20 0441 a005 1008
2005 4120 6a41 0036 0200 2005 412c 6a41
0036 0200 2005 4130 6a41 0036 0200 2005
4200 3703 1820 0541 003a 0024 2005 4100
3602 2820 0541 0036 0234 2005 4138 6a41
0036 0200 2005 413c 6a41 0036 0200 2005
2000 3602 5420 0520 0036 0250 2005 2000
2002 6a36 0258 2005 2005 41d0 006a 3602
6020 0520 0536 0268 2005 41e8 006a 2005
41e0 006a 1034 0240 2002 4181 0449 0d00
2000 1040 0b20 0520 0541 c000 6a36 0254
2005 2005 41cc 006a 3602 5020 0541 d000
6a20 0510 3502 4020 052d 0034 4101 7145
0d00 2005 413c 6a28 0200 1042 0b02 4020
052d 0028 4101 7145 0d00 2005 4130 6a28
0200 1042 0b02 4020 052d 0018 4101 7145
0d00 2005 4120 6a28 0200 1042 0b41 0020
0541 f000 6a36 0204 4101 0bdc 0602 017e
017f 4100 4100 2802 0441 a001 6b22 0b36
0204 200b 2001 3703 7020 0b20 0436 026c
200b 2005 3602 6820 0b20 0636 0264 200b
2007 3602 6020 0b20 0836 025c 200b 2009
3602 5820 0110 0e41 0021 0920 0b41 d000
6a41 0036 0200 200b 2001 3703 3820 0b42
7f37 0340 200b 4200 3703 4820 0b20 0029
0300 220a 3703 3041 0121 0002 4020 0a20
0142 8080 80b8 d58c 9bd8 cb00 2001 1004
2208 4100 480d 0020 0b41 306a 2008 1022
2802 3c20 0b41 306a 4641 9001 1008 200b
2903 7021 0141 0021 000b 2000 41c0 0510
0820 0b20 0236 020c 200b 2003 3602 1020
0b20 0b41 f000 6a36 0208 200b 200b 41ec
006a 3602 1420 0b20 0b41 e800 6a36 0218
200b 200b 41e4 006a 3602 1c20 0b20 0b41
e000 6a36 0220 200b 200b 41dc 006a 3602
2420 0b20 0b41 d800 6a36 0228 200b 2001
3703 9801 200b 2903 3010 0251 41e0 0510
0820 0b20 0b41 086a 3602 8401 200b 200b
4130 6a36 0280 0120 0b20 0b41 9801 6a36
0288 0141 c800 1041 2200 4284 a6e5 9a05
3703 1020 0042 0037 0308 4101 41e0 0410
0842 d3b2 cd02 2101 0240 0240 0340 2001
a741 1874 41ff ffff ff7b 6a41 feff ffd7
014b 0d01 0240 2001 4208 8822 0142 ff01
8342 0052 0d00 0340 2001 4208 8822 0142
ff01 8342 0052 0d03 2009 4101 6a22 0941
0748 0d00 0b0b 4101 2102 2009 4101 6a22
0941 0748 0d00 0c02 0b0b 4100 2102 0b20
0241 a005 1008 2000 4100 3602 2020 0042
0037 0218 2000 200b 4130 6a36 023c 200b
4180 016a 2000 1033 200b 2000 3602 9001
200b 2000 2903 0022 0137 0380 0120 0b20
0028 0240 2202 3602 7c02 4002 4020 0b41
cc00 6a22 0328 0200 2209 200b 41d0 006a
2802 004f 0d00 2009 2001 3703 0820 0920
0236 0210 200b 4100 3602 9001 2009 2000
3602 0020 0320 0941 186a 3602 000c 010b
200b 41c8 006a 200b 4190 016a 200b 4180
016a 200b 41fc 006a 1030 0b20 0b28 0290
0121 0920 0b41 0036 0290 0102 4020 0945
0d00 0240 2009 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020
0941 206a 2802 0010 420b 2009 1042 0b20
0b29 0370 100b 41a0 0610 0c02 4020 0b28
0248 2202 450d 0002 4002 4020 0b41 cc00
6a22 0328 0200 2209 2002 460d 0003 4020
0941 686a 2209 2802 0021 0020 0941 0036
0200 0240 2000 450d 0002 4020 002d 0018
4101 7145 0d00 2000 4120 6a28 0200 1042
0b20 0010 420b 2002 2009 470d 000b 200b
41c8 006a 2802 0021 090c 010b 2002 2109
0b20 0320 0236 0200 2009 1042 0b41 0020
0b41 a001 6a36 0204 0bf9 0403 067f 017e
037f 4100 2802 0441 f000 6b22 0921 0b41
0020 0936 0204 2001 2802 0421 0220 0128
0200 210a 4100 2101 4100 2107 0240 1001
2203 450d 0002 4002 4020 0341 8104 490d
0020 0310 3d21 070c 010b 4100 2009 2003
410f 6a41 7071 6b22 0736 0204 0b20 0720
0310 0d1a 0b20 0b41 106a 4284 a6e5 9a05
3703 0020 0b42 0037 0308 200b 4200 3703
0041 0141 e004 1008 42d3 b2cd 0221 0802
4002 4003 4020 08a7 4118 7441 ffff ffff
7b6a 41fe ffff d701 4b0d 0102 4020 0842
0888 2208 42ff 0183 4200 520d 0003 4020
0842 0888 2208 42ff 0183 4200 520d 0320
0141 016a 2201 4107 480d 000b 0b41 0121
0920 0141 016a 2201 4107 480d 000c 020b
0b41 0021 090b 2009 41a0 0510 0820 0b41
206a 4200 3703 0020 0b42 0037 0318 200b
4200 3703 2820 0b42 0037 0330 200b 4100
3602 3820 0b20 0736 0264 200b 2007 3602
6020 0b20 0720 036a 3602 6820 0b20 0b41
e000 6a36 0240 200b 200b 3602 5020 0b41
d000 6a20 0b41 c000 6a10 3102 4020 0341
8104 490d 0020 0710 400b 200b 41d0 006a
4108 6a22 0120 0b41 106a 2903 0037 0300
200b 2903 0021 0820 0b20 0b29 0308 3703
5020 0b41 c000 6a20 0b41 186a 1048 1a20
0b41 386a 2802 0021 0720 0b41 346a 2802
0021 0920 0b41 306a 2802 0021 0320 0b41
2c6a 2802 0021 0620 0b41 286a 2802 0021
0520 0b41 246a 2802 0021 0420 0b41 e000
6a41 086a 2001 2903 0037 0300 200b 200b
2903 5037 0360 2000 2002 4101 756a 2101
0240 2002 4101 7145 0d00 2001 2802 0020
0a6a 2802 0021 0a0b 2001 2008 200b 41e0
006a 200b 41c0 006a 2004 2005 2006 2003
2009 2007 200a 1101 0002 4020 0b2d 0040
4101 7145 0d00 200b 2802 4810 420b 0240
200b 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020 0b41 206a
2802 0010 420b 4100 200b 41f0 006a 3602
0441 010b f004 0201 7e01 7f41 0041 0028
0204 4190 016b 2209 3602 0420 0920 0137
0388 0120 0920 0237 0380 0120 0920 0336
027c 2009 2004 3602 7820 0920 0536 0274
2009 2006 3602 7020 0210 0e41 0021 0620
0941 c800 6a41 206a 4100 3602 0020 0920
0237 0350 2009 427f 3703 5820 0942 0037
0360 2009 2000 2903 0022 0837 0348 4100
2105 0240 2008 2002 4280 8080 b8d5 8c9b
d8cb 0020 0210 0422 0441 0048 0d00 2009
41c8 006a 2004 1022 2205 2802 3c20 0941
c800 6a46 4190 0110 0820 0929 0388 0121
010b 2005 4100 4722 0441 d001 1008 2009
4120 6a41 206a 4100 3602 0020 0942 7f37
0330 2009 4200 3703 3820 0920 0029 0300
2202 3703 2020 0920 0137 0328 0240 2002
2001 4280 8080 80a6 f5bb d9c3 0020 0110
0422 0041 0048 0d00 2009 4120 6a20 0010
2322 0628 0240 2009 4120 6a46 4190 0110
0820 0929 0388 0121 010b 2006 4100 4722
0041 f001 1008 2009 2903 8001 2102 2009
2009 41fc 006a 3602 0c20 0920 0941 8001
6a36 0208 2009 2009 41f8 006a 3602 1020
0920 0941 f400 6a36 0214 2009 2009 41f0
006a 3602 1820 0441 9002 1008 2009 41c8
006a 2005 2002 2009 4108 6a10 2420 0920
0736 020c 2009 2009 4188 016a 3602 0820
0041 9002 1008 2009 4120 6a20 0620 0120
0941 086a 1025 2009 2903 8001 100b 41c0
0210 0c20 0929 0388 0110 0b41 e002 100c
2009 4138 6a10 261a 0240 2009 2802 6022
0045 0d00 0240 0240 2009 41e4 006a 2207
2802 0022 0620 0046 0d00 0340 2006 4168
6a22 0628 0200 2105 2006 4100 3602 0002
4020 0545 0d00 0240 2005 2d00 1841 0171
450d 0020 0541 206a 2802 0010 420b 2005
1042 0b20 0020 0647 0d00 0b20 0941 e000
6a28 0200 2106 0c01 0b20 0021 060b 2007
2000 3602 0020 0610 420b 4100 2009 4190
016a 3602 040b 9503 0302 7f02 7e05 7f41
0028 0204 41d0 006b 220a 2109 4100 200a
3602 0420 0128 0204 2102 2001 2802 0021
0841 0021 0102 4010 0122 0345 0d00 0240
0240 2003 4181 0449 0d00 2003 103d 2101
0c01 0b41 0020 0a20 0341 0f6a 4170 716b
2201 3602 040b 2001 2003 100d 1a0b 2009
4128 6a41 0036 0200 2009 4200 3703 0820
0942 0037 0300 2009 4200 3703 1020 0942
0037 0318 2009 4200 3703 2020 0920 0136
0244 2009 2001 3602 4020 0920 0120 036a
3602 4820 0920 0941 c000 6a36 0230 2009
2009 3602 3820 0941 386a 2009 4130 6a10
1e02 4020 0341 8104 490d 0020 0110 400b
2009 411c 6a28 0200 2103 2009 4118 6a28
0200 210a 2009 4114 6a28 0200 2107 2009
4110 6a28 0200 2106 2009 4108 6a29 0300
2105 2009 2903 0021 0420 0941 c000 6a20
0941 206a 1048 1a20 0020 0241 0175 6a21
0102 4020 0241 0171 450d 0020 0128 0200
2008 6a28 0200 2108 0b20 0120 0420 0520
0620 0720 0a20 0320 0941 c000 6a20 0811
0200 0240 2009 2d00 4041 0171 450d 0020
0928 0248 1042 0b02 4020 092d 0020 4101
7145 0d00 2009 4128 6a28 0200 1042 0b41
0020 0941 d000 6a36 0204 4101 0bd4 0201
027f 2000 2802 0021 0220 0128 0200 2203
2802 0820 0328 0204 6b41 074b 41f0 0010
0820 0220 0328 0204 4108 1009 1a20 0320
0328 0204 4108 6a36 0204 2000 2802 0021
0320 0128 0200 2200 2802 0820 0028 0204
6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0341 086a 2000
2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
086a 3602 0420 0128 0200 2200 2802 0820
0028 0204 6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820 0341
106a 2000 2802 0441 0410 091a 2000 2000
2802 0441 046a 3602 0420 0128 0200 2200
2802 0820 0028 0204 6b41 034b 41f0 0010
0820 0341 146a 2000 2802 0441 0410 091a
2000 2000 2802 0441 046a 3602 0420 0128
0200 2200 2802 0820 0028 0204 6b41 034b
41f0 0010 0820 0341 186a 2000 2802 0441
0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441 046a 3602
0420 0128 0200 2200 2802 0820 0028 0204
6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820 0341 1c6a 2000
2802 0441 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
046a 3602 0420 0128 0200 2003 4120 6a10
1f1a 0bb4 0301 067f 4100 4100 2802 0441
206b 2207 3602 0420 0741 0036 0218 2007
4200 3703 1020 0020 0741 106a 1020 1a02
4002 4002 4002 4002 4002 4002 4002 4002
4020 0728 0214 2205 2007 2802 1022 0447
0d00 2001 2d00 0041 0171 0d01 2001 4100
3b01 0020 0141 086a 2104 0c02 0b20 0741
086a 4100 3602 0020 0742 0037 0300 2005
2004 6b22 0241 704f 0d07 2002 410b 4f0d
0220 0720 0241 0174 3a00 0020 0741 0172
2106 2002 0d03 0c04 0b20 0128 0208 4100
3a00 0020 0141 0036 0204 2001 4108 6a21
040b 2001 4100 1046 2004 4100 3602 0020
0142 0037 0200 2007 2802 1022 040d 030c
040b 2002 4110 6a41 7071 2205 1041 2106
2007 2005 4101 7236 0200 2007 2006 3602
0820 0720 0236 0204 0b20 0221 0320 0621
0503 4020 0520 042d 0000 3a00 0020 0541
016a 2105 2004 4101 6a21 0420 0341 7f6a
2203 0d00 0b20 0620 026a 2106 0b20 0641
003a 0000 0240 0240 2001 2d00 0041 0171
0d00 2001 4100 3b01 000c 010b 2001 2802
0841 003a 0000 2001 4100 3602 040b 2001
4100 1046 2001 4108 6a20 0741 086a 2802
0036 0200 2001 2007 2903 0037 0200 2007
2802 1022 0445 0d01 0b20 0720 0436 0214
2004 1042 0b41 0020 0741 206a 3602 0420
000f 0b20 0710 4300 0b83 0203 047f 017e
017f 2000 2802 0421 0541 0021 0742 0021
0620 0041 086a 2102 2000 4104 6a21 0303
4020 0520 0228 0200 4941 8001 1008 2003
2802 0022 052d 0000 2104 2003 2005 4101
6a22 0536 0200 2004 41ff 0071 2007 41ff
0171 2207 74ad 2006 8421 0620 0741 076a
2107 2004 4107 760d 000b 0240 0240 2006
a722 0320 0128 0204 2207 2001 2802 0022
046b 2202 4d0d 0020 0120 0320 026b 1021
2000 4104 6a28 0200 2105 2001 4104 6a28
0200 2107 2001 2802 0021 040c 010b 2003
2002 4f0d 0020 0141 046a 2004 2003 6a22
0736 0200 0b20 0041 086a 2802 0020 056b
2007 2004 6b22 054f 41f0 0010 0820 0420
0041 046a 2207 2802 0020 0510 091a 2007
2007 2802 0020 056a 3602 0020 000b ad02
0105 7f02 4002 4002 4002 4002 4020 0028
0208 2202 2000 2802 0422 066b 2001 4f0d
0020 0620 0028 0200 2205 6b22 0320 016a
2204 417f 4c0d 0241 ffff ffff 0721 0602
4020 0220 056b 2202 41fe ffff ff03 4b0d
0020 0420 0241 0174 2206 2006 2004 491b
2206 450d 020b 2006 1041 2102 0c03 0b20
0041 046a 2100 0340 2006 4100 3a00 0020
0020 0028 0200 4101 6a22 0636 0200 2001
417f 6a22 010d 000c 040b 0b41 0021 0641
0021 020c 010b 2000 1047 000b 2002 2006
6a21 0420 0220 036a 2205 2106 0340 2006
4100 3a00 0020 0641 016a 2106 2001 417f
6a22 010d 000b 2005 2000 4104 6a22 0328
0200 2000 2802 0022 016b 2202 6b21 0502
4020 0241 0148 0d00 2005 2001 2002 1009
1a20 0028 0200 2101 0b20 0020 0536 0200
2003 2006 3602 0020 0041 086a 2004 3602
0020 0145 0d00 2001 1042 0f0b 0be3 0403
057f 017e 027f 4100 2802 0441 306b 2209
2108 4100 2009 3602 0402 4020 0041 1c6a
2802 0022 0620 0028 0218 2202 460d 0041
0020 026b 2103 2006 4168 6a21 0503 4020
0541 106a 2802 0020 0146 0d01 2005 2106
2005 4168 6a22 0421 0520 0420 036a 4168
470d 000b 0b02 4002 4020 0620 0246 0d00
2006 4168 6a28 0200 2104 0c01 0b20 0141
0041 0010 0522 0541 1f76 4101 7341 c004
1008 0240 0240 2005 4181 0449 0d00 2005
103d 2104 0c01 0b41 0020 0920 0541 0f6a
4170 716b 2204 3602 040b 2001 2004 2005
1005 1a20 0820 0436 0224 2008 2004 3602
2020 0820 0420 056a 3602 2802 4020 0541
8104 490d 0020 0410 400b 2000 4118 6a21
0341 c800 1041 2204 4284 a6e5 9a05 3703
1020 0442 0037 0308 4101 41e0 0410 0842
d3b2 cd02 2107 4100 2105 0240 0240 0340
2007 a741 1874 41ff ffff ff7b 6a41 feff
ffd7 014b 0d01 0240 2007 4208 8822 0742
ff01 8342 0052 0d00 0340 2007 4208 8822
0742 ff01 8342 0052 0d03 2005 4101 6a22
0541 0748 0d00 0b0b 4101 2106 2005 4101
6a22 0541 0748 0d00 0c02 0b0b 4100 2106
0b20 0641 a005 1008 2004 4100 3602 2020
0442 0037 0218 2004 2000 3602 3c20 0841
206a 2004 102f 1a20 0420 0136 0240 2008
2004 3602 1820 0820 0429 0300 2207 3703
1020 0820 0428 0240 2206 3602 0c02 4002
4020 0041 1c6a 2201 2802 0022 0520 0041
206a 2802 004f 0d00 2005 2007 3703 0820
0520 0636 0210 2008 4100 3602 1820 0520
0436 0200 2001 2005 4118 6a36 0200 0c01
0b20 0320 0841 186a 2008 4110 6a20 0841
0c6a 1030 0b20 0828 0218 2105 2008 4100
3602 1820 0545 0d00 0240 2005 2d00 1841
0171 450d 0020 0541 206a 2802 0010 420b
2005 1042 0b41 0020 0841 306a 3602 0420
040b 8404 0303 7f01 7e04 7f41 0041 0028
0204 4130 6b22 0936 0204 2009 2208 2001
3602 2c02 4020 0041 1c6a 2802 0022 0720
0028 0218 2202 460d 0041 0020 026b 2103
2007 4168 6a21 0603 4020 0641 106a 2802
0020 0146 0d01 2006 2107 2006 4168 6a22
0421 0620 0420 036a 4168 470d 000b 0b02
4002 4020 0720 0246 0d00 2007 4168 6a28
0200 2106 0c01 0b20 0141 0041 0010 0522
0641 1f76 4101 7341 c004 1008 0240 0240
2006 4181 0449 0d00 2006 103d 2104 0c01
0b41 0020 0920 0641 0f6a 4170 716b 2204
3602 040b 2001 2004 2006 1005 1a20 0820
0436 0224 2008 2004 3602 2020 0820 0420
066a 3602 2802 4020 0641 8104 490d 0020
0410 400b 2008 2008 4120 6a36 020c 2008
2008 412c 6a36 0210 2008 2000 3602 0841
d000 1041 2204 2000 2008 4108 6a10 2b21
0620 0820 0436 0218 2008 2004 2903 0022
0537 0308 2008 2004 2802 4422 0136 0204
0240 0240 2000 411c 6a22 0328 0200 2207
2000 4120 6a28 0200 4f0d 0020 0720 0537
0308 2007 2001 3602 1020 0841 0036 0218
2007 2004 3602 0020 0320 0741 186a 3602
000c 010b 2000 4118 6a20 0841 186a 2008
4108 6a20 0841 046a 102c 0b20 0828 0218
2104 2008 4100 3602 1820 0445 0d00 0240
2004 2d00 3441 0171 450d 0020 0441 3c6a
2802 0010 420b 0240 2004 2d00 2841 0171
450d 0020 0441 306a 2802 0010 420b 0240
2004 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020 0441 206a
2802 0010 420b 2004 1042 0b41 0020 0841
306a 3602 0420 060b d402 0401 7e01 7f01
7e02 7f41 0028 0204 4110 6b22 0721 0841
0020 0736 0204 2001 2802 3c20 0046 4180
0310 0820 0029 0300 1002 5141 b003 1008
2001 2903 0021 0420 0120 0328 0200 2903
0022 0637 0300 2001 2003 2802 0428 0200
3602 2420 0120 0328 0208 2802 0036 0228
2001 2003 2802 0c28 0200 3602 2c20 0120
0328 0210 2802 0036 0230 2004 2006 5141
f003 1008 2001 411c 6a28 0200 2001 2d00
1822 0341 0176 2003 4101 711b 2205 4130
6a21 0320 05ad 2106 0340 2003 4101 6a21
0320 0642 0788 2206 4200 520d 000b 0240
0240 2003 4181 0449 0d00 2003 103d 2107
0c01 0b41 0020 0720 0341 0f6a 4170 716b
2207 3602 040b 2008 2007 3602 0420 0820
0736 0200 2008 2007 2003 6a36 0208 2008
2001 102a 1a20 0128 0240 2002 2007 2003
1007 0240 2003 4181 0449 0d00 2007 1040
0b02 4020 0420 0029 0310 540d 0020 0041
106a 427e 2004 4201 7c20 0442 7d56 1b37
0300 0b41 0020 0841 106a 3602 040b 8102
0201 7e02 7f41 0041 0028 0204 4110 6b22
0636 0204 2001 2802 4020 0046 4180 0310
0820 0029 0300 1002 5141 b003 1008 2001
2903 0021 0420 0120 0328 0200 2903 0037
0300 2001 4128 6a20 0328 0204 1044 1a20
0420 0129 0300 5141 f003 1008 2006 2203
4100 3602 0020 0320 0110 271a 0240 0240
2003 2802 0022 0541 8104 490d 0020 0510
3d21 060c 010b 4100 2006 2005 410f 6a41
7071 6b22 0636 0204 0b20 0320 0636 0204
2003 2006 3602 0020 0320 0620 056a 3602
0820 0320 0110 281a 2001 2802 4420 0220
0620 0510 0702 4020 0541 8104 490d 0020
0610 400b 0240 2004 2000 2903 1054 0d00
2000 4110 6a42 7e20 0442 017c 2004 427d
561b 3703 000b 4100 2003 4110 6a36 0204
0bb1 0101 037f 0240 2000 2802 0022 0145
0d00 0240 0240 2000 2802 0422 0320 0146
0d00 0340 2003 4168 6a22 0328 0200 2102
2003 4100 3602 0002 4020 0245 0d00 0240
2002 2d00 3441 0171 450d 0020 0241 3c6a
2802 0010 420b 0240 2002 2d00 2841 0171
450d 0020 0241 306a 2802 0010 420b 0240
2002 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020 0241 206a
2802 0010 420b 2002 1042 0b20 0120 0347
0d00 0b20 0028 0200 2102 0c01 0b20 0121
020b 2000 4104 6a20 0136 0200 2002 1042
0b20 000b d802 0301 7f01 7e01 7f20 0020
0028 0200 4118 6a22 0436 0200 2001 411c
6a28 0200 2001 2d00 1822 0241 0176 2002
4101 711b ad21 0303 4020 0441 016a 2104
2003 4207 8822 0342 0052 0d00 0b20 0020
0436 0200 0240 2001 411c 6a28 0200 2001
4118 6a2d 0000 2202 4101 7620 0241 0171
1b22 0245 0d00 2000 2002 2004 6a22 0436
0200 0b20 0020 0441 016a 2204 3602 0020
0141 2c6a 2802 0020 012d 0028 2202 4101
7620 0241 0171 1bad 2103 0340 2004 4101
6a21 0420 0342 0788 2203 4200 520d 000b
2000 2004 3602 0002 4020 0141 2c6a 2802
0020 0141 286a 2d00 0022 0241 0176 2002
4101 711b 2202 450d 0020 0020 0220 046a
2204 3602 000b 2001 4138 6a28 0200 2001
2d00 3422 0241 0176 2002 4101 711b ad21
0303 4020 0441 016a 2104 2003 4207 8822
0342 0052 0d00 0b20 0020 0436 0200 0240
2001 4138 6a28 0200 2001 4134 6a2d 0000
2201 4101 7620 0141 0171 1b22 0145 0d00
2000 2001 2004 6a36 0200 0b20 000b fd01
0102 7f41 0041 0028 0204 4110 6b22 0336
0204 2000 2802 0820 0028 0204 6b41 074a
41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001 4108 1009
1a20 0020 0028 0204 4108 6a22 0236 0204
2000 2802 0820 026b 4107 4a41 b004 1008
2000 2802 0420 0141 086a 4108 1009 1a20
0020 0028 0204 4108 6a22 0236 0204 2000
2802 0820 026b 4107 4a41 b004 1008 2000
2802 0420 0141 106a 4108 1009 1a20 0020
0028 0204 4108 6a36 0204 2000 2001 4118
6a10 2921 0020 0320 012d 0024 3a00 0f20
0028 0208 2000 2802 046b 4100 4a41 b004
1008 2000 2802 0420 0341 0f6a 4101 1009
1a20 0020 0028 0204 4101 6a36 0204 2000
2001 4128 6a10 2920 0141 346a 1029 2100
4100 2003 4110 6a36 0204 2000 0b87 0203
057f 017e 017f 4100 4100 2802 0441 106b
2208 3602 0420 0128 0204 2001 2d00 0022
0541 0176 2005 4101 711b ad21 0720 0028
0204 2106 2000 4108 6a21 0420 0041 046a
2105 0340 2007 a721 0220 0820 0742 0788
2207 4200 5222 0341 0774 2002 41ff 0071
723a 000f 2004 2802 0020 066b 4100 4a41
b004 1008 2005 2802 0020 0841 0f6a 4101
1009 1a20 0520 0528 0200 4101 6a22 0636
0200 2003 0d00 0b02 4020 0141 046a 2802
0020 012d 0000 2205 4101 7620 0541 0171
2202 1b22 0545 0d00 2001 2802 0821 0320
0041 086a 2802 0020 066b 2005 4e41 b004
1008 2000 4104 6a22 0628 0200 2003 2001
4101 6a20 021b 2005 1009 1a20 0620 0628
0200 2005 6a36 0200 0b41 0020 0841 106a
3602 0420 000b ac03 0101 7f20 0028 0208
2000 2802 046b 4107 4a41 b004 1008 2000
2802 0420 0141 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802
0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002
6b41 074a 41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001
4108 6a41 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
086a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002 6b41
074a 41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001 4110
6a41 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441 086a
3602 0420 0020 0141 186a 1029 2200 2802
0820 0028 0204 6b41 034a 41b0 0410 0820
0028 0204 2001 4124 6a41 0410 091a 2000
2000 2802 0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028
0208 2002 6b41 034a 41b0 0410 0820 0028
0204 2001 4128 6a41 0410 091a 2000 2000
2802 0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208
2002 6b41 034a 41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204
2001 412c 6a41 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802
0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002
6b41 034a 41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001
4130 6a41 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002 6b41
034a 41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001 4134
6a41 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441 046a
2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002 6b41 034a
41b0 0410 0820 0028 0204 2001 4138 6a41
0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441 046a 3602
0420 000b 8702 0201 7e02 7f20 0042 0037
0308 2000 4110 6a22 0442 84a6 e59a 0537
0300 4101 41e0 0410 0820 0429 0300 4208
8821 0341 0021 0402 4002 4003 4020 03a7
4118 7441 ffff ffff 7b6a 41fe ffff d701
4b0d 0102 4020 0342 0888 2203 42ff 0183
4200 520d 0003 4020 0342 0888 2203 42ff
0183 4200 520d 0320 0441 016a 2204 4107
480d 000b 0b41 0121 0520 0441 016a 2204
4107 480d 000c 020b 0b41 0021 050b 2005
41a0 0510 0820 0041 206a 4100 3602 0020
0042 0037 0218 2000 4100 3602 2820 0041
2c6a 4100 3602 0020 0041 306a 4100 3602
0020 0041 0036 0234 2000 4138 6a41 0036
0200 2000 413c 6a41 0036 0200 2000 2001
3602 4020 0228 0204 2000 102e 1a20 0020
0228 0208 2802 0036 0244 2000 0bab 0403
027f 017e 047f 4100 4100 2802 0441 206b
220a 3602 0402 4002 4020 0028 0204 2000
2802 0022 096b 4118 6d22 0441 016a 2208
41ab d5aa d500 4f0d 0020 0041 086a 2105
0240 0240 0240 2000 2802 0820 096b 4118
6d22 0941 d5aa d52a 4f0d 0020 0a41 186a
2005 3602 0041 0021 0520 0a41 0036 0214
200a 4114 6a21 0720 0820 0941 0174 2209
2009 2008 491b 2209 450d 0220 0921 050c
010b 200a 4118 6a20 0536 0200 200a 4100
3602 1420 0a41 146a 2107 41aa d5aa d500
2105 0b20 0541 186c 1041 2108 0c02 0b41
0021 080c 010b 2000 1047 000b 200a 2008
3602 0820 0a20 0820 0441 186c 6a22 0936
020c 2007 2008 2005 4118 6c6a 2205 3602
0020 0128 0200 2108 2001 4100 3602 0020
0328 0200 2101 2002 2903 0021 0620 0920
0836 0200 2009 2006 3703 0820 0920 0136
0210 200a 2009 4118 6a22 0136 0210 0240
2000 4104 6a28 0200 2208 2000 2802 0022
0246 0d00 0340 2008 4168 6a22 0528 0200
2101 2005 4100 3602 0020 0941 686a 2001
3602 0020 0941 786a 2008 4178 6a28 0200
3602 0020 0941 746a 2008 4174 6a28 0200
3602 0020 0941 706a 2008 4170 6a28 0200
3602 0020 0a20 0a28 020c 4168 6a22 0936
020c 2005 2108 2002 2005 470d 000b 2000
4104 6a28 0200 2108 2007 2802 0021 0520
0028 0200 2102 200a 4110 6a28 0200 2101
0b20 0020 0936 0200 2000 4104 6a20 0136
0200 200a 4108 6a41 086a 2008 3602 0020
0041 086a 2209 2802 0021 0820 0920 0536
0200 200a 2002 3602 0c20 0720 0836 0200
200a 2002 3602 0820 0a41 086a 102d 1a41
0020 0a41 206a 3602 040b af01 0104 7f02
4020 0028 0208 2202 2000 2802 0422 0146
0d00 2000 4108 6a21 0403 4020 0420 0241
686a 2203 3602 0020 0328 0200 2102 2003
4100 3602 0002 4020 0245 0d00 0240 2002
2d00 3441 0171 450d 0020 0241 3c6a 2802
0010 420b 0240 2002 2d00 2841 0171 450d
0020 0241 306a 2802 0010 420b 0240 2002
2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020 0241 206a 2802
0010 420b 2002 1042 0b20 0428 0200 2202
2001 470d 000b 0b02 4020 0028 0200 2202
450d 0020 0210 420b 2000 0bfb 0101 027f
4100 4100 2802 0441 106b 2203 3602 0420
0028 0208 2000 2802 046b 4107 4b41 f000
1008 2001 2000 2802 0441 0810 091a 2000
2000 2802 0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0028
0208 2002 6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0141
086a 2000 2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000
2802 0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208
2002 6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 106a
2000 2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802
0441 086a 3602 0420 0020 0141 186a 101f
2200 2802 0820 0028 0204 4741 f000 1008
2003 410f 6a20 0028 0204 4101 1009 1a20
0020 0028 0204 4101 6a36 0204 2001 2003
2d00 0f41 0047 3a00 2420 0020 0141 286a
101f 2001 4134 6a10 1f21 0041 0020 0341
106a 3602 0420 000b ac03 0101 7f20 0028
0208 2000 2802 046b 4107 4b41 f000 1008
2001 2000 2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000
2802 0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208
2002 6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 086a
2000 2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802
0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002
6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 106a 2000
2802 0441 0810 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
086a 3602 0420 0020 0141 186a 101f 2200
2802 0820 0028 0204 6b41 034b 41f0 0010
0820 0141 246a 2000 2802 0441 0410 091a
2000 2000 2802 0441 046a 2202 3602 0420
0028 0208 2002 6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820
0141 286a 2000 2802 0441 0410 091a 2000
2000 2802 0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028
0208 2002 6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820 0141
2c6a 2000 2802 0441 0410 091a 2000 2000
2802 0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208
2002 6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 306a
2000 2802 0441 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802
0441 046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002
6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 346a 2000
2802 0441 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441
046a 2202 3602 0420 0028 0208 2002 6b41
034b 41f0 0010 0820 0141 386a 2000 2802
0441 0410 091a 2000 2000 2802 0441 046a
3602 0420 000b c203 0104 7f02 4002 4020
0028 0204 2000 2802 0022 066b 4118 6d22
0441 016a 2205 41ab d5aa d500 4f0d 0041
aad5 aad5 0021 0702 4002 4020 0028 0208
2006 6b41 186d 2206 41d4 aad5 2a4b 0d00
2005 2006 4101 7422 0720 0720 0549 1b22
0745 0d01 0b20 0741 186c 1041 2106 0c02
0b41 0021 0741 0021 060c 010b 2000 1047
000b 2001 2802 0021 0520 0141 0036 0200
2006 2004 4118 6c6a 2201 2005 3602 0020
0120 0229 0300 3703 0820 0120 0328 0200
3602 1020 0620 0741 186c 6a21 0420 0141
186a 2105 0240 0240 2000 4104 6a28 0200
2206 2000 2802 0022 0746 0d00 0340 2006
4168 6a22 0228 0200 2103 2002 4100 3602
0020 0141 686a 2003 3602 0020 0141 786a
2006 4178 6a28 0200 3602 0020 0141 746a
2006 4174 6a28 0200 3602 0020 0141 706a
2006 4170 6a28 0200 3602 0020 0141 686a
2101 2002 2106 2007 2002 470d 000b 2000
4104 6a28 0200 2107 2000 2802 0021 060c
010b 2007 2106 0b20 0020 0136 0200 2000
4104 6a20 0536 0200 2000 4108 6a20 0436
0200 0240 2007 2006 460d 0003 4020 0741
686a 2207 2802 0021 0120 0741 0036 0200
0240 2001 450d 0002 4020 012d 0018 4101
7145 0d00 2001 4120 6a28 0200 1042 0b20
0110 420b 2006 2007 470d 000b 0b02 4020
0645 0d00 2006 1042 0b0b 8f02 0103 7f41
0041 0028 0204 4110 6b22 0436 0204 2000
2802 0021 0220 0128 0200 2203 2802 0820
0328 0204 6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0220
0328 0204 4108 1009 1a20 0320 0328 0204
4108 6a36 0204 2000 2802 0021 0020 0128
0200 2203 2802 0820 0328 0204 6b41 074b
41f0 0010 0820 0041 086a 2003 2802 0441
0810 091a 2003 2003 2802 0441 086a 2202
3602 0420 0328 0208 2002 6b41 074b 41f0
0010 0820 0041 106a 2003 2802 0441 0810
091a 2003 2003 2802 0441 086a 3602 0420
0128 0200 2000 4118 6a10 1f1a 2001 2802
0022 0328 0208 2003 2802 046b 4103 4b41
f000 1008 2000 4124 6a20 0328 0204 4104
1009 1a20 0320 0328 0204 4104 6a36 0204
2004 2000 3602 0820 0441 086a 2001 1032
4100 2004 4110 6a36 0204 0b96 0201 027f
2000 2802 0021 0320 0128 0200 2202 2802
0820 0228 0204 6b41 034b 41f0 0010 0820
0341 286a 2002 2802 0441 0410 091a 2002
2002 2802 0441 046a 3602 0420 0028 0200
2102 2001 2802 0022 0028 0208 2000 2802
046b 4103 4b41 f000 1008 2002 412c 6a20
0028 0204 4104 1009 1a20 0020 0028 0204
4104 6a36 0204 2001 2802 0022 0028 0208
2000 2802 046b 4103 4b41 f000 1008 2002
4130 6a20 0028 0204 4104 1009 1a20 0020
0028 0204 4104 6a36 0204 2001 2802 0022
0028 0208 2000 2802 046b 4103 4b41 f000
1008 2002 4134 6a20 0028 0204 4104 1009
1a20 0020 0028 0204 4104 6a36 0204 2001
2802 0022 0128 0208 2001 2802 046b 4103
4b41 f000 1008 2002 4138 6a20 0128 0204
4104 1009 1a20 0120 0128 0204 4104 6a36
0204 0b94 0303 037f 017e 027f 4100 2802
0441 106b 2206 2107 4100 2006 3602 0420
0120 0028 0204 2204 2802 0029 0300 3703
0020 0028 0200 2102 2001 2004 2802 0422
0329 0300 3703 0820 0141 106a 2003 4108
6a29 0300 3703 0020 0141 186a 2004 2802
0810 441a 2001 2004 2802 0c28 0200 3602
2420 0120 0428 0210 2802 0036 0228 2001
2004 2802 1428 0200 3602 2c20 0120 0428
0218 2802 0036 0230 2001 2004 2802 1c28
0200 3602 3420 0120 0428 0220 2802 0036
0238 2001 411c 6a28 0200 2001 2d00 1822
0441 0176 2004 4101 711b 2203 4130 6a21
0420 03ad 2105 0340 2004 4101 6a21 0420
0542 0788 2205 4200 520d 000b 0240 0240
2004 4181 0449 0d00 2004 103d 2106 0c01
0b41 0020 0620 0441 0f6a 4170 716b 2206
3602 040b 2007 2006 3602 0420 0720 0636
0200 2007 2006 2004 6a36 0208 2007 2001
102a 1a20 0120 0229 0308 4280 8080 b8d5
8c9b d8cb 0020 0028 0208 2903 0020 0129
0300 2205 2006 2004 1006 3602 4002 4020
0441 8104 490d 0020 0610 400b 0240 2005
2002 2903 1054 0d00 2002 4110 6a42 7e20
0542 017c 2005 427d 561b 3703 000b 4100
2007 4110 6a36 0204 0ba3 0201 037f 4100
4100 2802 0441 106b 2204 3602 0420 0028
0200 2102 2001 2802 0022 0328 0208 2003
2802 046b 4107 4b41 f000 1008 2002 2003
2802 0441 0810 091a 2003 2003 2802 0441
086a 3602 0420 0028 0200 2100 2001 2802
0022 0328 0208 2003 2802 046b 4107 4b41
f000 1008 2000 4108 6a20 0328 0204 4108
1009 1a20 0320 0328 0204 4108 6a22 0236
0204 2003 2802 0820 026b 4107 4b41 f000
1008 2000 4110 6a20 0328 0204 4108 1009
1a20 0320 0328 0204 4108 6a36 0204 2001
2802 0020 0041 186a 101f 1a20 0128 0200
2203 2802 0820 0328 0204 4741 f000 1008
2004 410f 6a20 0328 0204 4101 1009 1a20
0320 0328 0204 4101 6a36 0204 2000 2004
2d00 0f41 0047 3a00 2420 0128 0200 2000
4128 6a10 1f1a 2001 2802 0020 0041 346a
101f 1a41 0020 0441 106a 3602 040b c902
0201 7e03 7f41 0041 0028 0204 41d0 006b
2205 3602 0420 0541 306a 410c 6a20 0141
146a 2802 0036 0200 2005 4130 6a41 086a
2204 2001 4110 6a28 0200 3602 0020 0520
0128 0208 3602 3020 0520 0141 0c6a 2802
0036 0234 2001 2903 0021 0220 0541 206a
2001 4118 6a10 481a 2001 2d00 2421 0320
0541 106a 2001 4128 6a10 481a 2005 2001
4134 6a10 481a 2005 41c0 006a 4108 6a20
0429 0300 3703 0020 0520 0529 0330 3703
4020 0028 0200 2802 0020 0028 0204 2201
2802 0422 0441 0175 6a21 0020 0128 0200
2101 0240 2004 4101 7145 0d00 2000 2802
0020 016a 2802 0021 010b 2000 2002 2005
41c0 006a 2005 4120 6a20 0341 ff01 7141
0047 2005 4110 6a20 0520 0111 0300 0240
2005 2d00 0041 0171 450d 0020 0528 0208
1042 0b02 4020 052d 0010 4101 7145 0d00
2005 2802 1810 420b 0240 2005 2d00 2041
0171 450d 0020 0528 0228 1042 0b41 0020
0541 d000 6a36 0204 0bc4 0203 027f 017e
027f 4100 4100 2802 0441 106b 2205 3602
0420 0120 0028 0204 2206 2802 0029 0300
3703 0020 0028 0200 2102 2001 2006 2802
0422 0329 0300 3703 0820 0141 106a 2003
4108 6a29 0300 3703 0020 0141 186a 2006
2802 0810 441a 2001 2006 2802 0c2d 0000
3a00 2420 0141 286a 2006 2802 1010 441a
2001 4134 6a20 0628 0214 1044 1a20 0522
0641 0036 0200 2006 2001 1027 1a02 4002
4020 0628 0200 2203 4181 0449 0d00 2003
103d 2105 0c01 0b41 0020 0520 0341 0f6a
4170 716b 2205 3602 040b 2006 2005 3602
0420 0620 0536 0200 2006 2005 2003 6a36
0208 2006 2001 1028 1a20 0120 0229 0308
4280 8080 80a6 f5bb d9c3 0020 0028 0208
2903 0020 0129 0300 2204 2005 2003 1006
3602 4402 4020 0341 8104 490d 0020 0510
400b 0240 2004 2002 2903 1054 0d00 2002
4110 6a42 7e20 0442 017c 2004 427d 561b
3703 000b 4100 2006 4110 6a36 0204 0b9a
0201 027f 2000 2802 0021 0220 0128 0200
2203 2802 0820 0328 0204 6b41 074b 41f0
0010 0820 0220 0328 0204 4108 1009 1a20
0320 0328 0204 4108 6a36 0204 2000 2802
0021 0020 0128 0200 2203 2802 0820 0328
0204 6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0041 086a
2003 2802 0441 0810 091a 2003 2003 2802
0441 086a 2202 3602 0420 0328 0208 2002
6b41 074b 41f0 0010 0820 0041 106a 2003
2802 0441 0810 091a 2003 2003 2802 0441
086a 3602 0420 0128 0200 2000 4118 6a10
1f1a 2001 2802 0022 0328 0208 2003 2802
046b 4103 4b41 f000 1008 2000 4124 6a20
0328 0204 4104 1009 1a20 0320 0328 0204
4104 6a36 0204 2001 2802 0022 0328 0208
2003 2802 046b 4103 4b41 f000 1008 2000
4128 6a20 0328 0204 4104 1009 1a20 0320
0328 0204 4104 6a36 0204 0be2 0403 057f
017e 027f 4100 2802 0441 306b 2209 2108
4100 2009 3602 0402 4020 0041 1c6a 2802
0022 0620 0028 0218 2202 460d 0041 0020
026b 2103 2006 4168 6a21 0503 4020 0541
106a 2802 0020 0146 0d01 2005 2106 2005
4168 6a22 0421 0520 0420 036a 4168 470d
000b 0b02 4002 4020 0620 0246 0d00 2006
4168 6a28 0200 2104 0c01 0b20 0141 0041
0010 0522 0541 1f76 4101 7341 c004 1008
0240 0240 2005 4181 0449 0d00 2005 103d
2104 0c01 0b41 0020 0920 0541 0f6a 4170
716b 2204 3602 040b 2001 2004 2005 1005
1a20 0820 0436 0224 2008 2004 3602 2020
0820 0420 056a 3602 2802 4020 0541 8104
490d 0020 0410 400b 2000 4118 6a21 0341
3810 4122 0442 84a6 e59a 0537 0310 2004
4200 3703 0841 0141 e004 1008 42d3 b2cd
0221 0741 0021 0502 4002 4003 4020 07a7
4118 7441 ffff ffff 7b6a 41fe ffff d701
4b0d 0102 4020 0742 0888 2207 42ff 0183
4200 520d 0003 4020 0742 0888 2207 42ff
0183 4200 520d 0320 0541 016a 2205 4107
480d 000b 0b41 0121 0620 0541 016a 2205
4107 480d 000c 020b 0b41 0021 060b 2006
41a0 0510 0820 0441 0036 0220 2004 4200
3702 1820 0420 0036 022c 2008 4120 6a20
0410 3c1a 2004 2001 3602 3020 0820 0436
0218 2008 2004 2903 0022 0737 0310 2008
2004 2802 3022 0636 020c 0240 0240 2000
411c 6a22 0128 0200 2205 2000 4120 6a28
0200 4f0d 0020 0520 0737 0308 2005 2006
3602 1020 0841 0036 0218 2005 2004 3602
0020 0120 0541 186a 3602 000c 010b 2003
2008 4118 6a20 0841 106a 2008 410c 6a10
3a0b 2008 2802 1821 0520 0841 0036 0218
2005 450d 0002 4020 052d 0018 4101 7145
0d00 2005 4120 6a28 0200 1042 0b20 0510
420b 4100 2008 4130 6a36 0204 2004 0be0
0203 037f 017e 027f 4100 2802 0441 106b
2206 2107 4100 2006 3602 0420 0120 0028
0204 2204 2802 0029 0300 3703 0020 0028
0200 2102 2001 2004 2802 0422 0329 0300
3703 0820 0141 106a 2003 4108 6a29 0300
3703 0020 0141 186a 2004 2802 0810 441a
2001 2004 2802 0c28 0200 3602 2420 0120
0428 0210 2802 0036 0228 2001 411c 6a28
0200 2001 2d00 1822 0441 0176 2004 4101
711b 2203 4120 6a21 0420 03ad 2105 0340
2004 4101 6a21 0420 0542 0788 2205 4200
520d 000b 0240 0240 2004 4181 0449 0d00
2004 103d 2106 0c01 0b41 0020 0620 0441
0f6a 4170 716b 2206 3602 040b 2007 2006
3602 0420 0720 0636 0200 2007 2006 2004
6a36 0208 2007 2001 103b 1a20 0120 0229
0308 4280 8080 8080 8080 949b 7f20 0028
0208 2903 0020 0129 0300 2205 2006 2004
1006 3602 3002 4020 0441 8104 490d 0020
0610 400b 0240 2005 2002 2903 1054 0d00
2002 4110 6a42 7e20 0542 017c 2005 427d
561b 3703 000b 4100 2007 4110 6a36 0204
0bc2 0301 047f 0240 0240 2000 2802 0420
0028 0200 2206 6b41 186d 2204 4101 6a22
0541 abd5 aad5 004f 0d00 41aa d5aa d500
2107 0240 0240 2000 2802 0820 066b 4118
6d22 0641 d4aa d52a 4b0d 0020 0520 0641
0174 2207 2007 2005 491b 2207 450d 010b
2007 4118 6c10 4121 060c 020b 4100 2107
4100 2106 0c01 0b20 0010 4700 0b20 0128
0200 2105 2001 4100 3602 0020 0620 0441
186c 6a22 0120 0536 0200 2001 2002 2903
0037 0308 2001 2003 2802 0036 0210 2006
2007 4118 6c6a 2104 2001 4118 6a21 0502
4002 4020 0041 046a 2802 0022 0620 0028
0200 2207 460d 0003 4020 0641 686a 2202
2802 0021 0320 0241 0036 0200 2001 4168
6a20 0336 0200 2001 4178 6a20 0641 786a
2802 0036 0200 2001 4174 6a20 0641 746a
2802 0036 0200 2001 4170 6a20 0641 706a
2802 0036 0200 2001 4168 6a21 0120 0221
0620 0720 0247 0d00 0b20 0041 046a 2802
0021 0720 0028 0200 2106 0c01 0b20 0721
060b 2000 2001 3602 0020 0041 046a 2005
3602 0020 0041 086a 2004 3602 0002 4020
0720 0646 0d00 0340 2007 4168 6a22 0728
0200 2101 2007 4100 3602 0002 4020 0145
0d00 0240 2001 2d00 1841 0171 450d 0020
0141 206a 2802 0010 420b 2001 1042 0b20
0620 0747 0d00 0b0b 0240 2006 450d 0020
0610 420b 0bf4 0101 017f 2000 2802 0820
0028 0204 6b41 074a 41b0 0410 0820 0028
0204 2001 4108 1009 1a20 0020 0028 0204
4108 6a22 0236 0204 2000 2802 0820 026b
4107 4a41 b004 1008 2000 2802 0420 0141
086a 4108 1009 1a20 0020 0028 0204 4108
6a22 0236 0204 2000 2802 0820 026b 4107
4a41 b004 1008 2000 2802 0420 0141 106a
4108 1009 1a20 0020 0028 0204 4108 6a36
0204 2000 2001 4118 6a10 2922 0028 0208
2000 2802 046b 4103 4a41 b004 1008 2000
2802 0420 0141 246a 4104 1009 1a20 0020
0028 0204 4104 6a22 0236 0204 2000 2802
0820 026b 4103 4a41 b004 1008 2000 2802
0420 0141 286a 4104 1009 1a20 0020 0028
0204 4104 6a36 0204 2000 0bf4 0101 017f
2000 2802 0820 0028 0204 6b41 074b 41f0
0010 0820 0120 0028 0204 4108 1009 1a20
0020 0028 0204 4108 6a22 0236 0204 2000
2802 0820 026b 4107 4b41 f000 1008 2001
4108 6a20 0028 0204 4108 1009 1a20 0020
0028 0204 4108 6a22 0236 0204 2000 2802
0820 026b 4107 4b41 f000 1008 2001 4110
6a20 0028 0204 4108 1009 1a20 0020 0028
0204 4108 6a36 0204 2000 2001 4118 6a10
1f22 0028 0208 2000 2802 046b 4103 4b41
f000 1008 2001 4124 6a20 0028 0204 4104
1009 1a20 0020 0028 0204 4104 6a22 0236
0204 2000 2802 0820 026b 4103 4b41 f000
1008 2001 4128 6a20 0028 0204 4104 1009
1a20 0020 0028 0204 4104 6a36 0204 2000
0b09 0041 b007 2000 103e 0bcd 0401 0c7f
0240 2001 450d 0002 4020 0028 02c0 4122
0d0d 0041 1021 0d20 0041 c0c1 006a 4110
3602 000b 2001 4108 6a20 0141 046a 4107
7122 026b 2001 2002 1b21 0202 4002 4002
4020 0028 02c4 4122 0a20 0d4f 0d00 2000
200a 410c 6c6a 4180 c000 6a21 0102 4020
0a0d 0020 0041 84c0 006a 220d 2802 000d
0020 0141 80c0 0036 0200 200d 2000 3602
000b 2002 4104 6a21 0a03 4002 4020 0128
0208 220d 200a 6a20 0128 0200 4b0d 0020
0128 0204 200d 6a22 0d20 0d28 0200 4180
8080 8078 7120 0272 3602 0020 0141 086a
2201 2001 2802 0020 0a6a 3602 0020 0d20
0d28 0200 4180 8080 8078 7236 0200 200d
4104 6a22 010d 030b 2000 103f 2201 0d00
0b0b 41fc ffff ff07 2002 6b21 0420 0041
c8c1 006a 210b 2000 41c0 c100 6a21 0c20
0028 02c8 4122 0321 0d03 4020 0020 0d41
0c6c 6a22 0141 88c0 006a 2802 0020 0141
80c0 006a 2205 2802 0046 4180 c900 1008
2001 4184 c000 6a28 0200 2206 4104 6a21
0d03 4020 0620 0528 0200 6a21 0720 0d41
7c6a 2208 2802 0022 0941 ffff ffff 0771
2101 0240 2009 4100 480d 0002 4020 0120
024f 0d00 0340 200d 2001 6a22 0a20 074f
0d01 200a 2802 0022 0a41 0048 0d01 2001
200a 41ff ffff ff07 716a 4104 6a22 0120
0249 0d00 0b0b 2008 2001 2002 2001 2002
491b 2009 4180 8080 8078 7172 3602 0002
4020 0120 024d 0d00 200d 2002 6a20 0420
016a 41ff ffff ff07 7136 0200 0b20 0120
024f 0d04 0b20 0d20 016a 4104 6a22 0d20
0749 0d00 0b41 0021 0120 0b41 0020 0b28
0200 4101 6a22 0d20 0d20 0c28 0200 461b
220d 3602 0020 0d20 0347 0d00 0b0b 2001
0f0b 2008 2008 2802 0041 8080 8080 7872
3602 0020 0d0f 0b41 000b 8705 0108 7f20
0028 02c4 4121 0102 4002 4041 002d 00d6
4945 0d00 4100 2802 d849 2107 0c01 0b3f
0021 0741 0041 013a 00d6 4941 0020 0741
1074 2207 3602 d849 0b20 0721 0302 4002
4002 4002 4020 0741 ffff 036a 4110 7622
023f 0022 084d 0d00 2002 2008 6b40 001a
4100 2108 2002 3f00 470d 0141 0028 02d8
4921 030b 4100 2108 4100 2003 3602 d849
2007 4100 480d 0020 0020 0141 0c6c 6a21
0220 0741 8080 0441 8080 0820 0741 ffff
0371 2208 4181 f803 4922 061b 6a20 0820
0741 ffff 0771 2006 1b6b 2007 6b21 0702
4041 002d 00d6 490d 003f 0021 0341 0041
013a 00d6 4941 0020 0341 1074 2203 3602
d849 0b20 0241 80c0 006a 2102 2007 4100
480d 0120 0321 0602 4020 0741 076a 4178
7122 0520 036a 41ff ff03 6a41 1076 2208
3f00 2204 4d0d 0020 0820 046b 4000 1a20
083f 0047 0d02 4100 2802 d849 2106 0b41
0020 0620 056a 3602 d849 2003 417f 460d
0120 0020 0141 0c6c 6a22 0141 84c0 006a
2802 0022 0620 0228 0200 2208 6a20 0346
0d02 0240 2008 2001 4188 c000 6a22 0528
0200 2201 460d 0020 0620 016a 2206 2006
2802 0041 8080 8080 7871 417c 2001 6b20
086a 7236 0200 2005 2002 2802 0036 0200
2006 2006 2802 0041 ffff ffff 0771 3602
000b 2000 41c4 c100 6a22 0220 0228 0200
4101 6a22 0236 0200 2000 2002 410c 6c6a
2200 4184 c000 6a20 0336 0200 2000 4180
c000 6a22 0820 0736 0200 0b20 080f 0b02
4020 0228 0200 2208 2000 2001 410c 6c6a
2203 4188 c000 6a22 0128 0200 2207 460d
0020 0341 84c0 006a 2802 0020 076a 2203
2003 2802 0041 8080 8080 7871 417c 2007
6b20 086a 7236 0200 2001 2002 2802 0036
0200 2003 2003 2802 0041 ffff ffff 0771
3602 000b 2000 2000 41c4 c100 6a22 0728
0200 4101 6a22 0336 02c0 4120 0720 0336
0200 4100 0f0b 2002 2008 2007 6a36 0200
2002 0b7b 0103 7f02 4002 4020 0045 0d00
4100 2802 f048 2202 4101 480d 0041 b0c7
0021 0320 0241 0c6c 41b0 c700 6a21 0103
4020 0341 046a 2802 0022 0245 0d01 0240
2002 4104 6a20 004b 0d00 2002 2003 2802
006a 2000 4b0d 030b 2003 410c 6a22 0320
0149 0d00 0b0b 0f0b 2000 417c 6a22 0320
0328 0200 41ff ffff ff07 7136 0200 0b38
0102 7f02 4020 0041 0120 001b 2201 103d
2200 0d00 0340 4100 2100 4100 2802 dc49
2202 450d 0120 0211 0400 2001 103d 2200
450d 000b 0b20 000b 0e00 0240 2000 450d
0020 0010 400b 0b05 0010 0000 0b84 0201
057f 0240 0240 0240 0240 2000 2001 460d
0020 0128 0204 2001 2d00 0022 0241 0176
2002 4101 7122 041b 2102 2001 4101 6a21
0520 0128 0208 2106 410a 2101 0240 2000
2d00 0022 0341 0171 450d 0020 0028 0200
2203 417e 7141 7f6a 2101 0b20 0620 0520
041b 2105 2003 4101 7121 0402 4002 4002
4020 0220 014d 0d00 2004 0d01 2003 41fe
0171 4101 7621 030c 020b 2004 0d03 2000
4101 6a21 0120 020d 040c 050b 2000 2802
0421 030b 2000 2001 2002 2001 6b20 0341
0020 0320 0220 0510 450b 2000 0f0b 2000
2802 0821 0120 0245 0d01 0b20 0120 0520
0210 0a1a 0b20 0120 026a 4100 3a00 0002
4020 002d 0000 4101 710d 0020 0020 0241
0174 3a00 0020 000f 0b20 0020 0236 0204
2000 0bf7 0101 037f 0240 416e 2001 6b20
0249 0d00 0240 0240 2000 2d00 0041 0171
0d00 2000 4101 6a21 090c 010b 2000 2802
0821 090b 416f 210a 0240 2001 41e6 ffff
ff07 4b0d 0041 0b21 0a20 0141 0174 2208
2002 2001 6a22 0220 0220 0849 1b22 0241
0b49 0d00 2002 4110 6a41 7071 210a 0b20
0a10 4121 0202 4020 0445 0d00 2002 2009
2004 1009 1a0b 0240 2006 450d 0020 0220
046a 2007 2006 1009 1a0b 0240 2003 2005
6b22 0320 046b 2207 450d 0020 0220 046a
2006 6a20 0920 046a 2005 6a20 0710 091a
0b02 4020 0141 0a46 0d00 2009 1042 0b20
0020 0236 0208 2000 200a 4101 7236 0200
2000 2003 2006 6a22 0436 0204 2002 2004
6a41 003a 0000 0f0b 1000 000b e202 0106
7f02 4020 0141 704f 0d00 410a 2102 0240
2000 2d00 0022 0541 0171 450d 0020 0028
0200 2205 417e 7141 7f6a 2102 0b02 4002
4020 0541 0171 0d00 2005 41fe 0171 4101
7621 030c 010b 2000 2802 0421 030b 410a
2104 0240 2003 2001 2003 2001 4b1b 2201
410b 490d 0020 0141 106a 4170 7141 7f6a
2104 0b02 4020 0420 0246 0d00 0240 0240
2004 410a 470d 0041 0121 0620 0041 016a
2101 2000 2802 0821 0241 0021 070c 010b
2004 4101 6a10 4121 0102 4020 0420 024b
0d00 2001 450d 020b 0240 2000 2d00 0022
0541 0171 0d00 4101 2107 2000 4101 6a21
0241 0021 060c 010b 2000 2802 0821 0241
0121 0641 0121 070b 0240 0240 2005 4101
710d 0020 0541 fe01 7141 0176 2105 0c01
0b20 0028 0204 2105 0b02 4020 0541 016a
2205 450d 0020 0120 0220 0510 091a 0b02
4020 0645 0d00 2002 1042 0b02 4020 0745
0d00 2000 2003 3602 0420 0020 0136 0208
2000 2004 4101 6a41 0172 3602 000f 0b20
0020 0341 0174 3a00 000b 0f0b 1000 000b
0500 1000 000b ba01 0103 7f20 0042 0037
0200 2000 4108 6a22 0341 0036 0200 0240
2001 2d00 0041 0171 0d00 2000 2001 2902
0037 0200 2003 2001 4108 6a28 0200 3602
0020 000f 0b02 4020 0128 0204 2203 4170
4f0d 0020 0128 0208 2102 0240 0240 0240
2003 410b 4f0d 0020 0020 0341 0174 3a00
0020 0041 016a 2101 2003 0d01 0c02 0b20
0341 106a 4170 7122 0410 4121 0120 0020
0441 0172 3602 0020 0020 0136 0208 2000
2003 3602 040b 2001 2002 2003 1009 1a0b
2001 2003 6a41 003a 0000 2000 0f0b 1000
000b 4901 037f 4100 2105 0240 2002 450d
0002 4003 4020 002d 0000 2203 2001 2d00
0022 0447 0d01 2001 4101 6a21 0120 0041
016a 2100 2002 417f 6a22 020d 000c 020b
0b20 0320 046b 2105 0b20 050b 0300 000b
0baa 071b 0041 040b 04e0 6400 0000 4110
0b08 6f6e 6572 726f 7200 0041 200b 0665
6f73 696f 0000 4130 0b40 6f6e 6572 726f
7220 6163 7469 6f6e 2773 2061 7265 206f
6e6c 7920 7661 6c69 6420 6672 6f6d 2074
6865 2022 656f 7369 6f22 2073 7973 7465
6d20 6163 636f 756e 7400 0041 f000 0b05
7265 6164 0000 4180 010b 0467 6574 0000
4190 010b 336f 626a 6563 7420 7061 7373
6564 2074 6f20 6974 6572 6174 6f72 5f74
6f20 6973 206e 6f74 2069 6e20 6d75 6c74
695f 696e 6465 7800 0041 d001 0b13 6469
7361 7374 6572 206e 6f74 2066 6f75 6e64
0000 41f0 010b 1263 6974 697a 656e 206e
6f74 2066 6f75 6e64 0000 4190 020b 2363
616e 6e6f 7420 7061 7373 2065 6e64 2069
7465 7261 746f 7220 746f 206d 6f64 6966
7900 0041 c002 0b13 2064 6973 6173 7465
7220 7570 6461 7465 642e 0000 41e0 020b
1920 6369 7469 7a65 6e20 7374 6174 7573
2075 7064 6174 6564 2e00 0041 8003 0b2e
6f62 6a65 6374 2070 6173 7365 6420 746f
206d 6f64 6966 7920 6973 206e 6f74 2069
6e20 6d75 6c74 695f 696e 6465 7800 0041
b003 0b33 6361 6e6e 6f74 206d 6f64 6966
7920 6f62 6a65 6374 7320 696e 2074 6162
6c65 206f 6620 616e 6f74 6865 7220 636f
6e74 7261 6374 0000 41f0 030b 3b75 7064
6174 6572 2063 616e 6e6f 7420 6368 616e
6765 2070 7269 6d61 7279 206b 6579 2077
6865 6e20 6d6f 6469 6679 696e 6720 616e
206f 626a 6563 7400 0041 b004 0b06 7772
6974 6500 0041 c004 0b17 6572 726f 7220
7265 6164 696e 6720 6974 6572 6174 6f72
0000 41e0 040b 316d 6167 6e69 7475 6465
206f 6620 6173 7365 7420 616d 6f75 6e74
206d 7573 7420 6265 206c 6573 7320 7468
616e 2032 5e36 3200 0041 a005 0b14 696e
7661 6c69 6420 7379 6d62 6f6c 206e 616d
6500 0041 c005 0b1e 6469 7361 7374 6572
2065 7665 6e74 2061 6c72 6561 6479 2065
7869 7374 7300 0041 e005 0b33 6361 6e6e
6f74 2063 7265 6174 6520 6f62 6a65 6374
7320 696e 2074 6162 6c65 206f 6620 616e
6f74 6865 7220 636f 6e74 7261 6374 0000
41a0 060b 1920 6469 7361 7374 6572 2065
7665 6e74 2063 7265 6174 6564 2e00 0041
c006 0b17 6369 7469 7a65 6e20 616c 7265
6164 7920 6578 6973 7473 0000 41e0 060b
1220 6369 7469 7a65 6e20 6372 6561 7465
642e 0000 4180 070b 136e 676f 2061 6c72
6561 6479 2065 7869 7374 7300 0041 a007
0b0e 206e 676f 2063 7265 6174 6564 2e00
0041 80c9 000b 566d 616c 6c6f 635f 6672
6f6d 5f66 7265 6564 2077 6173 2064 6573
6967 6e65 6420 746f 206f 6e6c 7920 6265
2063 616c 6c65 6420 6166 7465 7220 5f68
6561 7020 7761 7320 636f 6d70 6c65 7465
6c79 2061 6c6c 6f63 6174 6564 00


 (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiii (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiiiiii (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vijjiiiii (func (param i32 i64 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiii (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$v (func))
 (type $FUNCSIG$j (func (result i64)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vjj (func (param i64 i64)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vii (func (param i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$i (func (result i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$iii (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$iiii (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vj (func (param i64)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$ijjjj (func (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vi (func (param i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$vijii (func (param i32 i64 i32 i32)))
 (type $FUNCSIG$ijjjjii (func (param i64 i64 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "abort" (func $abort))
 (import "env" "action_data_size" (func $action_data_size (result i32)))
 (import "env" "current_receiver" (func $current_receiver (result i64)))
 (import "env" "current_time" (func $current_time (result i64)))
 (import "env" "db_find_i64" (func $db_find_i64 (param i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "db_get_i64" (func $db_get_i64 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "db_store_i64" (func $db_store_i64 (param i64 i64 i64 i64 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "db_update_i64" (func $db_update_i64 (param i32 i64 i32 i32)))
 (import "env" "eosio_assert" (func $eosio_assert (param i32 i32)))
 (import "env" "memcpy" (func $memcpy (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "memmove" (func $memmove (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "printn" (func $printn (param i64)))
 (import "env" "prints" (func $prints (param i32)))
 (import "env" "read_action_data" (func $read_action_data (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
 (import "env" "require_auth" (func $require_auth (param i64)))
 (import "env" "require_auth2" (func $require_auth2 (param i64 i64)))
 (table 5 5 anyfunc)
 (elem (i32.const 0) $__wasm_nullptr $_ZN11reliefchain10addcitizenEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEbSC_SC_ $_ZN11reliefchain6addngoEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmm $_ZN11reliefchain10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE $_ZN11reliefchain11adddisasterEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmm)
 (memory $0 1)
 (data (i32.const 4) "\e0d\00\00")
 (data (i32.const 16) "onerror\00")
 (data (i32.const 32) "eosio\00")
 (data (i32.const 48) "onerror action\'s are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account\00")
 (data (i32.const 112) "read\00")
 (data (i32.const 128) "get\00")
 (data (i32.const 144) "object passed to iterator_to is not in multi_index\00")
 (data (i32.const 208) "disaster not found\00")
 (data (i32.const 240) "citizen not found\00")
 (data (i32.const 272) "cannot pass end iterator to modify\00")
 (data (i32.const 320) " disaster updated.\00")
 (data (i32.const 352) " citizen status updated.\00")
 (data (i32.const 384) "object passed to modify is not in multi_index\00")
 (data (i32.const 432) "cannot modify objects in table of another contract\00")
 (data (i32.const 496) "updater cannot change primary key when modifying an object\00")
 (data (i32.const 560) "write\00")
 (data (i32.const 576) "error reading iterator\00")
 (data (i32.const 608) "magnitude of asset amount must be less than 2^62\00")
 (data (i32.const 672) "invalid symbol name\00")
 (data (i32.const 704) "disaster event already exists\00")
 (data (i32.const 736) "cannot create objects in table of another contract\00")
 (data (i32.const 800) " disaster event created.\00")
 (data (i32.const 832) "citizen already exists\00")
 (data (i32.const 864) " citizen created.\00")
 (data (i32.const 896) "ngo already exists\00")
 (data (i32.const 928) " ngo created.\00")
 (data (i32.const 9344) "malloc_from_freed was designed to only be called after _heap was completely allocated\00")
 (export "memory" (memory $0))
 (export "_ZeqRK11checksum256S1_" (func $_ZeqRK11checksum256S1_))
 (export "_ZeqRK11checksum160S1_" (func $_ZeqRK11checksum160S1_))
 (export "_ZneRK11checksum160S1_" (func $_ZneRK11checksum160S1_))
 (export "now" (func $now))
 (export "_ZN5eosio12require_authERKNS_16permission_levelE" (func $_ZN5eosio12require_authERKNS_16permission_levelE))
 (export "apply" (func $apply))
 (export "_ZN11reliefchain6addngoEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmm" (func $_ZN11reliefchain6addngoEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmm))
 (export "_ZN11reliefchain10addcitizenEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEbSC_SC_" (func $_ZN11reliefchain10addcitizenEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEbSC_SC_))
 (export "_ZN11reliefchain11adddisasterEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmm" (func $_ZN11reliefchain11adddisasterEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmm))
 (export "_ZN11reliefchain10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE" (func $_ZN11reliefchain10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE))
 (export "malloc" (func $malloc))
 (export "free" (func $free))
 (export "memcmp" (func $memcmp))
 (func $_ZeqRK11checksum256S1_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
   (call $memcmp
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 32)
 (func $_ZeqRK11checksum160S1_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
   (call $memcmp
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 32)
 (func $_ZneRK11checksum160S1_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
   (call $memcmp
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i32.const 0)
 (func $now (result i32)
    (call $current_time)
    (i64.const 1000000)
 (func $_ZN5eosio12require_authERKNS_16permission_levelE (param $0 i32)
  (call $require_auth2
    (get_local $0)
   (i64.load offset=8
    (get_local $0)
 (func $apply (param $0 i64) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i64)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i64)
  (local $7 i64)
  (local $8 i64)
  (local $9 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 80)
  (set_local $6
   (i64.const 0)
  (set_local $5
   (i64.const 59)
  (set_local $4
   (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $7
   (i64.const 0)
  (loop $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (block $label$4
       (block $label$5
        (br_if $label$5
          (get_local $6)
          (i64.const 6)
        (br_if $label$4
            (tee_local $3
              (get_local $4)
            (i32.const -97)
           (i32.const 255)
          (i32.const 25)
        (set_local $3
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const 165)
        (br $label$3)
       (set_local $8
        (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$2
         (get_local $6)
         (i64.const 11)
       (br $label$1)
      (set_local $3
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 208)
        (i32.const 0)
           (get_local $3)
           (i32.const -49)
          (i32.const 255)
         (i32.const 5)
     (set_local $8
         (get_local $3)
        (i64.const 56)
       (i64.const 56)
    (set_local $8
       (get_local $8)
       (i64.const 31)
       (get_local $5)
       (i64.const 4294967295)
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $6
     (get_local $6)
     (i64.const 1)
   (set_local $7
     (get_local $8)
     (get_local $7)
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $5
       (get_local $5)
       (i64.const -5)
     (i64.const -6)
  (block $label$6
   (br_if $label$6
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $2)
   (set_local $6
    (i64.const 0)
   (set_local $5
    (i64.const 59)
   (set_local $4
    (i32.const 32)
   (set_local $7
    (i64.const 0)
   (loop $label$7
    (block $label$8
     (block $label$9
      (block $label$10
       (block $label$11
        (block $label$12
         (br_if $label$12
           (get_local $6)
           (i64.const 4)
         (br_if $label$11
             (tee_local $3
               (get_local $4)
             (i32.const -97)
            (i32.const 255)
           (i32.const 25)
         (set_local $3
           (get_local $3)
           (i32.const 165)
         (br $label$10)
        (set_local $8
         (i64.const 0)
        (br_if $label$9
          (get_local $6)
          (i64.const 11)
        (br $label$8)
       (set_local $3
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const 208)
         (i32.const 0)
            (get_local $3)
            (i32.const -49)
           (i32.const 255)
          (i32.const 5)
      (set_local $8
          (get_local $3)
         (i64.const 56)
        (i64.const 56)
     (set_local $8
        (get_local $8)
        (i64.const 31)
        (get_local $5)
        (i64.const 4294967295)
    (set_local $4
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 1)
    (set_local $6
      (get_local $6)
      (i64.const 1)
    (set_local $7
      (get_local $8)
      (get_local $7)
    (br_if $label$7
      (tee_local $5
        (get_local $5)
        (i64.const -5)
      (i64.const -6)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 48)
  (block $label$13
   (block $label$14
    (br_if $label$14
      (get_local $1)
      (get_local $0)
    (set_local $6
     (i64.const 0)
    (set_local $5
     (i64.const 59)
    (set_local $4
     (i32.const 16)
    (set_local $7
     (i64.const 0)
    (loop $label$15
     (block $label$16
      (block $label$17
       (block $label$18
        (block $label$19
         (block $label$20
          (br_if $label$20
            (get_local $6)
            (i64.const 6)
          (br_if $label$19
              (tee_local $3
                (get_local $4)
              (i32.const -97)
             (i32.const 255)
            (i32.const 25)
          (set_local $3
            (get_local $3)
            (i32.const 165)
          (br $label$18)
         (set_local $8
          (i64.const 0)
         (br_if $label$17
           (get_local $6)
           (i64.const 11)
         (br $label$16)
        (set_local $3
           (get_local $3)
           (i32.const 208)
          (i32.const 0)
             (get_local $3)
             (i32.const -49)
            (i32.const 255)
           (i32.const 5)
       (set_local $8
           (get_local $3)
          (i64.const 56)
         (i64.const 56)
      (set_local $8
         (get_local $8)
         (i64.const 31)
         (get_local $5)
         (i64.const 4294967295)
     (set_local $4
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
     (set_local $6
       (get_local $6)
       (i64.const 1)
     (set_local $7
       (get_local $8)
       (get_local $7)
     (br_if $label$15
       (tee_local $5
         (get_local $5)
         (i64.const -5)
       (i64.const -6)
    (br_if $label$13
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $2)
   (i64.store offset=72
    (get_local $9)
    (get_local $0)
   (block $label$21
    (block $label$22
     (block $label$23
      (br_if $label$23
        (get_local $2)
        (i64.const 3626127092196486655)
      (br_if $label$22
        (get_local $2)
        (i64.const -2688959069635608576)
      (br_if $label$13
        (get_local $2)
        (i64.const 3626109521594990592)
      (i32.store offset=60
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 0)
      (i32.store offset=56
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 1)
      (i64.store offset=16 align=4
       (get_local $9)
       (i64.load offset=56
        (get_local $9)
       (call $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEbSD_SD_EEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E
         (get_local $9)
         (i32.const 72)
         (get_local $9)
         (i32.const 16)
      (br $label$13)
     (br_if $label$21
       (get_local $2)
       (i64.const 3626127092196486656)
     (br_if $label$13
       (get_local $2)
       (i64.const 3626301842188664832)
     (i32.store offset=68
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.store offset=64
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 2)
     (i64.store offset=8 align=4
      (get_local $9)
      (i64.load offset=64
       (get_local $9)
      (call $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEmmEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E
        (get_local $9)
        (i32.const 72)
        (get_local $9)
        (i32.const 8)
     (br $label$13)
    (i32.store offset=44
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 0)
    (i32.store offset=40
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 3)
    (i64.store offset=32 align=4
     (get_local $9)
     (i64.load offset=40
      (get_local $9)
     (call $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEEEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 72)
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 32)
    (br $label$13)
   (i32.store offset=52
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 0)
   (i32.store offset=48
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 4)
   (i64.store offset=24 align=4
    (get_local $9)
    (i64.load offset=48
     (get_local $9)
    (call $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 72)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 24)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 80)
 (func $_ZN11reliefchain6addngoEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmm (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32)
  (local $6 i64)
  (local $7 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $7
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 128)
  (i64.store offset=80
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=76
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=72
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $5)
  (call $require_auth
   (get_local $1)
  (set_local $5
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 64)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=40
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=48
   (get_local $7)
   (i64.const -1)
  (i64.store offset=56
   (get_local $7)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=32
   (get_local $7)
   (tee_local $6
     (get_local $0)
  (set_local $0
   (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $4
      (call $db_find_i64
       (get_local $6)
       (get_local $1)
       (i64.const -7266557998762295296)
       (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=44
      (call $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 32)
       (get_local $4)
      (get_local $7)
      (i32.const 32)
    (i32.const 144)
   (set_local $1
    (i64.load offset=80
     (get_local $7)
   (set_local $0
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 896)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 80)
  (i32.store offset=20
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 76)
  (i32.store offset=24
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 72)
  (i64.store offset=120
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $1)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i64.load offset=32
     (get_local $7)
    (call $current_receiver)
   (i32.const 736)
  (i32.store offset=100
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=96
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=104
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 120)
  (i64.store offset=16
   (tee_local $0
    (call $_Znwj
     (i32.const 56)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $1
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (loop $label$3
     (br_if $label$2
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$5
       (br_if $label$2
          (tee_local $1
            (get_local $1)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$5
         (tee_local $5
           (get_local $5)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $2
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$3
       (tee_local $5
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$1)
   (set_local $2
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $2)
   (i32.const 672)
  (i32.store offset=32
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24 align=4
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=44
   (get_local $0)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 32)
  (call $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_6addngoEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEmmE3$_0EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 96)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=112
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=96
   (get_local $7)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=92
   (get_local $7)
   (tee_local $2
    (i32.load offset=48
     (get_local $0)
  (block $label$6
   (block $label$7
    (br_if $label$7
      (tee_local $5
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $7)
          (i32.const 60)
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 64)
    (i64.store offset=8
     (get_local $5)
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.store offset=16
     (get_local $5)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.store offset=112
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $5)
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $3)
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 24)
    (br $label$6)
   (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 56)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 112)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 96)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 92)
  (set_local $5
   (i32.load offset=112
    (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=112
   (get_local $7)
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $5)
   (block $label$9
    (br_if $label$9
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $5)
  (call $printn
   (i64.load offset=80
    (get_local $7)
  (call $prints
   (i32.const 928)
  (block $label$10
   (br_if $label$10
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=56
       (get_local $7)
   (block $label$11
    (block $label$12
     (br_if $label$12
       (tee_local $5
         (tee_local $3
           (get_local $7)
           (i32.const 60)
       (get_local $2)
     (loop $label$13
      (set_local $0
        (tee_local $5
          (get_local $5)
          (i32.const -24)
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 0)
      (block $label$14
       (br_if $label$14
         (get_local $0)
       (block $label$15
        (br_if $label$15
           (i32.load8_u offset=24
            (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 32)
       (call $_ZdlPv
        (get_local $0)
      (br_if $label$13
        (get_local $2)
        (get_local $5)
     (set_local $5
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 56)
     (br $label$11)
    (set_local $5
     (get_local $2)
    (get_local $3)
    (get_local $2)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 128)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEmmEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (set_local $8
   (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 96)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $6)
  (set_local $2
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $7
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $1
   (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $4
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $3
      (call $action_data_size)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $4
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $3)
     (br $label$1)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $6)
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $read_action_data
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $3)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 16)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $8)
   (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $8)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $5
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$3
   (block $label$4
    (loop $label$5
     (br_if $label$4
          (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$6
      (br_if $label$6
         (tee_local $5
           (get_local $5)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$7
       (br_if $label$4
          (tee_local $5
            (get_local $5)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$7
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $6
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$5
       (tee_local $1
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$3)
   (set_local $6
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $6)
   (i32.const 672)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24
   (get_local $8)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $8)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=84
   (get_local $8)
   (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=80
   (get_local $8)
   (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=88
   (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $8)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 80)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $8)
   (get_local $8)
  (call $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi5EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmEEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 64)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 48)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $4)
   (tee_local $1
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 64)
     (i32.const 8)
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $8)
  (i64.store offset=64
   (get_local $8)
   (i64.load offset=8
    (get_local $8)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 48)
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $4
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 40)
  (set_local $6
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 36)
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 80)
    (i32.const 8)
    (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=80
   (get_local $8)
   (i64.load offset=64
    (get_local $8)
  (set_local $1
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$9
   (br_if $label$9
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $7
       (get_local $1)
      (get_local $7)
  (call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiii)
   (get_local $1)
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 80)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 48)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $4)
   (get_local $7)
  (block $label$10
   (br_if $label$10
      (i32.load8_u offset=48
       (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=56
     (get_local $8)
  (block $label$11
   (br_if $label$11
      (i32.load8_u offset=24
       (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 96)
  (i32.const 1)
 (func $_ZN11reliefchain10addcitizenEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEbSC_SC_ (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (param $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i64)
  (local $9 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 128)
  (i64.store offset=80
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store8 offset=79
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $4)
  (call $require_auth
   (get_local $1)
  (set_local $4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 64)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=40
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=48
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const -1)
  (i64.store offset=56
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=32
   (get_local $9)
   (tee_local $8
     (get_local $0)
  (set_local $0
   (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $7
      (call $db_find_i64
       (get_local $8)
       (get_local $1)
       (i64.const 4878224861429760000)
       (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=64
      (call $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl
        (get_local $9)
        (i32.const 32)
       (get_local $7)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 32)
    (i32.const 144)
   (set_local $1
    (i64.load offset=80
     (get_local $9)
   (set_local $0
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 832)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=24
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=28
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 80)
  (i32.store offset=20
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 79)
  (i64.store offset=120
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i64.load offset=32
     (get_local $9)
    (call $current_receiver)
   (i32.const 736)
  (i32.store offset=100
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=96
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=104
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 120)
  (i64.store offset=16
   (tee_local $0
    (call $_Znwj
     (i32.const 80)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $1
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (loop $label$3
     (br_if $label$2
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$5
       (br_if $label$2
          (tee_local $1
            (get_local $1)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$5
         (tee_local $4
           (get_local $4)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $2
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$3
       (tee_local $4
         (get_local $4)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$1)
   (set_local $2
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $2)
   (i32.const 672)
  (i32.store offset=32
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24 align=4
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=44
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=52
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=56
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=60
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 32)
  (call $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_10addcitizenEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEbSG_SG_E3$_1EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 96)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=112
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=96
   (get_local $9)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=92
   (get_local $9)
   (tee_local $2
    (i32.load offset=68
     (get_local $0)
  (block $label$6
   (block $label$7
    (br_if $label$7
      (tee_local $4
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $9)
          (i32.const 60)
        (get_local $9)
        (i32.const 64)
    (i64.store offset=8
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.store offset=16
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.store offset=112
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $3)
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 24)
    (br $label$6)
   (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 56)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 112)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 96)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 92)
  (set_local $4
   (i32.load offset=112
    (get_local $9)
  (i32.store offset=112
   (get_local $9)
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $4)
   (block $label$9
    (br_if $label$9
       (i32.load8_u offset=52
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 60)
   (block $label$10
    (br_if $label$10
       (i32.load8_u offset=40
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 48)
   (block $label$11
    (br_if $label$11
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $4)
  (call $printn
   (i64.load offset=80
    (get_local $9)
  (call $prints
   (i32.const 864)
   (call $_ZNSt3__113__vector_baseIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEED2Ev
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 56)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 128)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEbSD_SD_EEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i64)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $4
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 112)
  (i32.store offset=76
   (tee_local $5
    (get_local $4)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=68
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $1
   (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $0
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $2
      (call $action_data_size)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (get_local $2)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $0
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $2)
     (br $label$1)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $0
       (get_local $4)
         (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $read_action_data
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 16)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $5)
   (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $5)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $3
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$3
   (block $label$4
    (loop $label$5
     (br_if $label$4
          (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$6
      (br_if $label$6
         (tee_local $3
           (get_local $3)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$7
       (br_if $label$4
          (tee_local $3
            (get_local $3)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$7
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $4
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$5
       (tee_local $1
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$3)
   (set_local $4
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $4)
   (i32.const 672)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 44)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 48)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24
   (get_local $5)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store8 offset=36
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=52
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 56)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 60)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=84
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=80
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=88
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=96
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 80)
  (i32.store offset=104
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $5)
  (call $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi6EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEbSF_SF_EEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_bSF_SF_EEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 104)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 96)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=84
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 64)
  (i32.store offset=80
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 76)
  (call $_ZN5boost4mp116detail16tuple_apply_implIRZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS5_JyRKNS3_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS9_11char_traitsIcEENS9_9allocatorIcEEEEbSH_SH_EEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_EEUlDpT_E_RNS9_5tupleIJyS6_SF_bSF_SF_EEEJLj0ELj1ELj2ELj3ELj4ELj5EEEEDTclclsr3stdE7forwardISI_Efp_Espclsr3stdE3getIXT1_EEclsr3stdE7forwardISK_Efp0_EEEEOSI_OSK_NS0_16integer_sequenceIjJXspT1_EEEE
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 80)
   (get_local $5)
  (block $label$9
   (br_if $label$9
      (i32.load8_u offset=52
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 60)
  (block $label$10
   (br_if $label$10
      (i32.load8_u offset=40
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 48)
  (block $label$11
   (br_if $label$11
      (i32.load8_u offset=24
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 112)
  (i32.const 1)
 (func $_ZN11reliefchain11adddisasterEyRKN5eosio5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS4_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmm (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiiiiii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (param $6 i32) (param $7 i32) (param $8 i32) (param $9 i32)
  (local $10 i64)
  (local $11 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $11
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 160)
  (i64.store offset=112
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=108
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=104
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=100
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=96
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=92
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $8)
  (i32.store offset=88
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $9)
  (call $require_auth
   (get_local $1)
  (set_local $9
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 80)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=56
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=64
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const -1)
  (i64.store offset=72
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=48
   (get_local $11)
   (tee_local $10
     (get_local $0)
  (set_local $0
   (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $8
      (call $db_find_i64
       (get_local $10)
       (get_local $1)
       (i64.const 5453978331252785152)
       (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=60
      (call $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl
        (get_local $11)
        (i32.const 48)
       (get_local $8)
      (get_local $11)
      (i32.const 48)
    (i32.const 144)
   (set_local $1
    (i64.load offset=112
     (get_local $11)
   (set_local $0
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 704)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 112)
  (i32.store offset=20
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 108)
  (i32.store offset=24
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 104)
  (i32.store offset=28
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 100)
  (i32.store offset=32
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 96)
  (i32.store offset=36
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 92)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 88)
  (i64.store offset=152
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $1)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i64.load offset=48
     (get_local $11)
    (call $current_receiver)
   (i32.const 736)
  (i32.store offset=132
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=128
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 48)
  (i32.store offset=136
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 152)
  (i64.store offset=16
   (tee_local $0
    (call $_Znwj
     (i32.const 72)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $1
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (loop $label$3
     (br_if $label$2
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$5
       (br_if $label$2
          (tee_local $1
            (get_local $1)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$5
         (tee_local $9
           (get_local $9)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $2
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$3
       (tee_local $9
         (get_local $9)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$1)
   (set_local $2
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $2)
   (i32.const 672)
  (i32.store offset=32
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24 align=4
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=60
   (get_local $0)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 48)
  (call $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_11adddisasterEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmE3$_2EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 128)
   (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=144
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=128
   (get_local $11)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=124
   (get_local $11)
   (tee_local $2
    (i32.load offset=64
     (get_local $0)
  (block $label$6
   (block $label$7
    (br_if $label$7
      (tee_local $9
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $11)
          (i32.const 76)
        (get_local $11)
        (i32.const 80)
    (i64.store offset=8
     (get_local $9)
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.store offset=16
     (get_local $9)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.store offset=144
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $9)
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $3)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 24)
    (br $label$6)
   (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 72)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 144)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 128)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 124)
  (set_local $9
   (i32.load offset=144
    (get_local $11)
  (i32.store offset=144
   (get_local $11)
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $9)
   (block $label$9
    (br_if $label$9
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $9)
  (call $printn
   (i64.load offset=112
    (get_local $11)
  (call $prints
   (i32.const 800)
  (block $label$10
   (br_if $label$10
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=72
       (get_local $11)
   (block $label$11
    (block $label$12
     (br_if $label$12
       (tee_local $9
         (tee_local $3
           (get_local $11)
           (i32.const 76)
       (get_local $2)
     (loop $label$13
      (set_local $0
        (tee_local $9
          (get_local $9)
          (i32.const -24)
       (get_local $9)
       (i32.const 0)
      (block $label$14
       (br_if $label$14
         (get_local $0)
       (block $label$15
        (br_if $label$15
           (i32.load8_u offset=24
            (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 32)
       (call $_ZdlPv
        (get_local $0)
      (br_if $label$13
        (get_local $2)
        (get_local $9)
     (set_local $9
        (get_local $11)
        (i32.const 72)
     (br $label$11)
    (set_local $9
     (get_local $2)
    (get_local $3)
    (get_local $2)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $9)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 160)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i64)
  (local $9 i32)
  (local $10 i32)
  (local $11 i32)
  (set_local $11
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 112)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $9)
  (set_local $2
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $10
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $1
   (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $7
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $3
      (call $action_data_size)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $7
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $3)
     (br $label$1)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $7
       (get_local $9)
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $read_action_data
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $3)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 16)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $8
   (i64.const 5462355)
  (block $label$3
   (block $label$4
    (loop $label$5
     (br_if $label$4
          (get_local $8)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$6
      (br_if $label$6
         (tee_local $8
           (get_local $8)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$7
       (br_if $label$4
          (tee_local $8
            (get_local $8)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$7
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $9
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$5
       (tee_local $1
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$3)
   (set_local $9
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $9)
   (i32.const 672)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=40
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=48
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=56
   (get_local $11)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=100
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=96
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=104
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $11)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 96)
  (i32.store offset=80
   (get_local $11)
   (get_local $11)
  (call $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi9EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmmmmmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 80)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 64)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $7)
   (tee_local $1
      (get_local $11)
      (i32.const 80)
     (i32.const 8)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $8
    (get_local $11)
  (i64.store offset=80
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.load offset=8
    (get_local $11)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 64)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $7
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 56)
  (set_local $9
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 52)
  (set_local $3
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 48)
  (set_local $6
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 44)
  (set_local $5
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 40)
  (set_local $4
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 36)
     (get_local $11)
     (i32.const 96)
    (i32.const 8)
    (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=96
   (get_local $11)
   (i64.load offset=80
    (get_local $11)
  (set_local $1
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$9
   (br_if $label$9
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $10
       (get_local $1)
      (get_local $10)
  (call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiiiiii)
   (get_local $1)
   (get_local $8)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 96)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 64)
   (get_local $4)
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $3)
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $10)
  (block $label$10
   (br_if $label$10
      (i32.load8_u offset=64
       (get_local $11)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=72
     (get_local $11)
  (block $label$11
   (br_if $label$11
      (i32.load8_u offset=24
       (get_local $11)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $11)
      (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $11)
    (i32.const 112)
  (i32.const 1)
 (func $_ZN11reliefchain10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE (type $FUNCSIG$vijjiiiii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (param $6 i32) (param $7 i32)
  (local $8 i64)
  (local $9 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 144)
  (i64.store offset=136
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i64.store offset=128
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=124
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=120
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=116
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=112
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $6)
  (call $require_auth
   (get_local $2)
  (set_local $6
   (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 72)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=80
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $2)
  (i64.store offset=88
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const -1)
  (i64.store offset=96
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=72
   (get_local $9)
   (tee_local $8
     (get_local $0)
  (set_local $5
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $4
      (call $db_find_i64
       (get_local $8)
       (get_local $2)
       (i64.const 5453978331252785152)
       (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=60
      (tee_local $5
       (call $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl
         (get_local $9)
         (i32.const 72)
        (get_local $4)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 72)
    (i32.const 144)
   (set_local $1
    (i64.load offset=136
     (get_local $9)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (tee_local $4
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 0)
   (i32.const 208)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 32)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=48
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const -1)
  (i64.store offset=56
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=32
   (get_local $9)
   (tee_local $2
     (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=40
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (block $label$1
   (br_if $label$1
     (tee_local $0
      (call $db_find_i64
       (get_local $2)
       (get_local $1)
       (i64.const 4878224861429760000)
       (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=64
      (tee_local $6
       (call $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl
         (get_local $9)
         (i32.const 32)
        (get_local $0)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 32)
    (i32.const 144)
   (set_local $1
    (i64.load offset=136
     (get_local $9)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (tee_local $0
     (get_local $6)
     (i32.const 0)
   (i32.const 240)
  (set_local $2
   (i64.load offset=128
    (get_local $9)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 124)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 128)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 120)
  (i32.store offset=20
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 116)
  (i32.store offset=24
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 112)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $4)
   (i32.const 272)
  (call $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE6modifyIZNS1_10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEE3$_3EEvRKS2_yOT_
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 72)
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $2)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 136)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 272)
  (call $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE6modifyIZNS1_10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEE3$_4EEvRKS2_yOT_
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 32)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $printn
   (i64.load offset=128
    (get_local $9)
  (call $prints
   (i32.const 320)
  (call $printn
   (i64.load offset=136
    (get_local $9)
  (call $prints
   (i32.const 352)
   (call $_ZNSt3__113__vector_baseIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEED2Ev
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 56)
  (block $label$2
   (br_if $label$2
     (tee_local $0
      (i32.load offset=96
       (get_local $9)
   (block $label$3
    (block $label$4
     (br_if $label$4
       (tee_local $6
         (tee_local $7
           (get_local $9)
           (i32.const 100)
       (get_local $0)
     (loop $label$5
      (set_local $5
        (tee_local $6
          (get_local $6)
          (i32.const -24)
       (get_local $6)
       (i32.const 0)
      (block $label$6
       (br_if $label$6
         (get_local $5)
       (block $label$7
        (br_if $label$7
           (i32.load8_u offset=24
            (get_local $5)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $5)
           (i32.const 32)
       (call $_ZdlPv
        (get_local $5)
      (br_if $label$5
        (get_local $0)
        (get_local $6)
     (set_local $6
        (get_local $9)
        (i32.const 96)
     (br $label$3)
    (set_local $6
     (get_local $0)
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $0)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 144)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS1_JyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEEEEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_E (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i64)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (local $10 i32)
  (set_local $9
   (tee_local $10
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 80)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $10)
  (set_local $2
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $8
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $1
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $3
      (call $action_data_size)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $1
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $3)
     (br $label$1)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $1
       (get_local $10)
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $read_action_data
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $3)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 40)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=16
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=32
   (get_local $9)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=68
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=72
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $1)
    (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 64)
  (i32.store offset=56
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $9)
  (call $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi7EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyymmmmNS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEEEELi0EEEZN5eosiorsINSG_10datastreamIPKcEEJyymmmmSD_EEERT_SN_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSN_E_EEvRKSM_RKT0_
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 56)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 48)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $1)
  (set_local $3
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 28)
  (set_local $10
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $7
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 20)
  (set_local $6
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $5
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $9)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 64)
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 32)
  (set_local $1
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 1)
  (block $label$4
   (br_if $label$4
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $8
       (get_local $1)
      (get_local $8)
  (call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$vijjiiiii)
   (get_local $1)
   (get_local $4)
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $10)
   (get_local $3)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 64)
   (get_local $8)
  (block $label$5
   (br_if $label$5
      (i32.load8_u offset=64
       (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=72
     (get_local $9)
  (block $label$6
   (br_if $label$6
      (i32.load8_u offset=32
       (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const 40)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $9)
    (i32.const 80)
  (i32.const 1)
 (func $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi7EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyymmmmNS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEEEELi0EEEZN5eosiorsINSG_10datastreamIPKcEEJyymmmmSD_EEERT_SN_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSN_E_EEvRKSM_RKT0_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $2)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $3
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 20)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 24)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 28)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 32)
 (func $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $7
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 32)
  (i32.store offset=24
   (get_local $7)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=16
   (get_local $7)
   (i64.const 0)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__16vectorIcNS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 16)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (block $label$4
       (block $label$5
        (block $label$6
         (block $label$7
          (block $label$8
           (br_if $label$8
             (tee_local $5
              (i32.load offset=20
               (get_local $7)
             (tee_local $4
              (i32.load offset=16
               (get_local $7)
           (br_if $label$7
              (get_local $1)
             (i32.const 1)
            (get_local $1)
            (i32.const 0)
           (set_local $4
             (get_local $1)
             (i32.const 8)
           (br $label$6)
            (get_local $7)
            (i32.const 8)
           (i32.const 0)
           (get_local $7)
           (i64.const 0)
          (br_if $label$0
            (tee_local $2
              (get_local $5)
              (get_local $4)
            (i32.const -16)
          (br_if $label$5
            (get_local $2)
            (i32.const 11)
           (get_local $7)
            (get_local $2)
            (i32.const 1)
          (set_local $6
            (get_local $7)
            (i32.const 1)
          (br_if $label$4
           (get_local $2)
          (br $label$3)
          (i32.load offset=8
           (get_local $1)
          (i32.const 0)
         (i32.store offset=4
          (get_local $1)
          (i32.const 0)
         (set_local $4
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 8)
        (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7reserveEj
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 0)
         (get_local $4)
         (i32.const 0)
        (i64.store align=4
         (get_local $1)
         (i64.const 0)
        (br_if $label$2
         (tee_local $4
          (i32.load offset=16
           (get_local $7)
        (br $label$1)
       (set_local $6
        (call $_Znwj
         (tee_local $5
            (get_local $2)
            (i32.const 16)
           (i32.const -16)
        (get_local $7)
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.store offset=8
        (get_local $7)
        (get_local $6)
       (i32.store offset=4
        (get_local $7)
        (get_local $2)
      (set_local $3
       (get_local $2)
      (set_local $5
       (get_local $6)
      (loop $label$9
        (get_local $5)
         (get_local $4)
       (set_local $5
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 1)
       (set_local $4
         (get_local $4)
         (i32.const 1)
       (br_if $label$9
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const -1)
      (set_local $6
        (get_local $6)
        (get_local $2)
      (get_local $6)
      (i32.const 0)
     (block $label$10
      (block $label$11
       (br_if $label$11
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 0)
       (br $label$10)
       (i32.load offset=8
        (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 0)
      (i32.store offset=4
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 0)
     (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7reserveEj
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 8)
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 8)
     (i64.store align=4
      (get_local $1)
       (get_local $7)
     (br_if $label$1
       (tee_local $4
        (i32.load offset=16
         (get_local $7)
    (i32.store offset=20
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $4)
    (call $_ZdlPv
     (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 32)
    (get_local $0)
  (call $_ZNKSt3__121__basic_string_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
   (get_local $7)
 (func $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__16vectorIcNS7_9allocatorIcEEEE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i64)
  (local $7 i32)
  (set_local $5
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $0)
  (set_local $7
   (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $6
   (i64.const 0)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $3
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (loop $label$0
   (call $eosio_assert
     (get_local $5)
      (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 128)
   (set_local $4
     (tee_local $5
       (get_local $3)
    (get_local $3)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $6
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 127)
       (tee_local $7
         (get_local $7)
         (i32.const 255)
     (get_local $6)
   (set_local $7
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 7)
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 7)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (br_if $label$2
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $6)
      (tee_local $2
        (tee_local $7
         (i32.load offset=4
          (get_local $1)
        (tee_local $4
          (get_local $1)
    (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIcNS_9allocatorIcEEE8__appendEj
     (get_local $1)
      (get_local $3)
      (get_local $2)
    (set_local $5
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 4)
    (set_local $7
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 4)
    (set_local $4
      (get_local $1)
    (br $label$1)
   (br_if $label$1
     (get_local $3)
     (get_local $2)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 4)
    (tee_local $7
      (get_local $4)
      (get_local $3)
  (call $eosio_assert
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 8)
     (get_local $5)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $4)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $4)
     (tee_local $7
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 4)
    (get_local $5)
   (get_local $7)
     (get_local $7)
    (get_local $5)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZNSt3__16vectorIcNS_9allocatorIcEEE8__appendEj (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (block $label$4
       (br_if $label$4
          (tee_local $2
           (i32.load offset=8
            (get_local $0)
          (tee_local $6
           (i32.load offset=4
            (get_local $0)
         (get_local $1)
       (br_if $label$2
         (tee_local $4
           (tee_local $3
             (get_local $6)
             (tee_local $5
               (get_local $0)
           (get_local $1)
         (i32.const -1)
       (set_local $6
        (i32.const 2147483647)
       (block $label$5
        (br_if $label$5
          (tee_local $2
            (get_local $2)
            (get_local $5)
          (i32.const 1073741822)
        (br_if $label$3
          (tee_local $6
            (get_local $4)
            (tee_local $6
              (get_local $2)
              (i32.const 1)
             (get_local $6)
             (get_local $4)
       (set_local $2
        (call $_Znwj
         (get_local $6)
       (br $label$1)
      (set_local $0
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 4)
      (loop $label$6
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const 0)
        (get_local $0)
        (tee_local $6
           (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 1)
       (br_if $label$6
        (tee_local $1
          (get_local $1)
          (i32.const -1)
       (br $label$0)
     (set_local $6
      (i32.const 0)
     (set_local $2
      (i32.const 0)
     (br $label$1)
    (call $_ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
     (get_local $0)
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $2)
     (get_local $6)
   (set_local $6
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $3)
   (loop $label$7
     (get_local $6)
     (i32.const 0)
    (set_local $6
      (get_local $6)
      (i32.const 1)
    (br_if $label$7
     (tee_local $1
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -1)
   (set_local $5
     (get_local $5)
     (tee_local $2
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 4)
       (tee_local $1
         (get_local $0)
   (block $label$8
    (br_if $label$8
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
     (call $memcpy
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $1)
      (get_local $2)
    (set_local $1
      (get_local $0)
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $5)
    (get_local $3)
    (get_local $6)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
    (get_local $4)
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $1)
 (func $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i64)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (set_local $8
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 48)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $9)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $6
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 28)
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=24
       (get_local $0)
   (set_local $3
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $2)
   (set_local $5
     (get_local $6)
     (i32.const -24)
   (loop $label$1
    (br_if $label$0
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $1)
    (set_local $6
     (get_local $5)
    (set_local $5
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br_if $label$1
       (get_local $4)
       (get_local $3)
      (i32.const -24)
  (block $label$2
   (block $label$3
    (br_if $label$3
      (get_local $6)
      (get_local $2)
    (set_local $4
       (get_local $6)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br $label$2)
   (call $eosio_assert
      (tee_local $5
       (call $db_get_i64
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 0)
        (i32.const 0)
      (i32.const 31)
     (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 576)
   (block $label$4
    (block $label$5
     (br_if $label$5
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $4
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $5)
     (br $label$4)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $9)
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $db_get_i64
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $5)
   (i32.store offset=36
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=32
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=40
    (get_local $8)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $5)
   (block $label$6
    (br_if $label$6
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 513)
    (call $free
     (get_local $4)
   (set_local $3
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
   (i64.store offset=16
    (tee_local $4
     (call $_Znwj
      (i32.const 72)
    (i64.const 1398362884)
   (i64.store offset=8
    (get_local $4)
    (i64.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 608)
   (set_local $7
    (i64.const 5462355)
   (set_local $5
    (i32.const 0)
   (block $label$7
    (block $label$8
     (loop $label$9
      (br_if $label$8
           (get_local $7)
          (i32.const 24)
         (i32.const -1073741825)
        (i32.const 452984830)
      (block $label$10
       (br_if $label$10
          (tee_local $7
            (get_local $7)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (loop $label$11
        (br_if $label$8
           (tee_local $7
             (get_local $7)
             (i64.const 8)
           (i64.const 255)
          (i64.const 0)
        (br_if $label$11
          (tee_local $5
            (get_local $5)
            (i32.const 1)
          (i32.const 7)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.const 1)
      (br_if $label$9
        (tee_local $5
          (get_local $5)
          (i32.const 1)
        (i32.const 7)
      (br $label$7)
    (set_local $6
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
    (get_local $6)
    (i32.const 672)
   (i32.store offset=32
    (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 0)
   (i64.store offset=24 align=4
    (get_local $4)
    (i64.const 0)
   (i32.store offset=60
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $0)
    (call $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain8disasterE
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 32)
     (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=64
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $1)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i64.store offset=16
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $7
      (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=12
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=64
      (get_local $4)
   (block $label$12
    (block $label$13
     (br_if $label$13
       (tee_local $5
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 28)
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 32)
     (i64.store offset=8
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $7)
     (i32.store offset=16
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $6)
     (i32.store offset=24
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 0)
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $4)
      (get_local $1)
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$12)
    (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
     (get_local $3)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 24)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 12)
   (set_local $5
    (i32.load offset=24
     (get_local $8)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 0)
   (br_if $label$2
     (get_local $5)
   (block $label$14
    (br_if $label$14
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 48)
  (get_local $4)
 (func $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 48)
  (i32.store offset=44
   (tee_local $8
    (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $7
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 28)
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=24
       (get_local $0)
   (set_local $3
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $2)
   (set_local $6
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const -24)
   (loop $label$1
    (br_if $label$0
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $1)
    (set_local $7
     (get_local $6)
    (set_local $6
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $6)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br_if $label$1
       (get_local $4)
       (get_local $3)
      (i32.const -24)
  (block $label$2
   (block $label$3
    (br_if $label$3
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $2)
    (set_local $6
       (get_local $7)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br $label$2)
   (call $eosio_assert
      (tee_local $6
       (call $db_get_i64
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 0)
        (i32.const 0)
      (i32.const 31)
     (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 576)
   (block $label$4
    (block $label$5
     (br_if $label$5
       (get_local $6)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $4
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $6)
     (br $label$4)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $9)
         (get_local $6)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $db_get_i64
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $6)
   (i32.store offset=36
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=32
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=40
    (get_local $8)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $6)
   (block $label$6
    (br_if $label$6
      (get_local $6)
      (i32.const 513)
    (call $free
     (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=12
    (get_local $8)
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 32)
   (i32.store offset=16
    (get_local $8)
     (get_local $8)
     (i32.const 44)
   (i32.store offset=8
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $0)
   (set_local $6
    (call $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE4itemC2IZNKS3_31load_object_by_primary_iteratorElEUlRT_E_EEPKS3_OS6_
     (tee_local $4
      (call $_Znwj
       (i32.const 80)
     (get_local $0)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 8)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i64.store offset=8
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $1
     (i32.load offset=68
      (get_local $4)
   (block $label$7
    (block $label$8
     (br_if $label$8
       (tee_local $7
         (tee_local $3
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 28)
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 32)
     (i64.store offset=8
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $5)
     (i32.store offset=16
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $1)
     (i32.store offset=24
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 0)
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $4)
      (get_local $3)
       (get_local $7)
       (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$7)
    (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
      (get_local $0)
      (i32.const 24)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 24)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 8)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 4)
   (set_local $4
    (i32.load offset=24
     (get_local $8)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 0)
   (br_if $label$2
     (get_local $4)
   (block $label$9
    (br_if $label$9
       (i32.load8_u offset=52
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 60)
   (block $label$10
    (br_if $label$10
       (i32.load8_u offset=40
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 48)
   (block $label$11
    (br_if $label$11
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 48)
  (get_local $6)
 (func $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE6modifyIZNS1_10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEE3$_3EEvRKS2_yOT_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32)
  (local $4 i64)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i64)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (set_local $8
   (tee_local $7
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $7)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.load offset=60
     (get_local $1)
    (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 384)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (get_local $0)
    (call $current_receiver)
   (i32.const 432)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $1)
   (tee_local $6
      (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=36
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=44
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=12
     (get_local $3)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=16
     (get_local $3)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $6)
   (i32.const 496)
  (set_local $3
    (tee_local $5
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 28)
       (tee_local $3
        (i32.load8_u offset=24
         (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 1)
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 48)
  (set_local $6
    (get_local $5)
  (loop $label$0
   (set_local $3
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $6
       (get_local $6)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (br_if $label$2
      (get_local $3)
      (i32.const 513)
    (set_local $7
     (call $malloc
      (get_local $3)
    (br $label$1)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $7
      (get_local $7)
        (get_local $3)
        (i32.const 15)
       (i32.const -16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $8)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $8)
   (get_local $7)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $8)
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $3)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain8disasterE
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $1)
  (call $db_update_i64
   (i32.load offset=64
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $2)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $3)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $7)
  (block $label$4
   (br_if $label$4
     (get_local $4)
     (i64.load offset=16
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
     (i64.const -2)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const 1)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const -3)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE6modifyIZNS1_10verifycitsEyymmmmRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEE3$_4EEvRKS2_yOT_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32)
  (local $4 i64)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.load offset=64
     (get_local $1)
    (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 384)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (get_local $0)
    (call $current_receiver)
   (i32.const 432)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $1)
     (get_local $3)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (get_local $4)
     (get_local $1)
   (i32.const 496)
   (tee_local $3
    (get_local $6)
   (i32.const 0)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIjEEERT_S4_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE
    (get_local $3)
    (get_local $1)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $5
        (get_local $3)
      (i32.const 513)
    (set_local $6
     (call $malloc
      (get_local $5)
    (br $label$0)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $6
      (get_local $6)
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 15)
       (i32.const -16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $3)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $3)
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $5)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE
    (get_local $3)
    (get_local $1)
  (call $db_update_i64
   (i32.load offset=68
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $2)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $5)
  (block $label$2
   (br_if $label$2
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $6)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $4)
     (i64.load offset=16
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
     (i64.const -2)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const 1)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const -3)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZNSt3__113__vector_baseIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEED2Ev (param $0 i32) (result i32)
  (local $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $1
       (get_local $0)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (tee_local $3
        (i32.load offset=4
         (get_local $0)
       (get_local $1)
     (loop $label$3
      (set_local $2
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const -24)
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 0)
      (block $label$4
       (br_if $label$4
         (get_local $2)
       (block $label$5
        (br_if $label$5
           (i32.load8_u offset=52
            (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 60)
       (block $label$6
        (br_if $label$6
           (i32.load8_u offset=40
            (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 48)
       (block $label$7
        (br_if $label$7
           (i32.load8_u offset=24
            (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 1)
        (call $_ZdlPv
           (get_local $2)
           (i32.const 32)
       (call $_ZdlPv
        (get_local $2)
      (br_if $label$3
        (get_local $1)
        (get_local $3)
     (set_local $2
       (get_local $0)
     (br $label$1)
    (set_local $2
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
    (get_local $1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $2)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIjEEERT_S4_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i64)
  (local $4 i32)
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $3
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 28)
      (tee_local $2
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 1)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
  (loop $label$0
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $3
       (get_local $3)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $4)
  (block $label$1
   (br_if $label$1
     (tee_local $2
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 28)
        (tee_local $2
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 1)
        (get_local $2)
        (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $4
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $4)
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
  (set_local $3
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 44)
      (tee_local $2
       (i32.load8_u offset=40
        (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 1)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
  (loop $label$2
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$2
     (tee_local $3
       (get_local $3)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $4)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (tee_local $2
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 44)
        (tee_local $2
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 40)
        (i32.const 1)
        (get_local $2)
        (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $4
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $4)
  (set_local $3
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 56)
      (tee_local $2
       (i32.load8_u offset=52
        (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 1)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 1)
  (loop $label$4
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$4
     (tee_local $3
       (get_local $3)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $4)
  (block $label$5
   (br_if $label$5
     (tee_local $1
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 56)
        (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 52)
        (i32.const 1)
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $4)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $0
   (call $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 24)
  (i32.store8 offset=15
   (get_local $3)
   (i32.load8_u offset=36
    (get_local $1)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 0)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 15)
    (i32.const 1)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 1)
  (set_local $0
   (call $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE
    (call $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $0)
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 40)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 16)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i64)
  (local $8 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $8
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $7
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $1)
      (tee_local $5
        (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 1)
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
  (set_local $6
   (i32.load offset=4
    (get_local $0)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (loop $label$0
   (set_local $2
     (get_local $7)
   (i32.store8 offset=15
    (get_local $8)
      (tee_local $3
        (tee_local $7
          (get_local $7)
          (i64.const 7)
        (i64.const 0)
      (i32.const 7)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 127)
   (call $eosio_assert
       (get_local $4)
      (get_local $6)
     (i32.const 0)
    (i32.const 560)
    (call $memcpy
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 15)
     (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $5)
    (tee_local $6
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$0
    (get_local $3)
  (block $label$1
   (br_if $label$1
     (tee_local $5
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 4)
        (tee_local $5
          (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 1)
       (tee_local $2
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $3
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $1)
   (call $eosio_assert
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 8)
      (get_local $6)
     (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 560)
    (call $memcpy
      (tee_local $6
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 4)
      (get_local $3)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 1)
      (get_local $2)
     (get_local $5)
    (get_local $6)
      (get_local $6)
     (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 16)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain8disasterE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
       (call $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE
        (get_local $0)
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 44)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 48)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 56)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE4itemC2IZNKS3_31load_object_by_primary_iteratorElEUlRT_E_EEPKS3_OS6_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32)
  (local $3 i64)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
   (tee_local $4
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
   (i64.const 1398362884)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (i32.const 1)
   (i32.const 608)
  (set_local $3
     (get_local $4)
    (i64.const 8)
  (set_local $4
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (loop $label$2
     (br_if $label$1
          (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const -1073741825)
       (i32.const 452984830)
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
         (tee_local $3
           (get_local $3)
           (i64.const 8)
         (i64.const 255)
        (i64.const 0)
      (loop $label$4
       (br_if $label$1
          (tee_local $3
            (get_local $3)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (br_if $label$4
         (tee_local $4
           (get_local $4)
           (i32.const 1)
         (i32.const 7)
     (set_local $5
      (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$2
       (tee_local $4
         (get_local $4)
         (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 7)
     (br $label$0)
   (set_local $5
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $eosio_assert
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.const 672)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 32)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i64.store offset=24 align=4
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 44)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 48)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=52
   (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 56)
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 60)
   (i32.const 0)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $1)
   (call $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain7citizenE
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $2)
    (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=68
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $2)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i64)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (local $10 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $10
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $8
        (tee_local $4
           (i32.load offset=4
            (get_local $0)
           (tee_local $9
             (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 1)
      (i32.const 178956971)
    (set_local $5
      (get_local $0)
      (i32.const 8)
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (block $label$4
       (br_if $label$4
         (tee_local $9
            (i32.load offset=8
             (get_local $0)
            (get_local $9)
           (i32.const 24)
         (i32.const 89478485)
         (get_local $10)
         (i32.const 24)
        (get_local $5)
       (set_local $5
        (i32.const 0)
       (i32.store offset=20
        (get_local $10)
        (i32.const 0)
       (set_local $7
         (get_local $10)
         (i32.const 20)
       (br_if $label$2
         (tee_local $9
           (get_local $8)
           (tee_local $9
             (get_local $9)
             (i32.const 1)
            (get_local $9)
            (get_local $8)
       (set_local $5
        (get_local $9)
       (br $label$3)
        (get_local $10)
        (i32.const 24)
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.store offset=20
       (get_local $10)
       (i32.const 0)
      (set_local $7
        (get_local $10)
        (i32.const 20)
      (set_local $5
       (i32.const 178956970)
     (set_local $8
      (call $_Znwj
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$0)
    (set_local $8
     (i32.const 0)
    (br $label$0)
   (call $_ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
    (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $10)
   (get_local $8)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $10)
   (tee_local $9
     (get_local $8)
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 24)
   (get_local $7)
   (tee_local $5
     (get_local $8)
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $8
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $1)
   (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $1
    (get_local $3)
  (set_local $6
    (get_local $2)
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $8)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $10)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $9)
     (i32.const 24)
  (block $label$5
   (br_if $label$5
     (tee_local $8
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 4)
     (tee_local $2
       (get_local $0)
   (loop $label$6
    (set_local $1
      (tee_local $5
        (get_local $8)
        (i32.const -24)
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 0)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const -24)
     (get_local $1)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const -8)
       (get_local $8)
       (i32.const -8)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const -12)
       (get_local $8)
       (i32.const -12)
      (get_local $9)
      (i32.const -16)
       (get_local $8)
       (i32.const -16)
    (i32.store offset=12
     (get_local $10)
     (tee_local $9
       (i32.load offset=12
        (get_local $10)
       (i32.const -24)
    (set_local $8
     (get_local $5)
    (br_if $label$6
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $5)
   (set_local $8
      (get_local $0)
      (i32.const 4)
   (set_local $5
     (get_local $7)
   (set_local $2
     (get_local $0)
   (set_local $1
      (get_local $10)
      (i32.const 16)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $9)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
   (get_local $1)
     (get_local $10)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.const 8)
   (get_local $8)
  (set_local $8
    (tee_local $9
      (get_local $0)
      (i32.const 8)
   (get_local $9)
   (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=12
   (get_local $10)
   (get_local $2)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $8)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $10)
   (get_local $2)
   (call $_ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrERNS_9allocatorIS6_EEED2Ev
     (get_local $10)
     (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $10)
    (i32.const 32)
 (func $_ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE8item_ptrERNS_9allocatorIS6_EEED2Ev (param $0 i32) (result i32)
  (local $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=8
       (get_local $0)
     (tee_local $1
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $0)
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
   (loop $label$1
     (get_local $4)
     (tee_local $3
       (get_local $2)
       (i32.const -24)
    (set_local $2
      (get_local $3)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 0)
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
       (get_local $2)
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
         (i32.load8_u offset=52
          (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $_ZdlPv
         (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 60)
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
         (i32.load8_u offset=40
          (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $_ZdlPv
         (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 48)
     (block $label$5
      (br_if $label$5
         (i32.load8_u offset=24
          (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $_ZdlPv
         (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 32)
     (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $2)
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $2
        (get_local $4)
      (get_local $1)
  (block $label$6
   (br_if $label$6
     (tee_local $2
       (get_local $0)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $2)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain7citizenE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.load offset=8
     (tee_local $0
      (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
       (get_local $0)
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 24)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 15)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 1)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 1)
  (i32.store8 offset=36
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load8_u offset=15
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 0)
  (set_local $0
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
    (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $0)
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 40)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 16)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain8disasterE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
       (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
        (get_local $0)
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 44)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 48)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 56)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $5
        (tee_local $4
           (i32.load offset=4
            (get_local $0)
           (tee_local $6
             (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 1)
      (i32.const 178956971)
    (set_local $7
     (i32.const 178956970)
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
        (tee_local $6
           (i32.load offset=8
            (get_local $0)
           (get_local $6)
          (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 89478484)
      (br_if $label$2
        (tee_local $7
          (get_local $5)
          (tee_local $7
            (get_local $6)
            (i32.const 1)
           (get_local $7)
           (get_local $5)
     (set_local $6
      (call $_Znwj
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$0)
    (set_local $7
     (i32.const 0)
    (set_local $6
     (i32.const 0)
    (br $label$0)
   (call $_ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
    (get_local $0)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $1)
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $6)
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 24)
   (get_local $5)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $3)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $6)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 24)
  (block $label$4
   (block $label$5
    (br_if $label$5
      (tee_local $6
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 4)
      (tee_local $7
        (get_local $0)
    (loop $label$6
     (set_local $3
       (tee_local $2
         (get_local $6)
         (i32.const -24)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -24)
      (get_local $3)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -8)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -8)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -12)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -12)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -16)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -16)
     (set_local $1
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -24)
     (set_local $6
      (get_local $2)
     (br_if $label$6
       (get_local $7)
       (get_local $2)
    (set_local $7
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 4)
    (set_local $6
      (get_local $0)
    (br $label$4)
   (set_local $6
    (get_local $7)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
   (get_local $4)
  (block $label$7
   (br_if $label$7
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $6)
   (loop $label$8
    (set_local $1
      (tee_local $7
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const -24)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 0)
    (block $label$9
     (br_if $label$9
       (get_local $1)
     (block $label$10
      (br_if $label$10
         (i32.load8_u offset=24
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $_ZdlPv
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 32)
     (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $1)
    (br_if $label$8
      (get_local $6)
      (get_local $7)
  (block $label$11
   (br_if $label$11
     (get_local $6)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $6)
 (func $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi9EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmmmmmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $4
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $2)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $0
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $3)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $4)
   (get_local $0)
  (call $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi5EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEELi4EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmmmmmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_
    (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 8)
   (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi5EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmEEELi4EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmmmmmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (set_local $3
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $2
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $2)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 4)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 44)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 48)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 52)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $1
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 56)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 4)
 (func $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy5453978331252785152EN11reliefchain8disasterEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_11adddisasterEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEmmmmmmE3$_2EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (set_local $7
   (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $1)
     (tee_local $4
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $0)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $1)
    (tee_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $4)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 16)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 24)
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=36
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=12
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=16
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=44
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=20
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=24
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=52
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=28
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=56
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=32
     (get_local $4)
  (set_local $4
    (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 28)
       (tee_local $4
        (i32.load8_u offset=24
         (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 1)
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 48)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $3)
  (loop $label$0
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $5
       (get_local $5)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (br_if $label$2
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 513)
    (set_local $6
     (call $malloc
      (get_local $4)
    (br $label$1)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $6
      (get_local $6)
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 15)
       (i32.const -16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $4)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain8disasterE
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=64
   (get_local $1)
   (call $db_store_i64
    (i64.load offset=8
     (get_local $2)
    (i64.const 5453978331252785152)
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $1)
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $4)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $6)
  (block $label$4
   (br_if $label$4
     (get_local $5)
     (i64.load offset=16
      (get_local $2)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 16)
     (i64.const -2)
      (get_local $5)
      (i64.const 1)
      (get_local $5)
      (i64.const -3)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi6EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEbSF_SF_EEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_bSF_SF_EEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $4
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $2)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $0
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $3)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
  (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.load offset=8
     (tee_local $3
       (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 15)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 1)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 1)
  (i32.store8 offset=36
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load8_u offset=15
     (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 0)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 40)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 52)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZN5boost4mp116detail16tuple_apply_implIRZN5eosio14execute_actionI11reliefchainS5_JyRKNS3_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS9_11char_traitsIcEENS9_9allocatorIcEEEEbSH_SH_EEEbPT_MT0_FvDpT1_EEUlDpT_E_RNS9_5tupleIJyS6_SF_bSF_SF_EEEJLj0ELj1ELj2ELj3ELj4ELj5EEEEDTclclsr3stdE7forwardISI_Efp_Espclsr3stdE3getIXT1_EEclsr3stdE7forwardISK_Efp0_EEEEOSI_OSK_NS0_16integer_sequenceIjJXspT1_EEEE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i64)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $5
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 80)
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 48)
    (i32.const 12)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 20)
   (tee_local $4
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 48)
     (i32.const 8)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $5)
   (i32.load offset=8
    (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=52
   (get_local $5)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 12)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $1)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 32)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $3
   (i32.load8_u offset=36
    (get_local $1)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 16)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_
    (get_local $5)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
     (get_local $5)
     (i32.const 64)
    (i32.const 8)
    (get_local $4)
  (i64.store offset=64
   (get_local $5)
   (i64.load offset=48
    (get_local $5)
  (set_local $0
      (get_local $0)
     (tee_local $4
      (i32.load offset=4
       (tee_local $1
        (i32.load offset=4
         (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 1)
  (set_local $1
    (get_local $1)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 1)
   (set_local $1
       (get_local $0)
      (get_local $1)
  (call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$vijiiiii)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $2)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 64)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 32)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 255)
    (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 16)
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $1)
  (block $label$1
   (br_if $label$1
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $5)
  (block $label$2
   (br_if $label$2
      (i32.load8_u offset=16
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=24
     (get_local $5)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
      (i32.load8_u offset=32
       (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 1)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (i32.load offset=40
     (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $5)
    (i32.const 80)
 (func $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy4878224861429760000EN11reliefchain7citizenEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_10addcitizenEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEbSG_SG_E3$_1EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i64)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $5
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
   (get_local $1)
     (tee_local $6
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $0)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $1)
    (tee_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $6)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 16)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 24)
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $6)
  (i32.store8 offset=36
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=12
     (get_local $6)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=16
     (get_local $6)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 52)
    (i32.load offset=20
     (get_local $6)
   (tee_local $6
    (get_local $5)
   (i32.const 0)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIjEEERT_S4_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $1)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $6)
      (i32.const 513)
    (set_local $5
     (call $malloc
      (get_local $3)
    (br $label$0)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $5)
        (get_local $3)
        (i32.const 15)
       (i32.const -16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $5)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $6)
    (get_local $5)
    (get_local $3)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain7citizenE
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=68
   (get_local $1)
   (call $db_store_i64
    (i64.load offset=8
     (get_local $2)
    (i64.const 4878224861429760000)
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $4
      (get_local $1)
    (get_local $5)
    (get_local $3)
  (block $label$2
   (br_if $label$2
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $5)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $4)
     (i64.load offset=16
      (get_local $2)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 16)
     (i64.const -2)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const 1)
      (get_local $4)
      (i64.const -3)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $6)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZN5boost6fusion6detail17for_each_unrolledILi5EE4callINS0_18std_tuple_iteratorINSt3__15tupleIJyN5eosio5assetENS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEmmEEELi0EEEZNS8_rsINS8_10datastreamIPKcEEJyS9_SF_mmEEERT_SO_RNS7_IJDpT0_EEEEUlSO_E_EEvRKSN_RKT0_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $2)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (set_local $0
    (get_local $0)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $3)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $3)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 4)
 (func $_ZNK5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE31load_object_by_primary_iteratorEl (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i64)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (set_local $8
   (tee_local $9
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 48)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $9)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $6
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 28)
     (tee_local $2
      (i32.load offset=24
       (get_local $0)
   (set_local $3
     (i32.const 0)
     (get_local $2)
   (set_local $5
     (get_local $6)
     (i32.const -24)
   (loop $label$1
    (br_if $label$0
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $1)
    (set_local $6
     (get_local $5)
    (set_local $5
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br_if $label$1
       (get_local $4)
       (get_local $3)
      (i32.const -24)
  (block $label$2
   (block $label$3
    (br_if $label$3
      (get_local $6)
      (get_local $2)
    (set_local $4
       (get_local $6)
       (i32.const -24)
    (br $label$2)
   (call $eosio_assert
      (tee_local $5
       (call $db_get_i64
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 0)
        (i32.const 0)
      (i32.const 31)
     (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 576)
   (block $label$4
    (block $label$5
     (br_if $label$5
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 513)
     (set_local $4
      (call $malloc
       (get_local $5)
     (br $label$4)
    (i32.store offset=4
     (i32.const 0)
     (tee_local $4
       (get_local $9)
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 15)
        (i32.const -16)
    (call $db_get_i64
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $5)
   (i32.store offset=36
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=32
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=40
    (get_local $8)
     (get_local $4)
     (get_local $5)
   (block $label$6
    (br_if $label$6
      (get_local $5)
      (i32.const 513)
    (call $free
     (get_local $4)
   (set_local $3
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 24)
   (i64.store offset=16
    (tee_local $4
     (call $_Znwj
      (i32.const 56)
    (i64.const 1398362884)
   (i64.store offset=8
    (get_local $4)
    (i64.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
    (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 608)
   (set_local $7
    (i64.const 5462355)
   (set_local $5
    (i32.const 0)
   (block $label$7
    (block $label$8
     (loop $label$9
      (br_if $label$8
           (get_local $7)
          (i32.const 24)
         (i32.const -1073741825)
        (i32.const 452984830)
      (block $label$10
       (br_if $label$10
          (tee_local $7
            (get_local $7)
            (i64.const 8)
          (i64.const 255)
         (i64.const 0)
       (loop $label$11
        (br_if $label$8
           (tee_local $7
             (get_local $7)
             (i64.const 8)
           (i64.const 255)
          (i64.const 0)
        (br_if $label$11
          (tee_local $5
            (get_local $5)
            (i32.const 1)
          (i32.const 7)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.const 1)
      (br_if $label$9
        (tee_local $5
          (get_local $5)
          (i32.const 1)
        (i32.const 7)
      (br $label$7)
    (set_local $6
     (i32.const 0)
   (call $eosio_assert
    (get_local $6)
    (i32.const 672)
   (i32.store offset=32
    (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 0)
   (i64.store offset=24 align=4
    (get_local $4)
    (i64.const 0)
   (i32.store offset=44
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $0)
    (call $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain3ngoE
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 32)
     (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=48
    (get_local $4)
    (get_local $1)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $4)
   (i64.store offset=16
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $7
      (get_local $4)
   (i32.store offset=12
    (get_local $8)
    (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=48
      (get_local $4)
   (block $label$12
    (block $label$13
     (br_if $label$13
       (tee_local $5
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 28)
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 32)
     (i64.store offset=8
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $7)
     (i32.store offset=16
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $6)
     (i32.store offset=24
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 0)
      (get_local $5)
      (get_local $4)
      (get_local $1)
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$12)
    (call $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_
     (get_local $3)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 24)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 12)
   (set_local $5
    (i32.load offset=24
     (get_local $8)
   (i32.store offset=24
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 0)
   (br_if $label$2
     (get_local $5)
   (block $label$14
    (br_if $label$14
       (i32.load8_u offset=24
        (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 1)
    (call $_ZdlPv
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 32)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $5)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $8)
    (i32.const 48)
  (get_local $4)
 (func $_ZZN5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE7emplaceIZNS1_6addngoEyRKNS_5assetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEmmE3$_0EENS3_14const_iteratorEyOT_ENKUlRSJ_E_clINS3_4itemEEEDaSL_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i64)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (set_local $7
   (tee_local $6
     (i32.load offset=4
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.const 16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $1)
     (tee_local $4
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $0)
  (set_local $2
    (get_local $0)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $1)
    (tee_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $4)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 16)
     (get_local $3)
     (i32.const 8)
   (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 24)
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=36
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=12
     (get_local $4)
  (i32.store offset=40
   (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=16
     (get_local $4)
  (set_local $4
    (tee_local $3
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 28)
       (tee_local $4
        (i32.load8_u offset=24
         (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 1)
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
    (i32.const 32)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $3)
  (loop $label$0
   (set_local $4
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 1)
   (br_if $label$0
     (tee_local $5
       (get_local $5)
       (i64.const 7)
     (i64.const 0)
  (block $label$1
   (block $label$2
    (br_if $label$2
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 513)
    (set_local $6
     (call $malloc
      (get_local $4)
    (br $label$1)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $6
      (get_local $6)
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 15)
       (i32.const -16)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $6)
   (get_local $7)
   (get_local $6)
  (i32.store offset=8
   (get_local $7)
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $4)
   (call $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain3ngoE
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $1)
  (i32.store offset=48
   (get_local $1)
   (call $db_store_i64
    (i64.load offset=8
     (get_local $2)
    (i64.const -7266557998762295296)
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $5
      (get_local $1)
    (get_local $6)
    (get_local $4)
  (block $label$3
   (br_if $label$3
     (get_local $4)
     (i32.const 513)
   (call $free
    (get_local $6)
  (block $label$4
   (br_if $label$4
     (get_local $5)
     (i64.load offset=16
      (get_local $2)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 16)
     (i64.const -2)
      (get_local $5)
      (i64.const 1)
      (get_local $5)
      (i64.const -3)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $7)
    (i32.const 16)
 (func $_ZNSt3__16vectorIN5eosio11multi_indexILy11180186074947256320EN11reliefchain3ngoEJEE8item_ptrENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJNS_10unique_ptrINS5_4itemENS_14default_deleteISC_EEEERyRlEEEvDpOT_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $5
        (tee_local $4
           (i32.load offset=4
            (get_local $0)
           (tee_local $6
             (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 1)
      (i32.const 178956971)
    (set_local $7
     (i32.const 178956970)
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
        (tee_local $6
           (i32.load offset=8
            (get_local $0)
           (get_local $6)
          (i32.const 24)
        (i32.const 89478484)
      (br_if $label$2
        (tee_local $7
          (get_local $5)
          (tee_local $7
            (get_local $6)
            (i32.const 1)
           (get_local $7)
           (get_local $5)
     (set_local $6
      (call $_Znwj
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const 24)
     (br $label$0)
    (set_local $7
     (i32.const 0)
    (set_local $6
     (i32.const 0)
    (br $label$0)
   (call $_ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
    (get_local $0)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $1)
   (get_local $1)
   (i32.const 0)
   (tee_local $1
     (get_local $6)
      (get_local $4)
      (i32.const 24)
   (get_local $5)
  (i64.store offset=8
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $2)
  (i32.store offset=16
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $3)
  (set_local $4
    (get_local $6)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 24)
  (set_local $5
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 24)
  (block $label$4
   (block $label$5
    (br_if $label$5
      (tee_local $6
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 4)
      (tee_local $7
        (get_local $0)
    (loop $label$6
     (set_local $3
       (tee_local $2
         (get_local $6)
         (i32.const -24)
      (get_local $2)
      (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -24)
      (get_local $3)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -8)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -8)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -12)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -12)
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -16)
        (get_local $6)
        (i32.const -16)
     (set_local $1
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const -24)
     (set_local $6
      (get_local $2)
     (br_if $label$6
       (get_local $7)
       (get_local $2)
    (set_local $7
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 4)
    (set_local $6
      (get_local $0)
    (br $label$4)
   (set_local $6
    (get_local $7)
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $1)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
   (get_local $5)
    (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
   (get_local $4)
  (block $label$7
   (br_if $label$7
     (get_local $7)
     (get_local $6)
   (loop $label$8
    (set_local $1
      (tee_local $7
        (get_local $7)
        (i32.const -24)
     (get_local $7)
     (i32.const 0)
    (block $label$9
     (br_if $label$9
       (get_local $1)
     (block $label$10
      (br_if $label$10
         (i32.load8_u offset=24
          (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $_ZdlPv
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 32)
     (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $1)
    (br_if $label$8
      (get_local $6)
      (get_local $7)
  (block $label$11
   (br_if $label$11
     (get_local $6)
   (call $_ZdlPv
    (get_local $6)
 (func $_ZlsIN5eosio10datastreamIPcEEERT_S5_RKN11reliefchain3ngoE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
       (call $_ZN5eosiolsINS_10datastreamIPcEEEERT_S5_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEE
        (get_local $0)
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 560)
   (call $memcpy
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZrsIN5eosio10datastreamIPKcEEERT_S6_RN11reliefchain3ngoE (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
    (get_local $1)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 8)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 7)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 16)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 8)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (tee_local $0
       (call $_ZN5eosiorsINS_10datastreamIPKcEEEERT_S6_RNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEE
        (get_local $0)
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 24)
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 36)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (tee_local $2
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 4)
  (call $eosio_assert
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
    (i32.const 3)
   (i32.const 112)
   (call $memcpy
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 40)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
    (i32.load offset=4
     (get_local $0)
    (i32.const 4)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $malloc (param $0 i32) (result i32)
  (call $_ZN5eosio14memory_manager6mallocEm
   (i32.const 944)
   (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14memory_manager6mallocEm (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (local $10 i32)
  (local $11 i32)
  (local $12 i32)
  (local $13 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $1)
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
     (tee_local $13
      (i32.load offset=8384
       (get_local $0)
    (set_local $13
     (i32.const 16)
      (get_local $0)
      (i32.const 8384)
     (i32.const 16)
   (set_local $2
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 8)
      (tee_local $2
         (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 4)
        (i32.const 7)
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $2)
   (block $label$2
    (block $label$3
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
        (tee_local $10
         (i32.load offset=8388
          (get_local $0)
        (get_local $13)
      (set_local $1
         (get_local $0)
          (get_local $10)
          (i32.const 12)
        (i32.const 8192)
      (block $label$5
       (br_if $label$5
        (get_local $10)
       (br_if $label$5
         (tee_local $13
           (get_local $0)
           (i32.const 8196)
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 8192)
        (get_local $13)
        (get_local $0)
      (set_local $10
        (get_local $2)
        (i32.const 4)
      (loop $label$6
       (block $label$7
        (br_if $label$7
           (tee_local $13
            (i32.load offset=8
             (get_local $1)
           (get_local $10)
           (get_local $1)
         (tee_local $13
           (i32.load offset=4
            (get_local $1)
           (get_local $13)
            (get_local $13)
           (i32.const -2147483648)
          (get_local $2)
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 8)
           (get_local $1)
          (get_local $10)
         (get_local $13)
           (get_local $13)
          (i32.const -2147483648)
        (br_if $label$3
         (tee_local $1
           (get_local $13)
           (i32.const 4)
       (br_if $label$6
        (tee_local $1
         (call $_ZN5eosio14memory_manager16next_active_heapEv
          (get_local $0)
     (set_local $4
       (i32.const 2147483644)
       (get_local $2)
     (set_local $11
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 8392)
     (set_local $12
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 8384)
     (set_local $13
      (tee_local $3
       (i32.load offset=8392
        (get_local $0)
     (loop $label$8
      (call $eosio_assert
          (tee_local $1
            (get_local $0)
             (get_local $13)
             (i32.const 12)
          (i32.const 8200)
         (tee_local $5
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 8192)
       (i32.const 9344)
      (set_local $13
        (tee_local $6
           (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 8196)
        (i32.const 4)
      (loop $label$9
       (set_local $7
         (get_local $6)
          (get_local $5)
       (set_local $1
         (tee_local $9
           (tee_local $8
             (get_local $13)
             (i32.const -4)
         (i32.const 2147483647)
       (block $label$10
        (br_if $label$10
          (get_local $9)
          (i32.const 0)
        (block $label$11
         (br_if $label$11
           (get_local $1)
           (get_local $2)
         (loop $label$12
          (br_if $label$11
            (tee_local $10
              (get_local $13)
              (get_local $1)
            (get_local $7)
          (br_if $label$11
            (tee_local $10
              (get_local $10)
            (i32.const 0)
          (br_if $label$12
            (tee_local $1
               (get_local $1)
                (get_local $10)
                (i32.const 2147483647)
              (i32.const 4)
            (get_local $2)
         (get_local $8)
           (get_local $1)
           (get_local $2)
            (get_local $1)
            (get_local $2)
           (get_local $9)
           (i32.const -2147483648)
        (block $label$13
         (br_if $label$13
           (get_local $1)
           (get_local $2)
           (get_local $13)
           (get_local $2)
            (get_local $4)
            (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 2147483647)
        (br_if $label$2
          (get_local $1)
          (get_local $2)
       (br_if $label$9
         (tee_local $13
            (get_local $13)
            (get_local $1)
           (i32.const 4)
         (get_local $7)
      (set_local $1
       (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $11)
       (tee_local $13
         (i32.const 0)
         (tee_local $13
            (get_local $11)
           (i32.const 1)
          (get_local $13)
           (get_local $12)
      (br_if $label$8
        (get_local $13)
        (get_local $3)
     (get_local $1)
    (get_local $8)
      (get_local $8)
     (i32.const -2147483648)
    (get_local $13)
  (i32.const 0)
 (func $_ZN5eosio14memory_manager16next_active_heapEv (param $0 i32) (result i32)
  (local $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (set_local $1
   (i32.load offset=8388
    (get_local $0)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (i32.load8_u offset=9430
       (i32.const 0)
    (set_local $7
     (i32.load offset=9432
      (i32.const 0)
    (br $label$0)
   (set_local $7
   (i32.store8 offset=9430
    (i32.const 0)
    (i32.const 1)
   (i32.store offset=9432
    (i32.const 0)
    (tee_local $7
      (get_local $7)
      (i32.const 16)
  (set_local $3
   (get_local $7)
  (block $label$2
   (block $label$3
    (block $label$4
     (block $label$5
      (br_if $label$5
        (tee_local $2
           (get_local $7)
           (i32.const 65535)
          (i32.const 16)
        (tee_local $8
         (get_local $2)
         (get_local $8)
      (set_local $8
       (i32.const 0)
      (br_if $label$4
        (get_local $2)
      (set_local $3
       (i32.load offset=9432
        (i32.const 0)
     (set_local $8
      (i32.const 0)
     (i32.store offset=9432
      (i32.const 0)
      (get_local $3)
     (br_if $label$4
       (get_local $7)
       (i32.const 0)
     (set_local $2
       (get_local $0)
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 12)
     (set_local $7
         (get_local $7)
          (i32.const 65536)
          (i32.const 131072)
          (tee_local $6
            (tee_local $8
              (get_local $7)
              (i32.const 65535)
            (i32.const 64513)
         (get_local $8)
          (get_local $7)
          (i32.const 131071)
         (get_local $6)
       (get_local $7)
     (block $label$6
      (br_if $label$6
       (i32.load8_u offset=9430
        (i32.const 0)
      (set_local $3
      (i32.store8 offset=9430
       (i32.const 0)
       (i32.const 1)
      (i32.store offset=9432
       (i32.const 0)
       (tee_local $3
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 16)
     (set_local $2
       (get_local $2)
       (i32.const 8192)
     (br_if $label$3
       (get_local $7)
       (i32.const 0)
     (set_local $6
      (get_local $3)
     (block $label$7
      (br_if $label$7
        (tee_local $8
            (tee_local $5
               (get_local $7)
               (i32.const 7)
              (i32.const -8)
            (get_local $3)
           (i32.const 65535)
          (i32.const 16)
        (tee_local $4
         (get_local $8)
         (get_local $4)
      (br_if $label$3
        (get_local $8)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.load offset=9432
        (i32.const 0)
     (i32.store offset=9432
      (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $6)
       (get_local $5)
     (br_if $label$3
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const -1)
     (br_if $label$2
        (tee_local $6
           (tee_local $1
             (get_local $0)
              (get_local $1)
              (i32.const 12)
           (i32.const 8196)
        (tee_local $8
          (get_local $2)
       (get_local $3)
     (block $label$8
      (br_if $label$8
        (get_local $8)
        (tee_local $1
          (tee_local $5
            (get_local $1)
            (i32.const 8200)
       (tee_local $6
         (get_local $6)
         (get_local $1)
          (get_local $6)
         (i32.const -2147483648)
          (i32.const -4)
          (get_local $1)
         (get_local $8)
       (get_local $5)
        (get_local $2)
       (get_local $6)
         (get_local $6)
        (i32.const 2147483647)
      (tee_local $2
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 8388)
      (tee_local $2
         (get_local $2)
        (i32.const 1)
       (tee_local $0
         (get_local $0)
          (get_local $2)
          (i32.const 12)
       (i32.const 8196)
      (get_local $3)
      (tee_local $8
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 8192)
      (get_local $7)
     (get_local $8)
   (block $label$9
    (br_if $label$9
      (tee_local $8
        (get_local $2)
      (tee_local $7
        (tee_local $1
          (tee_local $3
            (get_local $0)
             (get_local $1)
             (i32.const 12)
          (i32.const 8200)
     (tee_local $3
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 8196)
       (get_local $7)
        (get_local $3)
       (i32.const -2147483648)
        (i32.const -4)
        (get_local $7)
       (get_local $8)
     (get_local $1)
      (get_local $2)
     (get_local $3)
       (get_local $3)
      (i32.const 2147483647)
   (i32.store offset=8384
    (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $3
       (tee_local $7
         (get_local $0)
         (i32.const 8388)
      (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $7)
    (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 0)
   (get_local $2)
    (get_local $8)
    (get_local $7)
  (get_local $2)
 (func $free (param $0 i32)
  (local $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
      (get_local $0)
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $2
       (i32.load offset=9328
        (i32.const 0)
      (i32.const 1)
    (set_local $3
     (i32.const 9136)
    (set_local $1
       (get_local $2)
       (i32.const 12)
      (i32.const 9136)
    (loop $label$2
     (br_if $label$1
       (tee_local $2
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const 4)
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
         (get_local $2)
         (i32.const 4)
        (get_local $0)
      (br_if $label$0
         (get_local $2)
          (get_local $3)
        (get_local $0)
     (br_if $label$2
       (tee_local $3
         (get_local $3)
         (i32.const 12)
       (get_local $1)
   (tee_local $3
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const -4)
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 2147483647)
 (func $_Znwj (param $0 i32) (result i32)
  (local $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
    (tee_local $0
     (call $malloc
      (tee_local $1
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 1)
        (get_local $0)
   (loop $label$1
    (set_local $0
     (i32.const 0)
    (br_if $label$0
      (tee_local $2
       (i32.load offset=9436
        (i32.const 0)
    (call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$v)
     (get_local $2)
    (br_if $label$1
      (tee_local $0
       (call $malloc
        (get_local $1)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZdlPv (param $0 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $0)
   (call $free
    (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZNKSt3__121__basic_string_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv (param $0 i32)
  (call $abort)
 (func $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (block $label$3
      (br_if $label$3
        (get_local $0)
        (get_local $1)
      (set_local $2
        (i32.load offset=4
         (get_local $1)
         (tee_local $2
           (get_local $1)
         (i32.const 1)
        (tee_local $4
          (get_local $2)
          (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $5
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.load offset=8
        (get_local $1)
      (set_local $1
       (i32.const 10)
      (block $label$4
       (br_if $label$4
          (tee_local $3
            (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 1)
       (set_local $1
          (tee_local $3
            (get_local $0)
          (i32.const -2)
         (i32.const -1)
      (set_local $5
        (get_local $6)
        (get_local $5)
        (get_local $4)
      (set_local $4
        (get_local $3)
        (i32.const 1)
      (block $label$5
       (block $label$6
        (block $label$7
         (br_if $label$7
           (get_local $2)
           (get_local $1)
         (br_if $label$6
          (get_local $4)
         (set_local $3
            (get_local $3)
            (i32.const 254)
           (i32.const 1)
         (br $label$5)
        (br_if $label$2
         (get_local $4)
        (set_local $1
          (get_local $0)
          (i32.const 1)
        (br_if $label$1
         (get_local $2)
        (br $label$0)
       (set_local $3
        (i32.load offset=4
         (get_local $0)
      (call $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE21__grow_by_and_replaceEjjjjjjPKc
       (get_local $0)
       (get_local $1)
        (get_local $2)
        (get_local $1)
       (get_local $3)
       (i32.const 0)
       (get_local $3)
       (get_local $2)
       (get_local $5)
      (get_local $0)
    (set_local $1
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
    (br_if $label$0
      (get_local $2)
    (call $memmove
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $5)
     (get_local $2)
    (get_local $1)
    (get_local $2)
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$8
   (br_if $label$8
      (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $2)
     (i32.const 1)
    (get_local $0)
  (i32.store offset=4
   (get_local $0)
   (get_local $2)
  (get_local $0)
 (func $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE21__grow_by_and_replaceEjjjjjjPKc (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (param $6 i32) (param $7 i32)
  (local $8 i32)
  (local $9 i32)
  (local $10 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
      (i32.const -18)
      (get_local $1)
     (get_local $2)
   (block $label$1
    (block $label$2
     (br_if $label$2
        (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 1)
     (set_local $9
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 1)
     (br $label$1)
    (set_local $9
     (i32.load offset=8
      (get_local $0)
   (set_local $10
    (i32.const -17)
   (block $label$3
    (br_if $label$3
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 2147483622)
    (set_local $10
     (i32.const 11)
    (br_if $label$3
      (tee_local $2
        (tee_local $8
          (get_local $1)
          (i32.const 1)
        (tee_local $2
          (get_local $2)
          (get_local $1)
         (get_local $2)
         (get_local $8)
      (i32.const 11)
    (set_local $10
       (get_local $2)
       (i32.const 16)
      (i32.const -16)
   (set_local $2
    (call $_Znwj
     (get_local $10)
   (block $label$4
    (br_if $label$4
      (get_local $4)
     (call $memcpy
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $9)
      (get_local $4)
   (block $label$5
    (br_if $label$5
      (get_local $6)
     (call $memcpy
       (get_local $2)
       (get_local $4)
      (get_local $7)
      (get_local $6)
   (block $label$6
    (br_if $label$6
      (tee_local $7
        (tee_local $3
          (get_local $3)
          (get_local $5)
        (get_local $4)
     (call $memcpy
        (get_local $2)
        (get_local $4)
       (get_local $6)
        (get_local $9)
        (get_local $4)
       (get_local $5)
      (get_local $7)
   (block $label$7
    (br_if $label$7
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 10)
    (call $_ZdlPv
     (get_local $9)
   (i32.store offset=8
    (get_local $0)
    (get_local $2)
    (get_local $0)
     (get_local $10)
     (i32.const 1)
   (i32.store offset=4
    (get_local $0)
    (tee_local $4
      (get_local $3)
      (get_local $6)
     (get_local $2)
     (get_local $4)
    (i32.const 0)
  (call $abort)
 (func $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7reserveEj (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (local $6 i32)
  (local $7 i32)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $1)
     (i32.const -16)
   (set_local $2
    (i32.const 10)
   (block $label$1
    (br_if $label$1
       (tee_local $5
         (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 1)
    (set_local $2
       (tee_local $5
         (get_local $0)
       (i32.const -2)
      (i32.const -1)
   (block $label$2
    (block $label$3
     (br_if $label$3
       (get_local $5)
       (i32.const 1)
     (set_local $3
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 254)
       (i32.const 1)
     (br $label$2)
    (set_local $3
     (i32.load offset=4
      (get_local $0)
   (set_local $4
    (i32.const 10)
   (block $label$4
    (br_if $label$4
      (tee_local $1
        (get_local $3)
        (get_local $1)
         (get_local $3)
         (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 11)
    (set_local $4
        (get_local $1)
        (i32.const 16)
       (i32.const -16)
      (i32.const -1)
   (block $label$5
    (br_if $label$5
      (get_local $4)
      (get_local $2)
    (block $label$6
     (block $label$7
      (br_if $label$7
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 10)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $1
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $2
       (i32.load offset=8
        (get_local $0)
      (set_local $7
       (i32.const 0)
      (br $label$6)
     (set_local $1
      (call $_Znwj
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 1)
     (block $label$8
      (br_if $label$8
        (get_local $4)
        (get_local $2)
      (br_if $label$5
        (get_local $1)
     (block $label$9
      (br_if $label$9
        (tee_local $5
          (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $7
       (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $2
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $6
       (i32.const 0)
      (br $label$6)
     (set_local $2
      (i32.load offset=8
       (get_local $0)
     (set_local $6
      (i32.const 1)
     (set_local $7
      (i32.const 1)
    (block $label$10
     (block $label$11
      (br_if $label$11
        (get_local $5)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $5
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 254)
        (i32.const 1)
      (br $label$10)
     (set_local $5
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $0)
    (block $label$12
     (br_if $label$12
       (tee_local $5
         (get_local $5)
         (i32.const 1)
      (call $memcpy
       (get_local $1)
       (get_local $2)
       (get_local $5)
    (block $label$13
     (br_if $label$13
       (get_local $6)
     (call $_ZdlPv
      (get_local $2)
    (block $label$14
     (br_if $label$14
       (get_local $7)
     (i32.store offset=4
      (get_local $0)
      (get_local $3)
     (i32.store offset=8
      (get_local $0)
      (get_local $1)
      (get_local $0)
        (get_local $4)
        (i32.const 1)
       (i32.const 1)
     (get_local $0)
      (get_local $3)
      (i32.const 1)
  (call $abort)
 (func $_ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv (param $0 i32)
  (call $abort)
 (func $_ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC2ERKS5_ (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (i64.store align=4
   (get_local $0)
   (i64.const 0)
   (tee_local $3
     (get_local $0)
     (i32.const 8)
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
      (get_local $1)
     (i32.const 1)
   (i64.store align=4
    (get_local $0)
    (i64.load align=4
     (get_local $1)
    (get_local $3)
      (get_local $1)
      (i32.const 8)
    (get_local $0)
  (block $label$1
   (br_if $label$1
     (tee_local $3
      (i32.load offset=4
       (get_local $1)
     (i32.const -16)
   (set_local $2
    (i32.load offset=8
     (get_local $1)
   (block $label$2
    (block $label$3
     (block $label$4
      (br_if $label$4
        (get_local $3)
        (i32.const 11)
       (get_local $0)
        (get_local $3)
        (i32.const 1)
      (set_local $1
        (get_local $0)
        (i32.const 1)
      (br_if $label$3
       (get_local $3)
      (br $label$2)
     (set_local $1
      (call $_Znwj
       (tee_local $4
          (get_local $3)
          (i32.const 16)
         (i32.const -16)
      (get_local $0)
       (get_local $4)
       (i32.const 1)
     (i32.store offset=8
      (get_local $0)
      (get_local $1)
     (i32.store offset=4
      (get_local $0)
      (get_local $3)
     (call $memcpy
      (get_local $1)
      (get_local $2)
      (get_local $3)
     (get_local $1)
     (get_local $3)
    (i32.const 0)
    (get_local $0)
  (call $abort)
 (func $memcmp (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  (set_local $5
   (i32.const 0)
  (block $label$0
   (br_if $label$0
     (get_local $2)
   (block $label$1
    (loop $label$2
     (br_if $label$1
       (tee_local $3
         (get_local $0)
       (tee_local $4
         (get_local $1)
     (set_local $1
       (get_local $1)
       (i32.const 1)
     (set_local $0
       (get_local $0)
       (i32.const 1)
     (br_if $label$2
      (tee_local $2
        (get_local $2)
        (i32.const -1)
     (br $label$0)
   (set_local $5
     (get_local $3)
     (get_local $4)
  (get_local $5)
 (func $__wasm_nullptr (type $FUNCSIG$v)


  "____comment": "This file was generated by eosio-abigen. DO NOT EDIT - 2018-06-30T03:49:16",
  "version": "eosio::abi/1.0",
  "types": [],
  "structs": [{
      "name": "ngo",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "ngo_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "totalvolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "activevolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
      "name": "citizen",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "citizen_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "isvolunteer",
          "type": "bool"
          "name": "statusLiving",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "biometrichash",
          "type": "string"
      "name": "disaster",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "disaster_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "ufood",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "ucloth",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "uwater",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "umed",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "activevolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "reliefedcitizens",
          "type": "uint32"
      "name": "addngo",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "ngo_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "totalvolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "activevolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
      "name": "addcitizen",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "citizen_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "isvolunteer",
          "type": "bool"
          "name": "statusLiving",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "biometrichash",
          "type": "string"
      "name": "adddisaster",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "balancev",
          "type": "asset"
          "name": "disaster_name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "ufood",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "ucloth",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "uwater",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "umed",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "activevolunteers",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "reliefedcitizens",
          "type": "uint32"
      "name": "verifycits",
      "base": "",
      "fields": [{
          "name": "citizen_account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "disaster_account",
          "type": "name"
          "name": "ufood",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "ucloth",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "uwater",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "umed",
          "type": "uint32"
          "name": "statusLiving",
          "type": "string"
  "actions": [{
      "name": "addngo",
      "type": "addngo",
      "ricardian_contract": ""
      "name": "addcitizen",
      "type": "addcitizen",
      "ricardian_contract": ""
      "name": "adddisaster",
      "type": "adddisaster",
      "ricardian_contract": ""
      "name": "verifycits",
      "type": "verifycits",
      "ricardian_contract": ""
  "tables": [{
      "name": "ngo",
      "index_type": "i64",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "ngo"
      "name": "citizen",
      "index_type": "i64",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "citizen"
      "name": "disaster",
      "index_type": "i64",
      "key_names": [
      "key_types": [
      "type": "disaster"
  "ricardian_clauses": [],
  "error_messages": [],
  "abi_extensions": []



# Compile the latest web assembly and abi files

eosiocpp -o reliefchain/reliefchain.wast reliefchain/reliefchain.cpp
eosiocpp -g reliefchain/reliefchain.abi reliefchain/reliefchain.hpp
eosiocpp -o eosio.token/eosio.token.wast eosio.token/eosio.token.cpp



# (8) Deploy the contract on the blockchain network

cleos set contract reliefchain reliefchain -p reliefchain
cleos set contract eosio.token eosio.token -p eosio.token

# (9) Create virtual tokens ReliefChainTokens
cleos push action eosio.token create '{"issuer":"eosio", "maximum_supply":"1000000000.0000 RFT"}' -p eosio.token



# (1) Setting the alias inside the docker container
#alias cleos='docker exec eosio /opt/eosio/bin/cleos --wallet-url http://localhost:8888'

# (2) Creating the wallet password and saving a JSON file
WALLET_PASSWORD=$(cleos wallet create | tail -n 1)
echo "\"wallet_password\" : \"$WALLET_PASSWORD\"," >> keyfile.json

# (3) Unlock the wallet for 3600 seconds
cleos wallet unlock --password ${WALLET_PASSWORD} --unlock-timeout 36000

# (4) Setting variables and creating OWNER account and Relating private keys inside the wallet, when its unlocked
OWNER_ACCOUNT_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

OWNER_ACTIVE_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

cleos wallet import ${OWNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY}
cleos wallet import ${OWNER_ACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY}

# (5) Creating TESTACC account and Relating private keys inside the wallet, when its unlocked

TESTACC_OWNER_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

TESTACC_ACTIVE_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

# Improting the eosio private key -Only LocaltestNet
cleos wallet import 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3

cleos wallet import ${TESTACC_ACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY}
cleos wallet import ${TESTACC_OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY}
cleos create account eosio testacc ${TESTACC_OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY} ${TESTACC_ACTIVE_PUBLIC_KEY}

# (6) Create keys, add keys to wallet, create new account 
add_new_account() {
	echo "START: Creating account: $1" 
	OWNER_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

	ACTIVE_KEY_PAIR=$(cleos create key |  grep -oE "[^:]+$")

	echo "\""$1"\" : \""$OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY"\"," >> keyfile.json

	cleos wallet import ${OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY}
	cleos wallet import ${ACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY}
	cleos create account eosio "$1" ${OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY} ${ACTIVE_PUBLIC_KEY}
	cleos push action eosio updateauth "{\"account\":\"$1\",\"permission\":\"active\",\"parent\":\"owner\",\"auth\":{\"keys\":[{\"key\":\"${OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY}\", \"weight\":1}],\"threshold\":1,\"accounts\":[{\"permission\":{\"actor\":\"eosio.token\",\"permission\":\"eosio.code\"},\"weight\":1}],\"waits\":[]}}" -p $1
	echo "FINISH: Creating account: $1" 

# (7) Add more smart contract accounts
add_new_account "eosio.token"
add_new_account "reliefchain"

# Add 5 citizens
add_new_account "c1"
add_new_account "c2"
add_new_account "c3"
add_new_account "c4"
add_new_account "c5"

# Add 5 ngo
add_new_account "ngo1"
add_new_account "ngo2"
add_new_account "ngo3"
add_new_account "ngo4"
add_new_account "ngo5"

# Add 2 disaster
add_new_account "disaster1"
add_new_account "disaster2"



# (9) SEED DATA TO BLOCKCHAIN - Calling Actions (Mimicing remote Nodejs API, but we use command-line API for the timebeing)
# (9.1) Adding new citizens ~600
add_new_citizen() {
	# Creating multiple citizens (mocking registeration)
	cleos push action reliefchain addcitizen "[\"$1\", $2, \"$3\", $4, $5]" -p "$1"
	# Air-dropping tokens
	cleos push action eosio.token issue "[ \"$1\", \"10.0000 RFT\", \"airdrop\" ]" -p eosio

# account_name,  balancev, citizen_name,  isvolunteer,  statusLiving, biometrichash
add_new_citizen "c1" "\"10 RFT\"" "c1" 0 "missing" "useqtfeq65367q457637462763vxetwfdcty"
add_new_citizen "c2" "\"10 RFT\"" "c2" 0 "alive" "useqtfeq65367q457637462763vxetwfdcty"
add_new_citizen "c3" "\"10 RFT\"" "c3" 0 "dead" "useqtfeq65367q457637462763vxetwfdssy"
add_new_citizen "c4" "\"10 RFT\"" "c4" 0 "alive" "useqtfeq65367q457637462763ssetwfdcty"
add_new_citizen "c5" "\"10 RFT\"" "c5" 0 "missing" "useqtfeq65367q457637462763vxsswfdcty"

# (9.2) Adding new ngos ~5
add_new_ngo() {
	cleos push action reliefchain addngo "[\"$1\", $2, \"$3\", $4, $5]" -p "$1"
	# Air-dropping tokens
	cleos push action eosio.token issue "[ \"$1\", \"100.0000 RFT\", \"airdrop\" ]" -p eosio
# Add 5 ngo
# account_name, balancev, ngo_name, totalvolunteers, activevolunteers
add_new_ngo "ngo1" "\"100 RFT\"" "ngo1" 100 5
add_new_ngo "ngo2" "\"100 RFT\"" "ngo2" 200 50
add_new_ngo "ngo3" "\"100 RFT\"" "ngo3" 400 59
add_new_ngo "ngo4" "\"100 RFT\"" "ngo4" 500 60
add_new_ngo "ngo5" "\"100 RFT\"" "ngo5" 600 65

# (9.3) Adding new diasters ~2
add_new_disaster() {
	cleos push action reliefchain adddisaster "[\"$1\", $2, \"$3\", $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9]" -p "$1"
	# Air-dropping tokens
	cleos push action eosio.token issue "[ \"$1\", \"10.0000 RFT\", \"airdrop\" ]" -p eosio
# Add 2 disaster
add_new_disaster "disaster1" "\"10 RFT\"" "disaster1" 10000 90 5000 420 10000 90000
add_new_disaster "disaster2" "\"10 RFT\"" "disaster2" 10000 90 5000 420 10000 90000

UI Adaptor

  <script type="text/javascript">
    pollBlockchain = function(){
      var pollURL = "";
      var data = JSON.stringify({
        "code": "eosio.token",
        "symbol": "RFT"
        type: "POST",
        url: pollURL,
        timeout: 100,
        data: data,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(data){
        failure: function(errMsg) {
    setInterval(pollBlockchain, 1000);

Lets see this in action

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EOSIO Software Stack

By Gautam Anand

EOSIO Software Stack

We explore the technical aspects on how to get started with EOSIO Blockchain Technology Platform. We discuss how a technology team can design a scalable software architecture, learn the right skills required to build your dAPP and potentially work together to deploy it on the mainnet (DevOps).

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