lm (Load Measure)
pronounciation: [el em]
- heavy
- complex configuration window
- xml config is hard to edit manually
- Be able to write source code but not suitable for using IDE
- No server-client distribution model
- Can't handover to non-programmer
Solution: lm
- Light
- Use hocon for config file
- Both cli & web (needs http knowledge but simple setting)
- Server-client model
- proxy record mode (low priority cuz SPA can't record correctly)
servers: {
default: "htttp://example.com"
executors : {
default: {
threads: 10,
rampUp: 10,
loop: 100
user-agents: {
default: "lm/1.0",
chrome77-mac: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3864.0 Safari/537.36"
actions {
main: {
// you can omit default parameters
// server: default
// executor: default
// cookies: on (send cookies received before)
// user-agent: default
// action <method> <url> [data]
GET /login
POST /login email=user1@example.com&password=123456
actions: {
main: {
server: "htttp://example.com",
paths: [
"GET /",
"GET /login",
"POST /login email=user1@example.com&password=123456"
//actions.map{a->a.collect}.reduce(Result.empty, {a,b -> a+b})
fun filter = a -> a.enabled
fun collect = a -> async { a.collect()} // TODO threads,rampUp
fun sum = a,b -> a+b
data class Results{
oprator fun plus()
data class Request(
val server
val method
val url
val headers
fun cookies: Cookies = headers["cookie"]
data class Response(
val time
val headers
val body
fun cookies = headers["set-cookie"]
run in Kotlin
config details
Q. Why Kotlin?
Stress tool must need resources.
R U crazy?
Will you die?
A. Hmm, good question.
I will try to compile as Kotlin-native.
I may rewrite in Rust someday.
lm: modern http stress tool
By hakaicode
lm: modern http stress tool
- 540