Gordie Noye




(with Snakes)

Why program?

Programmers solve problems

Programmers solve problems

In a special way

Using a specific set of commands

That computers can understand

What are the commands?

The commands are programming languages

Name some ...

Language use today


What is a computer?

"One" who computes

Computers used to be people who ... computed

Think slide rules and astrological calculations

What did they compute

- the return of Halley's Comet

- the trajectory of projectiles

- nuclear fission

- secret messages (cryptography)

Then came machines

  • very limited use
  • faster and more accurate than humans
  • built to solve specific problems
  • specialized knowledge needed just to use them
  • used very primitive (to us) technology

Evolution of computers

- mechanical machines

- electro-mechanical machines

- electronic machines

Computer precursor

Jacquard programmable loom (1801)

First machine to use punched cards to control its operation

One punched card per row of design

Which inspired

Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

Analytical Engine

The Difference Engine was designed for mathematical calculations

Babbage envisioned and began to design something he called the Analytical Engine which would use punch cards

The punch cards would determine what the "engine" would do
Similar to configuring the Jacquard loom pattern but using punch cards to configure calculations

Ada Lovelace

 Lord Byron's daughter Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, is credited with developing an algorithm for the Analytical Engine to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers

She is considered by many to be the first computer programmer


The Z3

Konrad Zuse, a German engineer, created the first fully automatic programmable computer in 1941
It used electro-mechanical switches called relays

Electronic machines

1st Generation – Vacuum tubes

2nd Generation – Transistors

3rd Generation – Integrated circuits

4th Generation – VLSI and microprocessors
           (VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration)


The ABC - Atanasoff-Berry Computer (1942)


DEC PDP - 1 (1959)

Integrated Circuits

Cray - 1 (1975) and Apple II (1977)


All modern computers

Who are programmers?



Web Developers


Programming in Python - Part 1

By gordie

Programming in Python - Part 1

  • 1,502