The State of Evergreen

Evergreen Conference 2017

Evergreen Oversight Board

The State of Evergreen (the software)

... has had 132 contributors


... has taken a total estimated effort of 152 years (in 12 actual years)

As of 2016 Evergreen...

In 2016 Evergreen...

... had 2 major releases containing 62 new features

The State of Evergreen (the project)

... had another peaceful transition of power on the elected Oversight Board


... held an open community meeting at ALA annual in Orlando


... held over 30 meetings for development, governance, documentation, outreach & more


... held a productive mid-year Hack-A-Way in Indiana


... held another successful annual conference in Raleigh, NC

In 2016 Evergreen

Nearly 100% of Evergreen's governance is conducted publicly.


But wait? 

What is this governance business?

And why is it my business?

The State of Evergreen - Governance

This governance business is how we manage and protect the Evergreen Project.

It is your business because we own the Evergreen Project.

The State of Evergreen - Governance

The State of Evergreen - Governance

In a nutshell... what does the SFC do for the Project?

  • They hold the trademark and money for the Project.
    • They sign contracts on our behalf and provide legal counsel.
    • They provide accounting services.

**The SFC is a not-for-profit umbrella organization that provides services for Open Source projects that do not have their own NPO status.  

In a nutshell... what does the EOB do for the Project?

  • They manage the Project's outreach, organizational efforts & funds
    • They manage meetings, merchandise & conferences
    • They manage fund distribution & fundraising
    • They manage issues of strategic, as opposed to tactical, importance for the Project that require leadership and vision & sensitive legal or personnel issues which require research and discussion to protect the interests of the Project.

2016 Community Annual Report

The Outreach Committee produced the second annual community report highlighting the project and its triumphs.

This Report is also available digitally for download and reproduction.  

Thank you, Outreach Committee!

Kathy Lussier, Chair

Grace Dunbar

Ron Gagnon

Rogan Hamby

Meme Marlow

Ruth Frasur

Amy Terlaga

Lower Resolution Link:

High Resolution Print Link:

2016 Community Annual Report

A heartfelt hello and we wish you were here to our friends at:

Jabok Library in the Czech Republic

IISER in India  

IPICYT in Mexico 

IISH in the Netherlands 

ISI in Georgia (the country, not the state)  

According to our research and the community self-reporting, Evergreen is now at over 2,000 libraries worldwide. And while most of us are still in the US and Canada, we want to be sure the Evergreeners out there know we appreciate them and would love to visit if they want to host a conference!

Meet Your Evergreen Oversight Board

(All y'all stand up and wave.)

  • Garry Collum, Kenton Co. Public Library

  • Ruth Frasur, Hagerstown-Jefferson Township Library (Vice-Chair)
  • Ron Gagnon, NOBLE
  • Sharon Herbert, British Columbia Libraries Cooperative
  • Terran McCanna, Georgia Public Library Service (Secretary)
  • Mike Rylander, Equinox Open Library Initiative
  • Tim Spindler, C/W MARS (Chair)

Rotating off the Board

  • Grace Dunbar, Equinox Open Library Initiative (Chair)
  • Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation (Vice-Chair & SFC Rep)

New Board Members for 2017

  • Holly Brennan, Homer Public Library
  • Scott Thomas, PaILS 

Thank you to our local hosts and organizers!

Evergreen 2018


Are you having fun this year?

Join us next year in St. Charles, MO!


Hosted by our friends at MOBIUS!

The State of Evergreen 2017

By Grace Dunbar

The State of Evergreen 2017

  • 2,402