GIS in the Cloud

An Overview of
Web Mapping Solutions

Why Web Maps?


  • Share Data
  • Alternative to File Formats
  • Easier to Update
  • Interactive
  • Location Aware via Mobile


  • Public and Private Access
  • Collaborate/Edit via Web
  • Easy to Create and Deploy
  • Minimal IT Knowledge

Google Features


  • Layers: 10 per map
  • Features: (points, lines, shapes)10,000 per map
  • Feature Import Limit: 2,000 rows/points, up to 40 MB
  • Attributes: (values in info windows) 50 per feature
  • Import Types: csv, tsv, kml, xlsx files & Google Drive
    • Polygons and Lines KML Only?
    • Only Two Attribute Fields for KML?
  • Printed Maps: High resolution (4x screen resolution)
  • Geocoding Limits: 2,500 per day
  • Collaborative Sharing/Editing with gMail Account

CartoDB Features


  • Free/Paid
  • Tables/Features: Unlimited
  • Import Typesshp, csv, kml, xls(x), geojson, gpx...
  • Integration: Dropbox and Google Drive
    • With this integration, you could collaborate
      on data, while not having an enterprise license
  • Password Protected Maps: $1650/yr Plan
  • Collaboartive Editing/Multi-User: $8,000/yr Plan
  • All Features

ArcGIS Online Features


  • Price: Public, W/SLA, Paid - $2500/yr/5 Users
  • Public Account: No Private Sharing/Editing
  • Comparison  
  • Storage: 2GB (Paid - Limited by Credits)
  • Print, Export, Embed
  • Built in Web APPS
  • Ability to Host Web Apps (pre-configured API script)
    • vs long sharing url

Leaflet API


  • Price: Free
  • Tables/Features: Limited by Web Browser 
  • Open Source
  • Customization with Plugins
  • Integration: CartoDB, Hosted Data, Google Drive
  • Password Protect via Web Server
  • Simple HTML and javascript

GIS Cloud Features



  • Honorable Mention - No Examples
  • Price:  Free, Premium - $55 per month
  • Features: 10,000 per map (200,000 Premium)
  • Storage: 100MB (1GB Premium)
  • Import types: shp, raster, csv, xls, hosted data
  • Collaborative Sharing/Editing with other Users
  • Map Portal - $95/mo

Open Source GIS Web Servers


  • OpenGeo Suite (Complex Solutions)
    • ​PostGIS and GeoServer
    • Native Support for Openlayers (Leaflet will work)
    • Web Map Builder - Enterprise Only?
  • MapCentia 
    • ​PostGIS, MapServer, TileCache, GDAL, Elasticsearch
    • Native Leaflet Support
  • uMap (Quick Web Maps with Collaboration)
    • PostGIS,GeoDjango, Leaflet Storage
    • Sharing/Editing via Social Accounts


  • Legend
  • Data Download
  • Search Built In
  • Satellite View
  • Nine Basemaps
  • StreetView (API)


  • Legend
  • Data Download
  • Satellite View
  • Nine Basemaps
  • No StreetView
  • App Templates


  • Custom Homepage
  • Open Data Websites
  • User Groups/Roles
  • Access to API

ArcGIS Web Apps

ArcGIS Story Map (Journal)

ArcGIS Open Data Site

OVRDC ArcGIS Homepage


  • Legend
  • Data Download
    (via cartodb user page)
  • No 'Home' Button
  • Satellite View
  • Multiple Basemaps
  • No Basemap
  • No StreetView
  • Built on Leaflet


  • No Auto Legend
  • Data Download
  • Search (Plugin)
  • Multiple Basemaps
  • StreetView
    (Google's API)
  • Customization

Leaflet Basemaps

CartoDB & Leaflet

Pure Leaflet


Web Map Resources

Some Cool Maps

Contact Info

Malcolm Meyer

(740) 947-2853 ext 20219

Vinny Wang

(740) 947-2853 ext 20220

OVRDC GIS User Group Meeting Feb 10, 2015


OVRDC GIS User Group Meeting Feb 10, 2015

GIS in the Cloud: Google MyMaps, ArcGIS Online for Organizations and Mapping APIs

  • 2,389