Project for the promotion of Videogame Industry in Mendoza
Guillermo Nuñez
our next 5 years plan
- +20 videogame studios on international markets
- +150 professionals working full-time
- +100 indirect professionals
- +1.5 million dollars of direct foreign investment
- Self-sustaining
Current state of the Videogame Industry in Mendoza
- Highly informal
- Very few studios actually exporting products
- Lots of studios with technical capacity to export
- 15 formal studios
- ~ 300 developers (active and non-active)
Units sold
Average videogame price on Steam: US$ 10
- 10000 full price units
- 20000 half-price units
- US$ 200000 in gross profits (3 years)
- 30% Steam cut
- US$ 65000 necessary investment
- US$ 10000 Development cost of an MVP + Concept Art + Sales folder
- An MVP requires 3 developers, final product requires 5, along with 6 outsourced jobs
US$ 200000
of investment fund required
US$ 200000
- 20 projects can develop their MVPs and get ready to find a publisher
- 4 of these projects find investment and publish, with an estimated the success rate of 20%
- 44 people hired by those 4 successful projects
- 48 professionals hired by non successful projects.
- US$ 25000 of return on investment (14% / 3)
- All of this on the 1st year
US$ 180000 + 25000
2nd year
- 20 projects
- 6 of these projects find investment and publish, success rate is now 30%
- 1 studio can continue without funding (25% of successful studios)
- 71 professionals hired by those 7 successful projects
- Return on investment of US$ 62000 (previous year and current)
5th year
- 28 projects
- 16 successful, success rate of 60%
- 7 studios without funding at this point
- 115 professionals hired by those 23 successful projects
- Return on investment of US$ 224000 (at this point, the initial State investment is surpassed )
US$ 120000 + 160000
Hired professionals
Ways to improve on this
- Minimum requirements (Eg: to have a previous release)
- Contests and training for those who do not meet the requirements (instead of giving them the investment directly)
- 3 annual windows
- Rotary Evaluation Committee
Ways to improve on this
- Open to investors that only spend if a publisher is found
- Compromise the State to provide a minimum of US$ 40000
- Constant training
- Mobility to international markets
Unlike great wine, great games can be made anywhere in the world.
There is no reason why the next blockbluster game can't come from creators in Mendoza. Games are global, and the size of Mendoza is not a limiting factor.
Jason Della Rocca "The Myth"
Proyecto de Fomento de la Industria del Videojuego en Mendoza - English Version
By Guillermo Nuñez
Proyecto de Fomento de la Industria del Videojuego en Mendoza - English Version
- 1,523