World Population Growth

  • 1999-6 Billion people
  • avg birth rate in developed countries: 12-13 per 1000
  • avg birth rate in developing countries: 26-27 per 1000
  • Birth rates in all European countries are low because there is
    • family planning
    • women wanting to pursue careers and being better educated
    • 1/2 is normal socially accepted family size
    • children cost money and do not contribute to income until, if at all, they reach adulthood
  • Middle East+Africa = birth rates well over 40 per 1000, because:
    • little family planning
    • women with little education and they marry young
    • 5+ children in a family is considered normal
    • economically children work to supplement family income
    • some governments and religions do not support or approve of birth control

Death Rates

  • death rates are similar in developing and developed: 9-10
  • since 1950's, death rates fell due to medical knowledge
  • War town countries and diseased countries have higher rates such as Sierra Leone
  • HIV/AIDS also contributes
  • Botswana and Zimbabwe death rates rising


Natural Increase 

  • birth rates higher than death rates = population increase
  • Angola - birth rate is 52.3, death rate is 21.1. Increase of 31.2 per 1000, meaning the natural increase is 3.1%


Population structure 

  • make up of country by age and sex
  • poor countries: fairly distributed by age 


Population structure 

  • young + old = dependent on government 
  • Working + independent = pays taxes and contributes


Young and Ageing Populations

  • pakistan = young population/fertility rate -5
  • germany = ageing population/fertility rate - 1.3
  • In order to maintain population size, fertility rate of 2.1 is needed
  • Europe has lowest rates, with 13 countries below 1.3
  • Life expectancy is high to, making for an ageing population
  • Also lower infant mortality rates = increased young population


By georgie0805