TDD is not JUST

about tests

Fabrizio Romano


EuroPython 2015 - Bilbao

July 21th

Hello Bilbao!

Thank you for being here!

If you want to know more about me, here's a LITTLE bit...


Got it?

The plan:

Hello! (Amazing joke about the bit...)

The plan (we're here)

What drew me to TDD?

Why do we need it?

A story about TDD

A little disclaimer

  • This is my own view
  • Simple examples
  • No definitions

What drew me to TDD?

It all happened in London...

Mark Henwood

Don't worry,

TDD will take us there

Ondrej Kohout

Too much logic!

If someone is

achieving great results:

Observe and learn

Why do we need TDD?

def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    return n > 0

Example #1

How do we test this function?


def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    return n > 0

eq(False, is_positive(0))
eq(False, is_positive(-3))
eq(True, is_positive(3))

Is this a good test?

def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    return n > 1

eq(False, is_positive(0))   # still passing
eq(False, is_positive(-3))  # still passing
eq(True, is_positive(3))    # still passing


def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    return n > 1

eq(False, is_positive(0))   # still passing
eq(False, is_positive(-1))  # still passing
eq(True, is_positive(1))    # NOW FAILS!

Much better!

The boundary cannot jiggle any more!

def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    return n > 0

eq(False, is_positive(0))

for n in range(1, 10 ** 4):
    eq(False, is_positive(-n))
    eq(True, is_positive(n))

Even better!

But unit tests need to be FAST...

So, can we test everything?

def is_positive(n):
    # We assume n is integer.
    if n == 10 ** 16:
        return 'Hola!'
    return n > 0

If you could test 1'000'000'000 numbers a second, it would take about 4 months to spot this.

We cannot test everything.

def get_squares(v):
    # assumes v is a list of integers
    if not v:
        return []
    return [n ** 2 for n in v]

Example #2

How do we test this function?

def get_squares(v):
    # assumes v is a list of integers
    if not v:
        return []
    return [n ** 2 for n in v]

eq([1, 0, 4, 9], get_squares([-1, 0, 2, -3]))
eq([], get_squares([]))

But what about that redundancy?
We may not notice it, if we tested AFTERWARDS

def get_squares(v):
    # assumes v is a list of integers
    if not v:
        return []
    return [n ** 2 for n in v]

def get_squares2(v):
    # assumes v is a list of integers
    return [n ** 2 for n in v]
# this would cause us to write get_squares2
eq([1, 0, 4, 9], get_squares2([-1, 0, 2, -3]))

# this would automatically pass, thanks to
# the list comprehension
eq([], get_squares2([]))

Had we written the tests first, there would be no redundancy.

Better than solving these problems, is to avoid introducing them in the first place.

And that's where TDD comes into the game

So let's hear a story about TDD

Psst: It's extremely technical, beware!

Once Upon a Time...

there was a frog

He was in love with a beautiful princess. One day, at the pond, the frog took courage, jumped out of the water and told her:

I am a prince under a spell, kiss me,

break the spell and marry me!

Prince? Intriguing!

But she was a Geek...


Let me get back

to you on this...

And he ran off to learn TDD from the masters...

Kent Becko

Robert Martiño

TDD was strooong in them...


Test Driven Development

TDD is a Software Development Process based on the repetition of a very short development cycle.



  • Short at first
  • With experience: longer
  • Trouble? Go back to short

Where does it start?

The frog thought the training was completed

But the masters disagreed,

and they kept giving examples...

What changes?

Without TDD

What & How

With TDD



OMG! It's like

having 2 brains!

TDD common aspects

  • KISS
  • Three strikes and refactor
    (Test-Driven Development with Python - H. Percival)
  • Architecture design during refactoring
  • Triangulation



eq(4, square(-2))

def square(n):
    # we can cheat, it is
    # the only requirement
    return 4

First step

"Fake it 'till you make it"

eq(4, square(-2))
eq(9, square(3))

def square(n):
    return n ** 2

With Triangulation

You write

the actual logic.

Main Benefits

  • Refactor with Confidence
  • Readability
  • Loose Coupling
  • Easier to test and maintain
  • Test first => Better understanding of requirements
  • Small units => easier debugging and tests as docs
  • Higher speed:
    It takes less to write tests and code
    than to write code and debug

Main Shortcomings

  • Whole company needs to believe
  • Blind spots
  • Badly written tests are hard to maintain

Real life examples

How do you test legacy code?

Much better way...

Changing a horribly long view

def get(request, *args, **kwargs):
    # ...
    # imagine many lines of code here...
    # ...

    data = get_data(**params)

    # ...
    # data is prepared, worked on
    # put in the context dictionary
    # and the view finally renders
    # a template
    return render(template_name, context, extra_params)

We need to insert pagination, filtering, sorting

def get(request, *args, **kwargs):
    # same as before
    original_data = get_data(**params)

    filtered_data = filter_data(
        original_data, **filter_params)

    sorted_data = sort_data(
        filtered_data, **sort_params)

    data = paginate_data(
        sorted_data, **pagination_params)
    # same as before

    return render(template_name, context, extra_params)

We code pagination, filtering and sorting with TDD

Introducing a new functionality in existing code

We need to add a feature to a long piece of untested code.

def very_long_function(*args, **kwargs):
    # nasty piece of code that does
    # a lot of things.
    # Uncle Bob would cry if he saw it...

    return result

We cannot test it (no time, badly written, etc.)

One possible solution:

def test_new_functionality():
    # preparation stage
    # ...

    result = very_long_function(*args, **kwargs)

    assert_equal(expected_result, result)

def very_long_function(*args, **kwargs):
    # same nasty piece of code
    # Uncle Bob still unhappy

    return result

After all these examples,

the frog was in ZEN-Mode

He went back to the princess and passed the exam.

So they married, and when the minister said:

"You can kiss the bride"...

Nothing changed!

He was just a talking frog after all!

What's the moral of the story?

The princess should have tested FIRST!

And so should you

Thank you! Come say hi!



gianchub [at] gmail [dot] com

TDD is not just about tests (Bilbao)

By Fabrizio Romano

TDD is not just about tests (Bilbao)

EuroPython talk: TDD is not just about tests.

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