Data Oriented Programming

by Gendo (aka Daniele Maccioni)

Moore's Law

Hello! I'm important too!

Memory Gap


RAM latency = ~1-2 cycles


RAM latency = ~200 cycles

Cache Hit :)

  • Fetch instruction or data
    (L1-I vs L1-D)
  • Search for a cache entry with correct tag
  • Load instruction

Cache Miss D:

  • Every layer is an order of magnitude worse than the previous one
  • L1 -> L2 -> RAM
  • If everything fails and we need to access RAM, we can spend HUNDREDS of cycles just waiting

Spatial Locality

  • if you reference a memory location it is likely that you will reference nearby locations too

Temporal Locality

  • if you reference a memory location it is likely that you will reference it again in the near future

When a byte of code or data is loaded in cache from the RAM a chunk of contiguous memory is fetched instead, called: cache line

Memory is the bottleneck...

...and if you care about performance... hardware is the platform!

Intel Haswell i7-4770

  • 32 kb L1
  • 256 kb L2
  • 8 mb L3
  • 64 b cache line
  • L1 latency ~4-5 cycles
  • L2 latency ~12 cycles
  • L3 latency ~43 cycles
  • RAM latency ~230 cycles

Is not
So great...

  • Code following a model of the world
  • Creating independent "reusable" objects"
  • Hiding complexity
  • Code and data mixed together
  • Code is more important than data
  • Array of structures or...
  • ...array of pointers to structure
class Object {
    void addChild(Object *child);
    void removeChild(Object *child);
    virtual void update();
    int ID;
    int width;
    int height;
    std::vector<Object *> children;

class MovableObject: public Object {
    void translate(int x, int y);
    int x;
    int y;

Side Effects

  • Memory is very fragmented:
    code mixed with data, polymorphism,
    encapsulation, templates...
  • High complexity
  • Very difficult to understand what's
    going on under the hood
  • Tons of cache misses
  • Memory unfriendly
  • The cache will hate you
  • ...

"General" Solutions

class ObjectManager : public Manager {
    // ...
    void initObject(Object *);
    void updateObject(Object *);
    void removeObject(Object *);

    // ...

Do we really have only one object?

The common case for data is not considered

Branch Mispredictions

class SystemNetwork : public SystemSocket {
    // ...

    void sendMessage(Message message) {
        int message_type = message.type;

        if (message_type == Message::Type::Text) {
            // ...
        } else if (message_type == Message::Type::Binary) {
            // ...

        if (inactive) {
            // ...

    // ...

Difficult to predict the code path


  • Guidelines to create simpler code...
  • ...and cleaner code paths...
  • ...that are also cache-friendly and more efficient

Is All About Data

  • A software is a sequence of data transformations
  • Problems are always about data
  • Computers are data processing machines

Code Designed Around a Model of Data

  • Data flow is the focus
  • How data is read, how it is processed, how it is stored in memory
  • Follow the nature of the problem data: minimize transformations

Implement the Common Case

  • What's the common case for the data I'm dealing with?
  • Implement the common case not the "general" solution
// The Common Case
void updateObjects(Objects *objects, int count) {
    // ...

class Object {
    // The 0.01%: I will always have multiple objects!
    void update() {}

Separate Code From Data

  • Make data emerge from the code
  • Simpler code
  • Pipeline of data transformations
class Object {
    // ...
    int x
    int y
    void move(int x, int y);
    // ...
Point2D positions[COUNT_OBJS];
Point2D movements[COUNT_OBJS];

void moveObjects() {
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OBJS; ++i) {
        positions[i] += movements[i];

Packing Data

  • Avoid branching
  • Avoid complex code path
class Object {
    // ...
    void update() {
        if (active) {
            // ...
        } else {
            // ...
    // ...
void updateObjects(Objects *objects) {

    int numActives = sortByActive(objects);

    for (int i = 0; i < numActives; ++i) {
        // ...
        Object *obj = objects[i];
        // ...

Hot/Cold Splitting

  • Split very frequently used data from rarely used one
  • Reduce the size of objects and structs in memory
  • Make data flow more explicit

Avoid Polymorphism

  • Simpler structure
  • Easy memory layout
  • Arrays of simple homogeneous data are better than complex hierarchies
  • Avoid vtable
  • Avoid memory fragmentation

Happy Cache

  • Data is gathered together in homogeneous chunks of memory
  • Memory layout is simpler
  • More predictable code paths
  • One array for each type of data
  • Logic grouped together to use what's already in cache
  • No virtual methods and tables that make you jump around in memory

What can we do?

  1. Flat the hierarchy
  2. Avoid array of pointers
  3. Extract data from code
  4. Identity the transformation flow
  5. Pre-allocate memory
  6. Group similar operations together


Data Oriented Programming

By Gendo Ikari

Data Oriented Programming


  • 157