Automated Cross-Browser Testing

Features of TestingBot

(Personal Plan)

  • 400 minutes of Automated tests
  • 1 Concurrent Session
  • 798 combinations of supported platform & browsers
  • US$30/month | US$240/year (33% off)


  • Easy to setup and run
  • Test report view provides good insights
  • Can organise tests post-execution (rename test title, add description, add to group)
  • Large range of supported platforms and browsers
  • Shows duration per step and total time of execution
  • Can change privacy of report from private to public, can share w/ the team
  • Can download video if needed


  • Cannot run concurrent tests but has queueing capability
  • Limited number of minutes of test execution but enough for our testing requirements
  1. Record scenarios on Firefox using Selenium IDE.
  2. Import recorded scenario (Selenese) on Equafy.
  3. Select browsers where the scenario is to be executed.
  4. Execute and wait for them to finish to see if PASS/FAIL.
  5. Can check screenshots of each step per execution and error message if the step failed.

On Equafy

Migration from Equafy to TestingBot


  1. Export existing Selenese scenarios to Python.
  2. Add required credentials on each Python script to connect to TestingBot.
  3. Execute Python scripts via Terminal. Can do batch execution of Python scripts.
  4. Check TestingBot Dashboard for the results.
  5. Can watch video of the testing, organise test, check log of each step and the duration.

On TestingBot

Migration from Equafy to TestingBot



Test Execution

Q & A



By Gian Faye Paguirigan


  • 1,320