An app for when you are feeling down

Team: Yes

Boros Ábel from Babeș-Bolyai

Godra Ádám from UTCN


Chosen topic: self therapy


  • Unhealthy side effects of the current pandemic
  • Social alienation
  • Getting out of shape
  • Becoming lazy
  • Mindlessly switching between social media apps
  • Being stuck inside and not getting enough sunlight or fresh air
  • Sleeping in
  • Add these all up: well on the way to a life of misery and general unhappiness
  • Our application attempts to prevent people not to fall into this lifestyle, by giving them small daily tasks and motivating them to do them every day to keep up their streak


  • BetterYou is a habit building application
  • Its goal is to aid users in building habits that are the basis of a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle
  • Users are given daily 'challenges'
  • Examples would include: regular sleep, healthy diet, daily exercise, reconnecting with nature, socializing etc.


  • These are rather mundane in the beginning, but remember habits are built by taking small steps consistently, rather than making big promises that one can't keep in the long run
  • Helpful tips are provided with each challenge, for example which exercises to do and when, or recipes for healthy and delicious meals, as well as book recommendations and many more
  • As a user progresses the challenges progress as well: exercises become more demanding, recommended recipes become more complex etc.


  • It is important we consider good how we intend to help people, mental hygiene is serious business, don't want take do more harm than good
  • We are no psychology experts, neither are we self help charlatans
  • We tried to base these challenges on what we found by researching the works of some more experienced and qualified thinkers: Mate Gabor, Alan Watts, Carl Jung, Jordan Peterson;
  • The guiding principles are 'cherrypicked' from different schools of thought such as stoicism, taoism (one would find they are the same, discovered independently in the east and the west), buddhism, minimalism.

Thank you for your attention, any questions?


By Godra Adam


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