
algebraic data types for mortals

About me

  • Mathematics Student at Imperial
  • PHP Core developer & documentation maintainer

What are Algebraic Data Types?


Warning: Software development, Computer Science, and Type Theory don't agree on what stuff means at time




In computer programming, especially functional programming and type theory, an algebraic data type is a kind of composite type, i.e., a type formed by combining other types.


In computer programming, especially functional programming and type theory, an algebraic data type is a kind of composite type, i.e., a type formed by combining other types.

Two common classes of algebraic types are product types (i.e., tuples and records) and sum types (i.e., tagged or disjoint unions, coproduct types or variant types).

Product types

The popular ADT

Product types

Explanation for mortals

Product types

Explanation for mortals

Product types allow you to have more than one value in a single structure, at the same time.


class BoolTuple2 {
    public bool $boolean1;
    public bool $boolean2;
    public function __construct(bool $boolean1, bool $boolean2) {
        $this->boolean1 = $boolean1;
        $this->boolean2 = $boolean2;

Product type examples


class BoolTuple2 {
    public function __construct(public bool $boolean1, public bool $boolean2) {}

Product type examples


class BoolTuple2 {
    public function __construct(public bool $boolean1, public bool $boolean2) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct BoolTuple2?


class BoolTuple2 {
    public function __construct(public bool $boolean1, public bool $boolean2) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct BoolTuple2?


$trueTrue   = new BoolTuple2(true, true);
$trueFalse  = new BoolTuple2(true, false);
$falseTrue  = new BoolTuple2(false, true);
$falseFalse = new BoolTuple2(false, false);

class BoolTuple2 {
    public function __construct(public bool $boolean1, public bool $boolean2) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct BoolTuple2?

4 = 2 \times 2 = |bool| \times |bool|

class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples


class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct Composite?


class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct Composite?

|Composite| = |Digit| \times |BoolTuple2|

class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct Composite?

|Composite| = |Digit| \times |bool| \times |bool|

class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct Composite?

|Composite| = 10 \times 2 \times 2

class Digit {
    public int $digit;
    public function __construct(int $digit) {
        if ($digit < 0 || $digit > 9) {
            throw new ValueError('Value must be a digit');
        $this->digit = $digit;

class Composite {
    public function __construct(public BoolTuple2 $boolTuple2, public Digit $digit) {}

Product type examples

How many ways can we construct Composite?

|Composite| = 40

Sum types

Also know as Coproduct types

Sum types

Explanation for mortals

Sum types

Explanation for mortals

Sum types are types where your value must be one of a fixed set of options.

Sum type examples

Sum type examples

Enumerations, aka Enums

Sum type examples


bool = \{true, false\}

Enumerations, aka Enums

Sum type examples


bool = \{true, false\}

Our Digit class

Digit = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9\}

Enumerations, aka Enums

Sum type examples


Sum type examples


\textrm{List } a = [] \ | \ \textrm{Construct } a \ (\textrm{List } a)


Sum type examples


\textrm{List } a = [] \ | \ \textrm{Construct } a \ (\textrm{List } a)


\textrm{String } c = \textsf{'}\textsf{'}\ | \ \textrm{Construct } c \ (\textrm{String } c)


Sum type examples

Union types

Sum type examples

Union types


class BoolOrDigit {
    public function __construct(public bool|Digit $boolOrDigit) {}

Sum type examples

Union types


class BoolOrDigit {
    public function __construct(public bool|Digit $boolOrDigit) {}

How many ways can we construct BoolOrDigit?

Sum type examples

Union types


class BoolOrDigit {
    public function __construct(public bool|Digit $boolOrDigit) {}

How many ways can we construct BoolOrDigit?

BoolOrDigit = bool \cup Digit

Sum type examples

Union types


class BoolOrDigit {
    public function __construct(public bool|Digit $boolOrDigit) {}

How many ways can we construct BoolOrDigit?

BoolOrDigit = bool \cup Digit
|BoolOrDigit| = |bool| + |Digit|

Sum type examples

Union types


class BoolOrDigit {
    public function __construct(public bool|Digit $boolOrDigit) {}

How many ways can we construct BoolOrDigit?

BoolOrDigit = bool \cup Digit
|BoolOrDigit| = 2 + 10 = 12

Pattern matching

Reason why sum types are๐Ÿ˜Ž



In computer science, pattern matching is the act of checking a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern.


In computer science, pattern matching is the act of checking a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern.

The patterns generally have the form of either sequences or tree structures.

Poor man Pattern matching example


class Nil {}
class Leaf {
    public function __construct(public int $value) {}
class Node {
    public function __construct(public Tree $left, public Tree $right) {}
class Tree {
    public function __construct(public Nil|Leaf|Node $val) {}

Poor man Pattern matching example


class Nil {}
class Leaf {
    public function __construct(public int $value) {}
class Node {
    public function __construct(public Tree $left, public Tree $right) {}
class Tree {
    public function __construct(public Nil|Leaf|Node $val) {}

function depth(Tree $tree): int {
    $val = $tree->val;
    return match ($val::class) {
        Nil::class => 0,
        Leaf::class => 1,
        Node::class => 1 + max(depth($val->left), depth($val->right)),

Poor man Pattern matching example


$treeExample = new Tree(new Node(
    new Tree(new Leaf(5)),
    new Tree(new Node(
        new Tree(new Node(
            new Tree(new Nil()),
            new Tree(new Leaf(2)),
        new Tree(new Leaf(6)),

print depth($treeExample);

Poor man Pattern matching example


$treeExample = new Tree(new Node(
    new Tree(new Leaf(5)),
    new Tree(new Node(
        new Tree(new Node(
            new Tree(new Nil()),
            new Tree(new Leaf(2)),
        new Tree(new Leaf(6)),

print depth($treeExample);




Poor man Pattern matching example


$treeExample = new Tree(new Node(
    new Tree(new Leaf(5)),
    new Tree(new Node(
        new Tree(new Node(
            new Tree(new Nil()),
            new Tree(new Leaf(2)),
        new Tree(new Leaf(6)),

print depth($treeExample);






Poor man Pattern matching example


$treeExample = new Tree(new Node(
    new Tree(new Leaf(5)),
    new Tree(new Node(
        new Tree(new Node(
            new Tree(new Nil()),
            new Tree(new Leaf(2)),
        new Tree(new Leaf(6)),

print depth($treeExample);






What about Reflection?

What about Reflection?

Well, turns out we don't need it. ๐Ÿ˜“

Thank you!

Sources and inspiration:

Reflection: algebraic data types for mortals

By girgias

Reflection: algebraic data types for mortals

  • 1,173