Satellite assisted precision fishing For EveryOne


Giordano Pezzola
Mobile software engineering

Giuseppe Cammarota
Remote sensing analisys

Alessandro Amici
Market analisys

Satellite assisted Precision FIshing


  • Searching time reduction:
    • fuel saving, up to 40%
    • increased output, up to 100%
    • reduce human risk
  • Existing precision fishing services for commercial fishers are not affordable for everyone
  • 38 millions fishers / 500 millions people dependant on fishing worldwide

Sampei Mobile App

Freemium service

  • Free Copernicus data:
    • marine remote sensing images
    • standard remote sensing indicators
    • meteo forecast
  • Standard resolution
  • On-line operations

Sampei Pro


  • Proprietary indicators:
    • potential fishing zones
    • specific species indicators
  • Max available resolution
  • Offline / low bandwidth operations
  • Fishing market insight from SAP Hana

product model

  • Target revenues:
    • 38 millions fishermen / 3% market: 1 million users
    • assuming $100 yearly subscription price: $100 millions revenue
  • Forecast costs:
    • development: 20%
    • runtime production: 50%
    • marketing/promotion/partnerships: 30%


  • Free and low cost remote sensing data from Copernicus and other data providers are the enablers for precision fishing mass market
  • Competitors (SeaView, CatSat, Roffs, etc) targets commercial fishers with sizable budgets and open sea connectivity
  • Market opportunity:
    • commercial fishers in developing countries
    • amateurs fishermen in industrialized countries
  • Main risk is first to market wins all
  • The team needs of an application specific partner

Sustainable Fishing

  • Reduced impact on the environment for the same output
  • More compact marine areas to be monitored for illegal fishing
  • Can support the legal framework for sustainable fishing


Q & A


Extension to aquaculture

Satellites can support aquaculture farmers and policy makers

  • Identifying suitable sites
  • Issuing warnings on potential water quality threats (e.g. pollution and harmful algal blooms)
  • Monitoring the environmental impact of sea farms

Appathon Rome 2015

By Giordano Pezzola

Appathon Rome 2015

Supporting food security from space

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