

Raspberry PI

Welcome to The RPi

 User GRoup

rasbperry pI

  1. Internet Connectivity -- it can Tweet
  2. GPIO for easy home automation
  3. Form Factor:  Low Power && Small
  4. Great Community -- Especially Open Source community


Getting Started


Choosing an OS:

  1. N.O.O.B.S
  2. Occidentalis
  3. Raspbian
  4. XBMC

Choosing an OS: NOOBS

  • Pretty good place to start.
  • Selection of major OS
  • Fail-Safe -- in a way
  • You'll have to adjust locales -- it thinks you're British

New Out Of Box Software


Choosing an OS:  Occidentalis

  1. Great for automation
  2. Works with keyboard right away (Locales)
  3. Created and maintained by Adafruit

Choosing an OS:  xbmc

  1. Home Media Center with HDMI  (and RCA)
  2. Youtube, Music, and Weather
Home Automation

Tools for Home Automation

Jumper Cables 
Potentially an Arduino


Optional but recommended.

Pi Casing Printout

Tour Of the GPIOS

Useful Printout

Controlling A Relay/LED

Just one step up from blinking an led,
a relay allows you to control almost anything.
(For example,  Robot GPIO)

-- or use the powerswitch tail

Recommended Additions

  • Arduino
  • Ino (Command Line Arduino IDE)
  • Ethernet-Cable or Wifi-Adapter

Programming GPIO

Raspberry Pi +  Relays + Python  =  quick automation 
powerswitch tail

My Favorite Method: Python

Command Line Install
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install python-devsudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio

Basic Code

#!/usr/bin/env python
import timeimport RPi.GPIO as GPIO
while True: GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(2)

Websites && REsources

Local Hackerspaces
RockIT Colabs 
(support , sensors, and hardware)
Ace Monster Toys

Where to grab Raspberry Pi


Local Distributors
  • RockIt Colabs (602 Kearny St. San Francisco)
  • Jameco (1355 Shoreway Rd., Belmont) 

LightNing Talks:

Starting with "Robo-Freezer"

Raspberry Pi 

RAspberry Pie 


Also a demo of start-to-finish Raspberry Pi  Setup

Raspberry PI

By gskielian

Raspberry PI

  • 1,203